Martin Jay
Martin Jay is an award-winning British journalist based in Morocco where he is a correspondent for The Daily Mail (UK) who previously reported on the Arab Spring there for CNN, as well as Euronews. From 2012 to 2019 he was based in Beirut where he worked for a number of international media titles including BBC, Al Jazeera, RT, DW, as well as reporting on a freelance basis for the UK’s Daily Mail, The Sunday Times plus TRT World. His career has led him to work in almost 50 countries in Africa, The Middle East and Europe for a host of major media titles. He has lived and worked in Morocco, Belgium, Kenya and Lebanon.
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It is likely that the farce of the ICJ and the parody of international law it assumes to champion will soon end.
Is it possible that Baerbock is so stupid and ignorant that she doesn’t even know her own government’s bloody past in Syria?
Reagan blamed Libyan “mad dog” leader Ghadaffi knowing full well that it was Iran who carried Lockerbie out, Martin Jay argues.
Trump should tackle the media sanctions against Russia as soon as he gets into the Oval office as they were part of a swamp of corruption which dragged us into the Ukraine war in the first place.
Los soldados del régimen sirio y los políticos británicos, todos ellos tienen su precio.
Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?
I media occidentali non saranno più in grado di ignorare il fatto che il West bankrolls i terroristi più raccapriccianti e orribili del mondo.
How is it possible that the western-supported jihadists in control of Damascus have a chief who is on a wanted list in the U.S. for being a terrorist?
Western media will no longer be able to ignore the fact that the West bankrolls the most gruesome, horrific terrorists in the world.
Bob Geldof and his charity have been doing a great job all these years in helping the poor in Africa. Not quite. They’ve both been doing an even better job in being a cover up for who were really responsible for the Ethiopian famine.