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On controlling the past…
On controlling the past…
June 17, 2024

Artificial intelligence has rightfully become the subject of great controversy, even though it is still early to fully assess its impact.

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
June 2, 2024

In Mill’s philosophy, the home is turned into a field of the war of all against all, in which the children themselves constitute a threat.

How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
John Stuart Mill’s repressive and eugenic state
John Stuart Mill’s repressive and eugenic state
May 29, 2024

The debate over the size of the state uses to be ushered by economic liberals. The state, they say, must be minimal and effective, but our state is giant and swollen.

Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
May 10, 2024

Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in the United States and across Europe, are united with Russia in properly honoring Victory Day.

Victory Day remembrance, why the Western elites want to forget
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What and when is Victory in Europe Day?
What and when is Victory in Europe Day?
May 6, 2024

It is a tragedy that Europeans will not leave little Russian children alone to play with their dolls and put the smiles of peace and not the tears from war, on the faces of their elders.

The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
April 30, 2024

If it were not for imperialist intervention, the North Korean government would have taken the revolution to the south and liberated the entire nation, Eduardo Vasco writes.

The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
Liberation of Korea: From democratic revolution to socialist revolution
Liberation of Korea: From democratic revolution to socialist revolution
April 28, 2024

Eduardo Vasco explains how North Korea experienced the beginning of its national-democratic revolution.

Death in their orange groves: Palestine’s European Christians
April 27, 2024

The Templers were one of those important but all too often overlooked historical footnotes that are wrongly glossed over.

Death in their orange groves: Palestine’s European Christians