Declan Hayes
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With Panama and Greenland firmly under the star-spangled jackboot, it will be the turn of Canada to pay the price for burning the White House in 1812.
The Sinn Féin knuckledraggers launched an online campaign against Keane’s wife, a former catwalk model, who has proved herself well able to put these thugs in their place.
Se la NATO non vuole negoziare in buona fede con la Russia, allora le opzioni della Russia sono necessariamente limitate a metodi più schietti per risolvere la questione ucraina.
It is time to give the CIA’s Ukrainian Nazis and the gangsters like Zelensky and Joe and Hunter Biden who feed off them the order of the boot.
If NATO does not wish to negotiate in good faith with Russia, then Russia’s options are necessarily limited to more forthright methods of solving the Ukrainian question.
Although NATO’s entitled Philistines might feel like scoffing at the Chinese and the Hungarians over their attempts to scale Everest, the laugh is very much on them.
There can be no talk of letting the (oxymoron of) British justice take its course or of “learning from our mistakes”.
As things currently stand, NATO’s Syrian satrapy is working like a charm, Declan Hayes writes. Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: It seems I got it wrong. Zenobia, Syria’s ancient Queen, who defied the Romans, never existed. She […]
Although peace with justice might seem like an unachievable dream, all things are possible to those who believe.
Chi sono gli avversari degli uni e degli altri a Gaza, dopotutto? È tutto molto confuso.