Middle East

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How technology is accelerating the global proletarian revolution
How technology is accelerating the global proletarian revolution
July 25, 2024

The objective conditions for the liberation of human beings already exist in most countries, it is only a matter of time before the subjective conditions for this are fully developed, Eduardo Vasco believes.

The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
July 24, 2024

Russia is beginning to be seriously affected by the processes taking place in the Middle East and higher up in the Pacific region.

The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
Netanyahu will prolong the war on Gaza until Trump takes office
Netanyahu will prolong the war on Gaza until Trump takes office
July 23, 2024

Biden’s blind support of Israel has angered many Americans, including the staff of the White House and U.S. State Department.

Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
July 22, 2024

A year after the start of the war, Yemen continues to cause significant damage to Israel and its allies in the Middle East

Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
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Command, control and coordination against Hezbollah in the battle for South Lebanon
Command, control and coordination against Hezbollah in the battle for South Lebanon
July 18, 2024

The looming war between Israel and its allies with Hezbollah and its allies for South Lebanon resembles the prelude to the Great War of 1914-1918.

Canadian journalist survives Israeli assassination attempt
July 15, 2024

Canadian citizen and journalist, Laith Marouf, along with Hadi Hotait, were reporting for Free Palestine TV (FPTV) in the south of Lebanon, when the Israeli military attempted to assassinate them.

Canadian journalist survives Israeli assassination attempt
Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
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Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
July 13, 2024

Russia acts as the needle of the scales for military control of the region and this is essential to maintain a balance between the powers present and those further afield.

U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran
July 11, 2024

The days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide and rule are over because they have discredited themselves irreparably.

U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran