Hugo Dionísio
Hugo Dionísio is a Lawyer, researcher and geopolitics’ analyst. He is the owner of Blog and co-founder of MultipolarTv, a Youtube Channel targeted to geopolitical analysis. He develops activity as Human Rights and Social rights activist as board member of the Portuguese Democratic Lawyers Association. He is also a researcher at the Portuguese Workers Trade Union Confederation (CGTP-IN).
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It is always the repressor who decides the reason for the repression. Always.
É sempre o repressor quem decide o motivo da repressão. Sempre.
Os EUA encarregaram-se de garantir que, por via de Bruxelas, a Europa continuará na sua mão. O Relatório Draghi nada mudará quanto a isso!
The U.S. has made sure that, via Brussels, Europe remains in its hands. The Draghi Report will change nothing about that!
Neoliberalismo: a antecâmara do fascismo! Eis o que se esconde por detrás das eleições alemãs.
This is what lies behind the German elections, Hugo Dionísio writes.
No caso de nos parecer que a Rússia – e China – puxam mais do que os outros… Não teremos boas notícias para o mundo multipolar.
Without a strong, cohesive and harmonious BRICS bloc, an organized, peaceful and cooperative multipolar world will be threatened.
Zelensky mandou bombardear a central nuclear Energodar NPP de Zaporozhye e ameaçar a central de Kursk, pois a sua saúde – literal – depende de arrastar a Rússia para um conflito duradouro e em larga escala.
Zelensky is ordering the bombing of the Zaporozhye NPP and threatening the Kursk nuclear plant, because his health – literally – depends on dragging Russia into a long-lasting, large-scale conflict.