Tag: Israel

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Acerca do valor da vida humana: o mal da banalidade
Acerca do valor da vida humana: o mal da banalidade
July 24, 2024

Como devemos avaliar o número de vítimas, em particular o número de mortos, num qualquer conflito?

Netanyahu will prolong the war on Gaza until Trump takes office
July 23, 2024

Biden’s blind support of Israel has angered many Americans, including the staff of the White House and U.S. State Department.

Netanyahu will prolong the war on Gaza until Trump takes office
Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
Yemen, not Israel, is the invincible country in the Middle East
July 22, 2024

A year after the start of the war, Yemen continues to cause significant damage to Israel and its allies in the Middle East

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
July 22, 2024

Las condiciones objetivas para la liberación de los seres humanos ya existen en la mayoría de los países, es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las condiciones subjetivas para esto se desarrollen plenamente.

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
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O Iêmen, e não Israel, é o país invencível do Oriente Médio
O Iêmen, e não Israel, é o país invencível do Oriente Médio
July 21, 2024

Um ano após o começo da guerra, o Iêmen continua gerando danos significativos contra Israel e seus aliados no Oriente Médio.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
July 20, 2024

El 10 de julio, se anunció que el gigante de las redes sociales Meta ampliaría el alcance de su censura y supresión de contenidos relacionados con el genocidio de Gaza.

NATO’s Obscure Relations With Israel
July 20, 2024

Ann Wright on the arms flowing between members of the military alliance and Israel, which despite its small size, ranks as the 15th top weapons importer in the world.

NATO’s Obscure Relations With Israel
Editor's Сhoice