
Hugo Dionísio

Hugo Dionísio is a Lawyer, researcher and geopolitics’ analyst. He is the owner of Blog and co-founder of MultipolarTv, a Youtube Channel targeted to geopolitical analysis. He develops activity as Human Rights and Social rights activist as board member of the Portuguese Democratic Lawyers Association. He is also a researcher at the Portuguese Workers Trade Union Confederation (CGTP-IN).

all articles

July 26, 2024
Von der Leyen’s legacy

A European Union that has not only given up, but is using its own people. This is the legacy of Ursula von der Leyen and all those who support her.

July 25, 2024
O legado de von der Leyen

Uma União Europeia que não apenas desistiu, como usa os seus próprios povos. Eis o legado de Ursula von der Leyen e de todos os que a apoiam.

July 11, 2024
Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center”!

By crystallizing into a monolithic, increasingly obsolete center, liberal “democracy” announces its death, Hugo Dionísio writes.

July 9, 2024
A crescente obsolescência do “centro” político ocidental!

As últimas semanas constituem um capítulo profundamente esclarecedor, quanto às razões explicativas da crise da apelidada “democracia liberal” e dos problemas profundos que afectam o ocidente e a União Europeia, em particular.

June 29, 2024
Ucrânia: os EUA iniciam o conflito e encarregam a Europa de o alimentar

Ainda pagaremos para assistir à nossa própria morte. É este o fardo que os EUA fizeram impender sobre toda a Europa. Cabe aos Europeus afastá-lo o quanto antes.

June 28, 2024
Ukraine: the U.S. starts the conflict and tasks Europe with fueling it

We still pay to watch our own death. This is the burden that the USA has placed on all of Europe. It is up to the Europeans to remove it as soon as possible.

June 15, 2024
Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

When we are told to put on our helmets and pick up our machine guns, perhaps we will remember that peace is the greatest good that civilization can guarantee us.

June 13, 2024
Zelensky monta a armadilha que ameaça destruir-nos

Para financiar o esforço de guerra, o ilegítimo Zelensky, que actualmente usurpa o lugar de presidente, prepara-se para vender o que ainda lhe resta.

June 7, 2024
European Union: From peace to bellicosity

Belonging to the European Union begins to resemble those dreams that delight us while we sleep, but when we wake up, we realize that they are just that, dreams.

June 6, 2024
União Europeia: da paz para o belicismo

Pertencer à União Europeia começa a parecer-se com aqueles sonhos que nos deliciam durante o sono, mas que, ao acordar, constatamos que não passam disso mesmo, de sonhos.
