Tag: Mass Media

The Trump administration’s decision to pause USAID funding has plunged hundreds of so-called “independent media” outlets into crisis, thereby exposing a worldwide network of thousands of journalists, all working to promote U.S. interests in their home countries.

La settimana della più intensa propaganda in Italia è ormai al suo compimento. E, anche quest’anno, l’Italia ha dimostrato di amare i propri aguzzini.

The torture and murder of civilians suggest a deliberate strategy to terrorize the local population and create chaos in Russian territories.

Asenior BBC editor at the center of an ongoing scandal into the network’s systematic pro-Israel bias is, in fact, a former member of a CIA propaganda outfit, MintPress News can reveal. Raffi Berg, an Englishman who heads the BBC’s Middle East desk, formerly worked for the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a unit that, by his own admission, was a CIA front group.