
Declan Hayes

all articles

July 25, 2024
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle

Spain’s Reconquista is one of the most pivotal events in world history and St James, along with King Alfonso, Charlemagne, el Cid and all their followers can be proud of the role they played in it.

July 22, 2024
Ireland wages war on the Irish

Ursula von der Leyen has ordered Ireland’s destruction and those, who help her control the country from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction.

July 20, 2024
The French Connection: How the CIA recruits its assassins

Though Vichy France gives us a good insight into how the CIA operates, the Bible is likewise helpful.

July 18, 2024
Command, control and coordination against Hezbollah in the battle for South Lebanon

The looming war between Israel and its allies with Hezbollah and its allies for South Lebanon resembles the prelude to the Great War of 1914-1918.

July 16, 2024
Little Luxembourg’s lemmings lead NATO’s legions against Russia

Luxembourg’s historical relevance is that, because France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany have all fought over the centuries to control their tiny neighbour, Luxembourg has often bled profusely as a result.

July 14, 2024
Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

July 12, 2024
Israel wins the French and British general elections

As the French, along with their old British sparring partners, dust themselves down from these latest elections, they should give consideration to what flag they wish to serve and who best to give their loyalty to.

July 10, 2024
This summer’s Paris Olympics risks descending into a French farce

Circuses like the Olympics and the World Cup are, in essence, intangible brands that muscle gullible Third World countries like France, Brazil and South Africa to pay fortunes to host their jamborees.

July 8, 2024
The past is a different country: we do things differently there

No matter who wins the plethora of NATO’s pending elections and no matter who gets to occupy the White House in 2025, NATO’s killing machine will continue to murder the innocent.

July 6, 2024
BRICS grains exchange: Its time will come

All that needs to be done is to help the markets take their course, for the Russian authorities to ensure that Russian produce reach their points of departure.
