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“The U.S. military is being forced into Lebanon by Israel.” Interview with Dr. Hadi Dalloul
“The U.S. military is being forced into Lebanon by Israel.” Interview with Dr. Hadi Dalloul
August 15, 2024

Journalist Steven Sahiounie interviews Dr. Hadi Issa Dalloul, International Law and Nuclear Physics Consultant.

VIDEO: UK riots are chickens coming home to roost for criminal British foreign policy in the Middle East
August 9, 2024

Former British Ambassador to the Middle East Peter Ford explains how the criminal wars under successive British governments are directly responsible for the riots and current mayhem.

VIDEO: UK riots are chickens coming home to roost for criminal British foreign policy in the Middle East
“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
“If Israel attacks Lebanon, most Christians will support Hezbollah.” Interview with Rawad Daher
July 9, 2024

In an effort to understand this newest threat to the Lebanese people, Steven Sahiounie interviewed Rawad Daher, a well-known Lebanese journalist.

“Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state in Syria” interview with Dr. Nidal Kabalan
June 13, 2024

Steven Sahiounie interviews Dr. Nidal Kabalan, journalist, political analyst, and former Syrian Ambassador to Turkey.

“Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran unite to refuse a Kurdish state in Syria” interview with Dr. Nidal Kabalan
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VIDEO: The United States and Israel Are Blowing Up the Mideast to Conceal Their Disastrous Defeat in Gaza
VIDEO: The United States and Israel Are Blowing Up the Mideast to Conceal Their Disastrous Defeat in Gaza
January 25, 2024

The longer this horror goes on, the worse it will get for Washington and its Israeli client state.

America Needs Regime Change… Robert Kennedy Jr. Dices With Death by Running for the Presidency
September 28, 2023

Author and writer John Rachel warns in this interview that the United States needs to undergo regime change if the country is to have any chance of restoring its democracy.

America Needs Regime Change… Robert Kennedy Jr. Dices With Death by Running for the Presidency
Is the United States Targeting Russia’s Vladimir Putin for Assassination?
Is the United States Targeting Russia’s Vladimir Putin for Assassination?
September 25, 2023

Ron Ridenour, an international journalist who has reported extensively on CIA murder operations, believes the United States is stepping up efforts to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A Compassionate Spy… How an American Spy for the Soviets Saved the World From an Atomic Holocaust
June 19, 2023

Dave Lindorff’s film, A Compassionate Spy, explains much of why the world is facing an abysmal situation today.

A Compassionate Spy… How an American Spy for the Soviets Saved the World From an Atomic Holocaust