
Finian Cunningham

Former editor and writer for major news media organizations. He has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages

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July 23, 2024
The deep state bet the farm on taking Trump out, now what?

Getting rid of Donald Trump using a set-up lone assassin on July 13 would have tipped the presidential race in favor of Joe Biden. But it didn’t work out.

July 11, 2024
U.S. divide and rule no more… Washington’s Gulf allies embrace Iran

The days of Washington and its Western minions playing divide and rule are over because they have discredited themselves irreparably.

July 4, 2024
Is stopping World War Three the Donald’s ‘trump card’ for winning the White House?

The Donald’s “trump card” for peace in Ukraine is another worthless deuce, Finian Cunningham writes.

June 29, 2024
Indian leader is not American ‘Modi operandi’ and that’s a problem for Washington

Expect more arm-twisting from Washington on the Indian leader to get with the Cold War modus operandi.

June 27, 2024
NATO stuck in a Rutte with new boss Teflon Mark

His job is to bring Europe to its knees despite the obvious disaster that the U.S.-led NATO is inflicting on Europe.

June 25, 2024
VIDEO: Myanmar’s civil war… will the U.S. escalate a proxy war against China?

The civil war in Myanmar is set to become a lot more bloody and chaotic – if the United States follows through on plans to massively intervene in this conflict.

June 19, 2024
Scandal at Trump-backer Epoch Times… Biden and U.S. establishment getting desperate over election?

Digging up dirt using a money-laundering scandal makes perfect sense. Muzzling a pro-Trump media outlet is a bonus too.

June 18, 2024
Detengan a esos locos belicistas de la OTAN

Es increíble, el mundo está siendo empujado hacia el abismo de la guerra nuclear por la mediocridad de estúpidos sujetos occidentales que ni siquiera han sido elegidos.

June 15, 2024
Why Modi’s India is suddenly getting Washington’s cold shoulder

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could be forgiven for thinking the United States has a schizoid view of his government and the world’s most populous country.

June 12, 2024
VIDEO: Biden and other Western leaders could face war crimes prosecution over Gaza and Ukraine

US President Joe Biden and European leaders are liable for war crimes in Gaza and Ukraine and could face prosecution. That’s the assessment of internationally renowned legal expert Alfred de Zayas and a collective of jurists at the Geneva International Research Peace Institute.
