Declan Hayes
January 30, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news, which the legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

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Neither SCF columnist Sonja van den Ende nor awakening wonder Russell Brand are members of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative, which MI6’s BBC informs us was set up by British Intelligence to fight their self declared fake news they say the likes of van den Ende and Brand personify worldwide. As “The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan”, it dominates the global informational space but, sadly, van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news these legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

If we search for van den Ende on the SCF’s site, we get, in my opinion at least, a small number of articles with much higher information to noise ratios than we would in comparable BBC searches. To phrase that differently, her articles on the Ukrainian regime torturing women, on Nazis in Canada and Britain and on ISIS have more solid information in them than do any comparable pieces members of the Trusted News Initiative spew out.

Not only is van den Ende, in my opinion at least, worth reading but that is an opinion I share with the Dutch Domestic Security Service (BVD) and similar groups who fight the good fight against truth and Dutch farmers, just as in previous decades, they fought Jewish survivors of the Nazis’ death camps. Just in case you missed that last part, in days gone by, the BVD spied on Dutch Jews, who survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps, considering them, like van den Ende and her Dutch farming chums, potential threats to their status quo.

One BVD memo describing a 1965 Auschwitz commemoration lists the names of Jewish attendees, alongside the comment “Many Israelites among those present.” One of the sins of those Israelites was to highlight the collusion between the Dutch and Nazi authorities, both of whom seemed happy enough to see Dutch “Israelites” shipped off on one way tickets to Nazi death camps.

Although none of that is to suggest that van den Ende or Alina Lipp, whom we previously met, is in imminent danger of being railroaded off to a Nazi death camp, Big Brother is keeping tabs on them, just as they kept tabs on the Dutch Israelites of former times.

Robert van der Noordaa and several other “researchers” boast about how they keep tabs for Anne Applebaum, Peter Pomerantsev and similar assets on van den Ende and other Dutch dissidents they suspect of “spreading disinformation” through “Russian and pro-Russian organisations in the Netherlands (and abroad)”.

Van den Ende is of particular interest as “she writes a readers column in the Dutch Metro (15th of May 2015). The article is about the Odessa disaster where 48 people died in a fire” and it seems that van den Ende may have been subsidised by “Putin apologists” to go there.

More worrying is that van den Ende seems to be in cahoots with German-based Oleg Muzyca, who is “one of the active anti-Maidan participants in the disturbances on May 2, 2014 and as one of the chief propagandists of the ‘Odesa massacre’ lies. He was taken from the roof of the Trade Union building after the fire and arrested. While clearly any charges against him would need to be proven, it is worth noting that anti-Maidan activists positioned on the roof were shooting and hurling Molotov cocktails at pro-Ukrainian activists, including those who were desperately trying to rescue people caught by the fire. He was released after anti-Maidan activists stormed the police station where he was held on May 4. He fled to Germany and has been there since, except when he goes travelling around”.

Just in case you did not catch all of that, van der Noordaa is claiming that the Odessa trade unionists immolated themselves, that the Nazis who filmed themselves burning the trade unionists to death were trying to save them and that van den Ende and her chums are an integral part of blackening the good name of Ukraine’s Nazis, for whom mass murder of the innocent is all in a day’s work.

Before moving on to Brand, let’s just say that, on the evidence at least, van den Ende, Lipp and their chums seem to be literally on the side of the (censored) angels and van der Noordaa and similar Trusted News Initiative creeps paid to keep tabs on them are working for the dregs of the West’s intelligence agencies.

Although I have previously written with gritted teeth about Brand, I am slowly and cautiously warming to him because his over-arching theses on the Trusted News Initiative and much more, such as his take on the recent Dublin riots, give us excellent templates to evaluate those matters, something that is beyond the abilities of the Trusted News Initiative and those who collaborate with it.

At the top of their intelligence network, we have the likes of the BBC’s Jessica Cecil, who reports directly to the European Command Staff of the Rand Corporation, which has always been an integral part of American military intelligence.

Down in the sewers of this army of degenerate spinmeisters, we have the real dregs, BBC presenters like Victoria Derbyshire, who continually insists that Dr Hanan Ashrawi, the renowned veteran Palestinian Christian politician, unequivocally condemn all her fellow Palestinians before she opens her mouth.

Here is a typical BBC non-story alleging fake Russian news, misinformation or whatever, spread through TikTok saying that Zelensky’s corrupt buddies bought mansions in Madrid with their ill gotten gains. And here is some further BBC rubbish debunking “Russian misinformation” about a couple of Zelensky cronies buying a couple of luxury yachts in the States as part of a devious Russian plan to “influence U.S. debate over Ukraine aid”.

The first really newsworthy thing to note is that the resumes of Olga Robinson, former “student ambassador” Shayan Sardarizadeh and Mike Wendling, the three BBC hacks who wrote this garbage, could hardly be weaker or, given their Iranian and American backgrounds, dodgier.

The next thing to note is that, as Ukraine is the world’s gold medallist in corruption, alleging corruption there is as much a non-story as is alleging that water is wet. But the point is that is all the BBC is capable of. Sure, their cricket commentaries are first class but, when it comes to politics, their monkeys rally around the flag and chatter out whatever they are told to chatter out. Even their sports commentators must display the assigned political messages or they will end up like Matt Le Tissier, sacked for daring to have minds of their own.

Because Sonja van den Ende has a mind of her own, she will never get a job at the BBC or any other MI6 outlet, where dogged devotion to King, country and threadbare Trusted News narrative is the order of the day. However, like Matt Le Tissier and Russell Brand, she will survive and with a much lighter and clearer conscience than the pathetic stormtroopers of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative and, at day’s end, standing with the angels of Donbass, Syria and Gaza brings its own wonderful rewards, pearls the swine who inhabit the Trusted News Initiative’s pig sties can never even begin to appreciate, never mind have a chance of owning.

Dutch Courage: Sonja van den Ende, Russell Brand & NATO’s Disinformation Wars

Van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news, which the legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

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Neither SCF columnist Sonja van den Ende nor awakening wonder Russell Brand are members of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative, which MI6’s BBC informs us was set up by British Intelligence to fight their self declared fake news they say the likes of van den Ende and Brand personify worldwide. As “The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan”, it dominates the global informational space but, sadly, van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news these legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

If we search for van den Ende on the SCF’s site, we get, in my opinion at least, a small number of articles with much higher information to noise ratios than we would in comparable BBC searches. To phrase that differently, her articles on the Ukrainian regime torturing women, on Nazis in Canada and Britain and on ISIS have more solid information in them than do any comparable pieces members of the Trusted News Initiative spew out.

Not only is van den Ende, in my opinion at least, worth reading but that is an opinion I share with the Dutch Domestic Security Service (BVD) and similar groups who fight the good fight against truth and Dutch farmers, just as in previous decades, they fought Jewish survivors of the Nazis’ death camps. Just in case you missed that last part, in days gone by, the BVD spied on Dutch Jews, who survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps, considering them, like van den Ende and her Dutch farming chums, potential threats to their status quo.

One BVD memo describing a 1965 Auschwitz commemoration lists the names of Jewish attendees, alongside the comment “Many Israelites among those present.” One of the sins of those Israelites was to highlight the collusion between the Dutch and Nazi authorities, both of whom seemed happy enough to see Dutch “Israelites” shipped off on one way tickets to Nazi death camps.

Although none of that is to suggest that van den Ende or Alina Lipp, whom we previously met, is in imminent danger of being railroaded off to a Nazi death camp, Big Brother is keeping tabs on them, just as they kept tabs on the Dutch Israelites of former times.

Robert van der Noordaa and several other “researchers” boast about how they keep tabs for Anne Applebaum, Peter Pomerantsev and similar assets on van den Ende and other Dutch dissidents they suspect of “spreading disinformation” through “Russian and pro-Russian organisations in the Netherlands (and abroad)”.

Van den Ende is of particular interest as “she writes a readers column in the Dutch Metro (15th of May 2015). The article is about the Odessa disaster where 48 people died in a fire” and it seems that van den Ende may have been subsidised by “Putin apologists” to go there.

More worrying is that van den Ende seems to be in cahoots with German-based Oleg Muzyca, who is “one of the active anti-Maidan participants in the disturbances on May 2, 2014 and as one of the chief propagandists of the ‘Odesa massacre’ lies. He was taken from the roof of the Trade Union building after the fire and arrested. While clearly any charges against him would need to be proven, it is worth noting that anti-Maidan activists positioned on the roof were shooting and hurling Molotov cocktails at pro-Ukrainian activists, including those who were desperately trying to rescue people caught by the fire. He was released after anti-Maidan activists stormed the police station where he was held on May 4. He fled to Germany and has been there since, except when he goes travelling around”.

Just in case you did not catch all of that, van der Noordaa is claiming that the Odessa trade unionists immolated themselves, that the Nazis who filmed themselves burning the trade unionists to death were trying to save them and that van den Ende and her chums are an integral part of blackening the good name of Ukraine’s Nazis, for whom mass murder of the innocent is all in a day’s work.

Before moving on to Brand, let’s just say that, on the evidence at least, van den Ende, Lipp and their chums seem to be literally on the side of the (censored) angels and van der Noordaa and similar Trusted News Initiative creeps paid to keep tabs on them are working for the dregs of the West’s intelligence agencies.

Although I have previously written with gritted teeth about Brand, I am slowly and cautiously warming to him because his over-arching theses on the Trusted News Initiative and much more, such as his take on the recent Dublin riots, give us excellent templates to evaluate those matters, something that is beyond the abilities of the Trusted News Initiative and those who collaborate with it.

At the top of their intelligence network, we have the likes of the BBC’s Jessica Cecil, who reports directly to the European Command Staff of the Rand Corporation, which has always been an integral part of American military intelligence.

Down in the sewers of this army of degenerate spinmeisters, we have the real dregs, BBC presenters like Victoria Derbyshire, who continually insists that Dr Hanan Ashrawi, the renowned veteran Palestinian Christian politician, unequivocally condemn all her fellow Palestinians before she opens her mouth.

Here is a typical BBC non-story alleging fake Russian news, misinformation or whatever, spread through TikTok saying that Zelensky’s corrupt buddies bought mansions in Madrid with their ill gotten gains. And here is some further BBC rubbish debunking “Russian misinformation” about a couple of Zelensky cronies buying a couple of luxury yachts in the States as part of a devious Russian plan to “influence U.S. debate over Ukraine aid”.

The first really newsworthy thing to note is that the resumes of Olga Robinson, former “student ambassador” Shayan Sardarizadeh and Mike Wendling, the three BBC hacks who wrote this garbage, could hardly be weaker or, given their Iranian and American backgrounds, dodgier.

The next thing to note is that, as Ukraine is the world’s gold medallist in corruption, alleging corruption there is as much a non-story as is alleging that water is wet. But the point is that is all the BBC is capable of. Sure, their cricket commentaries are first class but, when it comes to politics, their monkeys rally around the flag and chatter out whatever they are told to chatter out. Even their sports commentators must display the assigned political messages or they will end up like Matt Le Tissier, sacked for daring to have minds of their own.

Because Sonja van den Ende has a mind of her own, she will never get a job at the BBC or any other MI6 outlet, where dogged devotion to King, country and threadbare Trusted News narrative is the order of the day. However, like Matt Le Tissier and Russell Brand, she will survive and with a much lighter and clearer conscience than the pathetic stormtroopers of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative and, at day’s end, standing with the angels of Donbass, Syria and Gaza brings its own wonderful rewards, pearls the swine who inhabit the Trusted News Initiative’s pig sties can never even begin to appreciate, never mind have a chance of owning.

Van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news, which the legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

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Neither SCF columnist Sonja van den Ende nor awakening wonder Russell Brand are members of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative, which MI6’s BBC informs us was set up by British Intelligence to fight their self declared fake news they say the likes of van den Ende and Brand personify worldwide. As “The Trusted News Initiative is a partnership, founded by the BBC, that includes organisations from around the globe including; AP, AFP, BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Financial Times, Information Futures Lab, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, The Nation Media Group, Meta, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, Kompas – Indonesia, Dawn – Pakistan, Indian Express, NDTV – India, ABC – Australia, SBS – Australia, NHK – Japan”, it dominates the global informational space but, sadly, van den Ende and Brand do not make the cut as they manufacture the real news these legions of BBC hacks are paid to discredit.

If we search for van den Ende on the SCF’s site, we get, in my opinion at least, a small number of articles with much higher information to noise ratios than we would in comparable BBC searches. To phrase that differently, her articles on the Ukrainian regime torturing women, on Nazis in Canada and Britain and on ISIS have more solid information in them than do any comparable pieces members of the Trusted News Initiative spew out.

Not only is van den Ende, in my opinion at least, worth reading but that is an opinion I share with the Dutch Domestic Security Service (BVD) and similar groups who fight the good fight against truth and Dutch farmers, just as in previous decades, they fought Jewish survivors of the Nazis’ death camps. Just in case you missed that last part, in days gone by, the BVD spied on Dutch Jews, who survived Auschwitz and other concentration camps, considering them, like van den Ende and her Dutch farming chums, potential threats to their status quo.

One BVD memo describing a 1965 Auschwitz commemoration lists the names of Jewish attendees, alongside the comment “Many Israelites among those present.” One of the sins of those Israelites was to highlight the collusion between the Dutch and Nazi authorities, both of whom seemed happy enough to see Dutch “Israelites” shipped off on one way tickets to Nazi death camps.

Although none of that is to suggest that van den Ende or Alina Lipp, whom we previously met, is in imminent danger of being railroaded off to a Nazi death camp, Big Brother is keeping tabs on them, just as they kept tabs on the Dutch Israelites of former times.

Robert van der Noordaa and several other “researchers” boast about how they keep tabs for Anne Applebaum, Peter Pomerantsev and similar assets on van den Ende and other Dutch dissidents they suspect of “spreading disinformation” through “Russian and pro-Russian organisations in the Netherlands (and abroad)”.

Van den Ende is of particular interest as “she writes a readers column in the Dutch Metro (15th of May 2015). The article is about the Odessa disaster where 48 people died in a fire” and it seems that van den Ende may have been subsidised by “Putin apologists” to go there.

More worrying is that van den Ende seems to be in cahoots with German-based Oleg Muzyca, who is “one of the active anti-Maidan participants in the disturbances on May 2, 2014 and as one of the chief propagandists of the ‘Odesa massacre’ lies. He was taken from the roof of the Trade Union building after the fire and arrested. While clearly any charges against him would need to be proven, it is worth noting that anti-Maidan activists positioned on the roof were shooting and hurling Molotov cocktails at pro-Ukrainian activists, including those who were desperately trying to rescue people caught by the fire. He was released after anti-Maidan activists stormed the police station where he was held on May 4. He fled to Germany and has been there since, except when he goes travelling around”.

Just in case you did not catch all of that, van der Noordaa is claiming that the Odessa trade unionists immolated themselves, that the Nazis who filmed themselves burning the trade unionists to death were trying to save them and that van den Ende and her chums are an integral part of blackening the good name of Ukraine’s Nazis, for whom mass murder of the innocent is all in a day’s work.

Before moving on to Brand, let’s just say that, on the evidence at least, van den Ende, Lipp and their chums seem to be literally on the side of the (censored) angels and van der Noordaa and similar Trusted News Initiative creeps paid to keep tabs on them are working for the dregs of the West’s intelligence agencies.

Although I have previously written with gritted teeth about Brand, I am slowly and cautiously warming to him because his over-arching theses on the Trusted News Initiative and much more, such as his take on the recent Dublin riots, give us excellent templates to evaluate those matters, something that is beyond the abilities of the Trusted News Initiative and those who collaborate with it.

At the top of their intelligence network, we have the likes of the BBC’s Jessica Cecil, who reports directly to the European Command Staff of the Rand Corporation, which has always been an integral part of American military intelligence.

Down in the sewers of this army of degenerate spinmeisters, we have the real dregs, BBC presenters like Victoria Derbyshire, who continually insists that Dr Hanan Ashrawi, the renowned veteran Palestinian Christian politician, unequivocally condemn all her fellow Palestinians before she opens her mouth.

Here is a typical BBC non-story alleging fake Russian news, misinformation or whatever, spread through TikTok saying that Zelensky’s corrupt buddies bought mansions in Madrid with their ill gotten gains. And here is some further BBC rubbish debunking “Russian misinformation” about a couple of Zelensky cronies buying a couple of luxury yachts in the States as part of a devious Russian plan to “influence U.S. debate over Ukraine aid”.

The first really newsworthy thing to note is that the resumes of Olga Robinson, former “student ambassador” Shayan Sardarizadeh and Mike Wendling, the three BBC hacks who wrote this garbage, could hardly be weaker or, given their Iranian and American backgrounds, dodgier.

The next thing to note is that, as Ukraine is the world’s gold medallist in corruption, alleging corruption there is as much a non-story as is alleging that water is wet. But the point is that is all the BBC is capable of. Sure, their cricket commentaries are first class but, when it comes to politics, their monkeys rally around the flag and chatter out whatever they are told to chatter out. Even their sports commentators must display the assigned political messages or they will end up like Matt Le Tissier, sacked for daring to have minds of their own.

Because Sonja van den Ende has a mind of her own, she will never get a job at the BBC or any other MI6 outlet, where dogged devotion to King, country and threadbare Trusted News narrative is the order of the day. However, like Matt Le Tissier and Russell Brand, she will survive and with a much lighter and clearer conscience than the pathetic stormtroopers of MI6’s Trusted News Initiative and, at day’s end, standing with the angels of Donbass, Syria and Gaza brings its own wonderful rewards, pearls the swine who inhabit the Trusted News Initiative’s pig sties can never even begin to appreciate, never mind have a chance of owning.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 11, 2024
October 2, 2024

See also

October 11, 2024
October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.