Tag: Propaganda

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The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

NATO’s foreign mercenaries carried out the false-flag Bucha massacre
July 21, 2024

The testimony of a Czech mercenary sheds light on the alleged massacre in Bucha in 2022.

NATO’s foreign mercenaries carried out the false-flag Bucha massacre
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la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
la política de Meta sobre el sionismo al descubierto: Cyberwell se pelea después de que se revelaran los vínculos con Israel
July 20, 2024

El 10 de julio, se anunció que el gigante de las redes sociales Meta ampliaría el alcance de su censura y supresión de contenidos relacionados con el genocidio de Gaza.

Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia
July 17, 2024

Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia.

Não é possível levar a sério nenhuma acusação de “atrocidade” que o Ocidente periodicamente tenta jogar no colo da Rússia
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Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity
Hatred, hypocrisy and the politics of NATO’s last atrocity
July 14, 2024

We can condemn the Waffen-SS, the Japanese Imperial Army, the Black and Tans and, Caesar’s Legions and Alexander the Great. But none of that will help address the root cause of our problems in Ukraine, in Gaza and in the wider Middle East.

It’s that time again: MSM Launches “Muh Russia” election narrative as brands collude to silence dissent
July 13, 2024

While the Democratic party melts down over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline – an obvious risk to US national security, the 2024 election wouldn’t be complete without a Trump-Russia narrative.

It’s that time again: MSM Launches “Muh Russia” election narrative as brands collude to silence dissent
Editor's Сhoice
A causa Palestina e o papel sabotador da Esquerda Liberal
A causa Palestina e o papel sabotador da Esquerda Liberal
July 12, 2024

Os liberais e sionistas de esquerda apelam à propaganda mais exagerada, acusando os membros do PCO de “fascismo”, de “machismo”, de serem “nazbols”, e assim por diante.

Kiev Children’s Hospital hit. The timing was perfect, as always!
July 11, 2024

Anyone who might have anticipated the human sacrifice orchestrated to garnish the NATO meeting in Washington was not to be disappointed.

Kiev Children’s Hospital hit. The timing was perfect, as always!