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Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
July 25, 2024

Spain’s Reconquista is one of the most pivotal events in world history and St James, along with King Alfonso, Charlemagne, el Cid and all their followers can be proud of the role they played in it.

“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
July 17, 2024

Hubris is an impressive poison, capable of making the government of the most powerful nation in the world hand over its resources to a bunch of drug addicts.

“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
This summer’s Paris Olympics risks descending into a French farce
This summer’s Paris Olympics risks descending into a French farce
July 10, 2024

Circuses like the Olympics and the World Cup are, in essence, intangible brands that muscle gullible Third World countries like France, Brazil and South Africa to pay fortunes to host their jamborees.

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
June 26, 2024

What are Russians to do, when bums like Lebrecht are bad mouthing them to any and all venues that will platform them?

Russian culture sits safely on the shoulders of our gentle giants
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Will Coca-Cola’ global empire take a hit – in Russia?
Will Coca-Cola’ global empire take a hit – in Russia?
June 22, 2024

Coca Cola and Starbucks have to be pragmatic not only regarding Russia itself, but to what their exclusion from the Russian market might lead to in their other core markets.

On controlling the past…
June 17, 2024

Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact.

On controlling the past…
Welcome to BRICS TV
Welcome to BRICS TV
June 16, 2024

BRICS TV offers tangible hope that salvation might yet be at hand, as those Chinese schoolkids and Russian ballerinas set their gazes on kitchens and cultures new, novel and exciting. Do yourself a favour and check it out.

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
June 2, 2024

In Mill’s philosophy, the home is turned into a field of the war of all against all, in which the children themselves constitute a threat.

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery