Tag: Maidan

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Ukraine racing towards peace talks in a car with no driver, no breaks and a dead satnav
Ukraine racing towards peace talks in a car with no driver, no breaks and a dead satnav
September 11, 2024

Nuland’s admission shows just how disingenuous everything that western politicians tell their voters about Ukraine is.

Riesgos y fracasos de la espectacularidad en la información en la guerra en Ucrania
August 12, 2024

El declive de la unipolaridad se manifiesta en la ruina humana y humanitaria como signo de época y nos llama en avanzar en pro de sociedades más críticas, menos irreflexivas, más informadas y activas.

Riesgos y fracasos de la espectacularidad en la información en la guerra en Ucrania
What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
Editor's Сhoice
What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
June 12, 2024

Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question.

U.S.-backed Ukrainian publication releases new ‘enemies list’ including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, hundreds more…
June 8, 2024

The US government-affiliated Ukrainian web publication “Data Journalism Agency” (TEXTY) has just released a report attacking hundreds of prominent American individuals and organizations as enemies for not supporting sending more US money and weapons to Ukraine.

U.S.-backed Ukrainian publication releases new ‘enemies list’ including Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute, hundreds more…
Editor's Сhoice
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Regime de Kiev promove terror nas regiões libertadas do Donbass
Regime de Kiev promove terror nas regiões libertadas do Donbass
April 14, 2024

Incapaz de vencer no campo de batalha, o regime neonazi tem como alvo zonas civis não militares nos seus ataques.

Who Began this Filthy War? Why didn’t We Side with Democracy Against the Kiev Mob?
March 20, 2024

It is ten years, not two years, since the war in Ukraine began. And once you have grasped that, you can begin to think clearly about it. What is Britain’s interest in this conflict? Why do so many in politics and the media cheer for carnage that has devastated Ukraine, the country they claim to love and admire? What has Ukraine gained from it? What can Ukraine and its people possibly gain from it?

Who Began this Filthy War? Why didn’t We Side with Democracy Against the Kiev Mob?
Editor's Сhoice
O nazismo ucraniano, ontem e hoje: Zelensky, a marioneta perigosa de um Ocidente em desespero
O nazismo ucraniano, ontem e hoje: Zelensky, a marioneta perigosa de um Ocidente em desespero
March 7, 2024

Afinal Zelensky é apenas um palhaço rico canastrão que tem como “pièce de resistance” da sua arte o número de tocar piano com os genitais.

Euromaidán: una lectura prospectiva a diez años del regreso del fascismo
February 12, 2024

La violencia del Euromaidán expresa la génesis de un Termidor que queriendo dar un golpe a Rusia para poder avanzar hacia China se convertirá en la memoria de un Termidor que inició la transición rampante hacia un mundo sin hegemonías.

Euromaidán: una lectura prospectiva a diez años del regreso del fascismo