Tag: Israel

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First order of business of new Congress is to protect Israel
Editor's Сhoice
First order of business of new Congress is to protect Israel
January 12, 2025

What exactly is being inaugurated? By Philip GIRALDI Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su The big news over the past week has been the record breaking California fires, which have destroyed more than 9,000 homes. There have been […]

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
January 12, 2025

The Protestant world is imitating the Jewish world. After all, the Zionist project only achieved demographic density with the support of religious Jews.

When fundamentalist Protestants influenced atheist Jews
Quando os protestantes fundamentalistas influenciaram os judeus ateus
Quando os protestantes fundamentalistas influenciaram os judeus ateus
January 9, 2025

Unindo história e racismo, então, os sionistas usaram a Bíblia para defender a tese de que a Palestina era o seu lar nacional, do qual foram expulsos na Antiguidade.

2024: No hay vencedores
January 9, 2025

Unos Estados Unidos en crisis interna intentan una proyección «muscular» hacia el exterior. Roto contra el «muro» ruso en Ucrania, se hunde en los bajos fondos de Oriente Medio arrastrado por el ariete israelí.

2024: No hay vencedores
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The Syria carve-up creates a de-facto Israel-Turkey border ensuring a broader ME war
Editor's Сhoice
The Syria carve-up creates a de-facto Israel-Turkey border ensuring a broader ME war
January 9, 2025

Israeli military forces have moved to within 15 miles of the Syrian Capital of Damascus. The IDF has seized large tracts of land in southern Syria it intends to occupy and where it will eventually build checkpoints, military outposts and settlements. The “lightening” invasion has been accompanied by a massive bombing campaign that has obliterated numerous military bases, weapons depots and research labs eliminating any hope that Syria will regain the ability to defend itself or to reestablish its sovereign independence.

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East editor exposed as CIA, Mossad collaborator
January 7, 2025

Asenior BBC editor at the center of an ongoing scandal into the network’s systematic pro-Israel bias is, in fact, a former member of a CIA propaganda outfit, MintPress News can reveal. Raffi Berg, an Englishman who heads the BBC’s Middle East desk, formerly worked for the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a unit that, by his own admission, was a CIA front group.

Raffi Berg: BBC Middle East editor exposed as CIA, Mossad collaborator
Editor's Сhoice
Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
Editor's Сhoice
Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
January 3, 2025

It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine

Senza speranza a Gaza
January 1, 2025

Chi sono gli avversari degli uni e degli altri a Gaza, dopotutto? È tutto molto confuso.

Senza speranza a Gaza