Western ‘democracy’ is like a vampire. It sucked the blood of too many people for too many years with impunity under the cloak of being virtuous.
As Russia revamps the role of Zeus, China is busy revamping the role of Hermes.
The “international order based on rules is not written, it is not possible to find it in any document or treaty, it is the result of the casuistic interpretation of facts often created artificially.
Taiwan is a line that cannot be crossed. China is gently repeating this to the American bully, but if things do not change, the motherland will not be afraid to attack to defend its child.
The G20 is a bankrupt organization with no future, Eduardo Vasco writes.
Africa now essentially needs political will to fight infrastructural problems, a human capital deficit and an institutional deficit.
The fierce defense of eternal submission to the United States cannot be just an ideological passion.
Local sources report that Washington intends to change the Vietnamese political regime to generate political pressure in Asia.