Tag: Censorship

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la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
July 20, 2024

El 10 de julio, se anunció que el gigante de las redes sociales Meta ampliaría el alcance de su censura y supresión de contenidos relacionados con el genocidio de Gaza.

Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
July 19, 2024

Compact is anti-establishment and anti-immigration—but not advocating constitutional overthrow.

Germany bans right-wing magazine in a blow to press freedom
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Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?
June 30, 2024

Brussels’ stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy, Martin Jay writes.

Stink of commission hypocrisy over fines for perfume giant
June 26, 2024

Fragrance company punished for deleted messages while EU Commission chief’s private texts on vaccine procurement remain undisclosed.

Stink of commission hypocrisy over fines for perfume giant
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Pogroms, censura, manipulação midiática: o que Ocidente esconde sobre o genocídio palestino
Pogroms, censura, manipulação midiática: o que Ocidente esconde sobre o genocídio palestino
May 31, 2024

Israel rompe todos os limites de ultraje, humilhação e desprezo pela dignidade humana, cuja vítima há 75 anos é o povo palestino em termos de genocídio, apartheid e limpeza étnica

The MIC needs TikTok as part of the captive media
May 6, 2024

And the MIC can’t have any dissident media voices like TikTok expressing skepticism about the ongoing sacrifice of the nation of Ukraine, the upcoming sacrifice of Russia, and eventually, China and Iran.

The MIC needs TikTok as part of the captive media
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CNN compares campus protesters to nazis in stunning propaganda segment
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CNN compares campus protesters to nazis in stunning propaganda segment
May 3, 2024

Propaganda only works if you don’t know it’s happening to you, so hopefully they keep going mask-off like this for everyone to see.

TikTok hypocrisy
May 2, 2024

By Ron PAUL ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su President Biden’s campaign will continue using the popular social media site TikTok even though the president supported a provision in the military aid bill he recently signed forcing TikTok’s parent […]

TikTok hypocrisy
Editor's Сhoice