Declan Hayes
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Fascist Italy is a much more appropriate metric by which to gauge today’s creaking NATO empire than were either Germany or Japan.
The death knell of NATO’s mercenaries in Kursk can be traced, via Hollywood’s Blood Diamond movie, all the way back to Rhodesia’s Bush War.
Genghis Khan would have had General Olexsandr Syrski, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, skinned alive because of the monumental blunder that is his Kursk intrusion.
If big things have small beginnings, then there are two wee things in Australia we’d best keep our weather eye on.
Each and every one of those Czech grandmothers in Pavel’s crosshairs is infinitely more honourable than Pavel will ever be, and each and every one of them has a far better understanding of Bohemia’s history.
Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.
Even though genocide rapper Simon Bikindi, Rwanda’s Michael Jackson as he was dubbed, was very equivocal with his lyrics, his war crimes’ conviction is very relevant to what NATO’s hypocritical hate speech advocates are getting up to today.
The Japanese should put their morbid haikus about death and dying to one side and figure out how to get rid of all the Yanks still infesting their home islands.
Thailand and Bangladesh are the latest pawns in NATO’s attempt to checkmate China
Much as how NATO deployed its vast array of soft and hard power weapons against Russia, so also does this article consider what can be done to bring Israel either into the civilised world or to its senses.