In the absence of a genuine center-left, these discontented masses are turning to far-right figures and parties as a solution.
It is likely that the farce of the ICJ and the parody of international law it assumes to champion will soon end.
Developments in Armenia carry significant clues about the future of the broader region.
Unless convincing evidence of foreign interference emerges coincidental similarities with classical colour revolution methods should not be given excessive credence.
It seems increasingly clear to military analysts that the United States is no longer the same military power it once was.
By adding to their challenges in his bid to strike a pyrrhic blow against Russia, Zelensky may find even bigger obstacles erected against Ukraine’s bid to join the western club.
What is at stake is nothing more than the struggle between rentier, financialized capitalism and the brutal gains it makes for an increasingly wealthy and small handful, who need a world with no limitations other than those imposed by themselves.
Is it possible that Baerbock is so stupid and ignorant that she doesn’t even know her own government’s bloody past in Syria?