Japan, China, Indonesia and the other major players in Asia’s oceans should pull their horns in and work to solve common problems rather than making more problems for India
Though Trump may not make America great again, he will go a very long way in retaining America’s role as the world’s top thug.
Donald Trump takes the path of trade war by attacking the BRICS currency, but the rules of the international game are no longer those dictated by the United States.
Russia must be Asia’s peacemaker unless, of course, both China and India wish to impale themselves to make America great again
La storia dell’egemonia finanziaria degli Stati Uniti e le recenti tendenze al suo indebolimento a causa delle azioni della Cina.
The microchip war continues and may soon take a new direction. Many of the geopolitically significant events of 20225 and beyond will depend on it.
Are the BRIC states – Brazil, Russia, India and China – more conservative than Western countries?
With its space programs, the Red Dragon stands as one of the most important competitors on the global stage.