Recent investigations reveal deep ties between anti-Maduro dissidents and the American Deep State.
Musk, much like Hitler’s rocketmen before him, is aiming for a project that is far beyond his financial and other limitations.
Ostensibly, it is not in Europe’s interest to mount a concerted resistance against the U.S. President over a failed war.
Prior to the U.S. election Trump did say that one of his strategies to stopping the war was to increase the arms sale to Ukraine.
Our archetypal case study are the Macrons, the French power couple situated at the apex of their country’s political pyramid.
President Trump has advanced a new policy proposition that engagement and dialogue is vital if we are to bring an end to the fighting.
The Europeans are covering their desire for continuing the proxy war with a belated apparent concern for making peace and backing Trump’s diplomacy.
Trump’s team encompasses a variety of perspectives on how to assert U.S. leverage in the competition with China.