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The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
The Heartland Southern Strategy: An overview of objectives and priorities
July 24, 2024

Russia is beginning to be seriously affected by the processes taking place in the Middle East and higher up in the Pacific region.

China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
July 24, 2024

The 21st century is shaping up to be the Asian, Eurasian, Chinese century.

China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
The SCO can change the rules of Rimland
The SCO can change the rules of Rimland
July 18, 2024

The so called “rules-based order” is changing and there is someone doing some rock ‘n roll with it.

Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity
July 14, 2024

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity
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U.S. pressure against China and Indonesia: The details behind the dismantling of the Brazilian defense industry
U.S. pressure against China and Indonesia: The details behind the dismantling of the Brazilian defense industry
July 9, 2024

The intention to sabotage the defense industrial triangle between Brazil, China and Indonesia would be behind the release of credit for Australia to buy Avibras.

The Big Picture behind Viktor The Mediator’s peace shuttle
July 9, 2024

The Big Picture remains: the future of the “rules-based international order” is being decided in the black soil of Novorossiya.

The Big Picture behind Viktor The Mediator’s peace shuttle
BRICS grains exchange: Its time will come
BRICS grains exchange: Its time will come
July 6, 2024

All that needs to be done is to help the markets take their course, for the Russian authorities to ensure that Russian produce reach their points of departure.

The West – indubitably – has lost Russia, and is losing Eurasia too
July 1, 2024

Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project?

The West – indubitably – has lost Russia, and is losing Eurasia too