Tag: Ukraine

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So, Kiev’s puppet president Zelensky now wants peace, or rather another piece of the action
So, Kiev’s puppet president Zelensky now wants peace, or rather another piece of the action
July 26, 2024

The Ukrainian junta may be belatedly talking about finding peace “urgently”, but that is not credible. The really urgent concern is finding another piece of action to sustain the racket of war in Ukraine.

Can Trump really pull off a quick peace deal in Ukraine?
July 22, 2024

There is really very little incentive on the Russia side to cede anything as militarily they have the upper hand.

Can Trump really pull off a quick peace deal in Ukraine?
NATO’s foreign mercenaries carried out the false-flag Bucha massacre
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NATO’s foreign mercenaries carried out the false-flag Bucha massacre
July 21, 2024

The testimony of a Czech mercenary sheds light on the alleged massacre in Bucha in 2022.

“Orban Plan” for peace in Ukraine sent to every EU prime minister
July 20, 2024

The Hungarian PM’s 10-point plan is based on “realistic situation assessment, realistic objectives, and appropriate timing,” Budapest explained.

“Orban Plan” for peace in Ukraine sent to every EU prime minister
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Ukraine war will end in surrender
Editor's Сhoice
Ukraine war will end in surrender
July 20, 2024

And there won’t be any negotiations with Zelensky when the Ukrainian army collapses and a replacement government is installed

Um chamado à realidade: operação militar especial mostrou ao mundo a fraqueza da indústria de defesa americana
July 19, 2024

Décadas fabricando armas para vender, em vez de combater, e lutando “guerras” de baixa intensidade transformaram o complexo industrial-militar americano em uma rede de startups inúteis.

Um chamado à realidade: operação militar especial mostrou ao mundo a fraqueza da indústria de defesa americana
Relato de dos cumbres….la elitista y belicista G7 y los pacifistas multipolares BRICS
Relato de dos cumbres….la elitista y belicista G7 y los pacifistas multipolares BRICS
July 19, 2024

Ahora debería ser el momento en que la diplomacia ponga fin a la locura de la guerra por encargo de la OTAN en Ucrania. Pero los belicistas de EE.UU., la Unión Europea el G7 y la OTAN no tienen tales escrúpulos acerca de escalar las infructuosas hostilidades hacia un apocalipsis nuclear.

Could Trump’s election end NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia?
July 19, 2024

A comprehensive solution to ending U.S. aggression and militarism is not a change of personnel at the White House.

Could Trump’s election end NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia?