The world is on a precipice. The truth is only Russia and China’s formidable firepower is keeping the peace in the face of criminal U.S. aggression.
This is what lies behind the German elections, Hugo Dionísio writes.
Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.
Whether the coalition government last that long is a question many Germans are anxiously pondering today.
In 1967 the Herostratic regime of Albania made a huge name for itself by completely banning religion and boasting that it had become the first atheist country in the world.
At a time when the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia has entered a disastrous phase of defeat, the Western elite must shut down all and every critical media.
Each and every one of those Czech grandmothers in Pavel’s crosshairs is infinitely more honourable than Pavel will ever be, and each and every one of them has a far better understanding of Bohemia’s history.
Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.