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Brasil Paralelo culpa brasileiros e antissionistas pelo wokismo
Brasil Paralelo culpa brasileiros e antissionistas pelo wokismo
October 15, 2024

Como é possível que o Brasil importe ideologias dos EUA, que tenha problemas iguais aos dos EUA, mas a causa principal seja a pessoa de Florestan Fernandes?

The Zionist lobby wins, but the U.S. loses
October 15, 2024

The deployment of American troops into the Middle East regional conflict shows how the pro-Israel lobby profoundly influences American foreign policy.

The Zionist lobby wins, but the U.S. loses
From Reset to World War: Will the WEF say farewell to “The Message”?
From Reset to World War: Will the WEF say farewell to “The Message”?
October 15, 2024

Whether through ideological soft power or financial manipulation, the core agenda remains intact, albeit masked in new forms.

The allusion and delusion of Israel’s military plans
October 14, 2024

Jeremy Loffredo’ arrest gives a glimpse into just how the hundreds of western journalists in Israel are complicit in Israel’s fake news operation.

The allusion and delusion of Israel’s military plans
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Ben Wallace’s bizarre op-ed about Russia “coming for us” can be better understood as an admission of Britain’s guilt and not simply another absurd Russophobic rant.
Andrei Martyanov has carved for himself a unique, haloed place when it comes to deep critical thinking of all matters of war and peace.
The first meeting of security experts/National Security Advisors under the expanded BRICS+ format in St. Petersburg unveiled quite a few nuggets.
Joaquin Flores writes about the weak case of the USA vs Kalashnikov and Afanasyeva
From Trump to Crash Test Dummy, Hegemon’s “policies” have managed quite a feat.
Kiev’s forces violated Belarussian sovereign airspace during recent Kursk invasion.
Both the Axis of Resistance and Christian Orthodox Russia need to step up the game. Radically.
If the Deep State cannot influence the outcome of the November elections, they can find Six Ways from Sunday to cancel it.
The Big Picture remains: the future of the “rules-based international order” is being decided in the black soil of Novorossiya.
Despite the public waking up to the moral bankruptcy of Western leaders, they’re still woefully unaware of the depth of the depravity of the agendas of the powerful.