Declan Hayes
December 3, 2023
© Photo: Social media

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent excellent article on Javier Milei, who will be installed as President of Argentina on December 10th, forms the springboard for this article. Whereas Karganovic quite properly cast aspersions on the election itself and floated the forlorn hope that the Argentine Armed Forces might yet again save Argentina from itself, this article looks more into Milei the man, Milei the economist and Milei the puppet of the CIA to suggest that Milei is part of a wider CIA inspired trend we can see taking root in countries as diverse as Chile, Ukraine, the Netherlands and Ireland to name but four from a very long list future articles will regularly return to as part of a more general, ongoing and value added analysis.

First off, Argentina finds itself once again on the economic ropes and, from the point of view of the ordinary Boca Juniors football supporter (club colours yellow and blue like the Ukrainian rump Reich) in need of a leadership cadre to deliver short term, medium term and long term solutions. That is the key, practical kernel.

Milei was elected as an alternative to Peronism, the syndicalist/corporatist populist system that has permeated Argentina since 1946 and, which almost by definition, must be economically static, as it works by buying off “der volk” with enough bread and football circus opiates to preserve the peace and the profits of those at the helm.

Even though he behaves like a clown, Milei poses as an economist but one with identical ideological roots to the late Margaret Thatcher, who famously wrested the Malvinas Islands, which Milei suddenly decided he wanted to retake, back from the Argentine military in an act of brigandry which saved her political career. Thatcher was a talented dragon.

But Milei? Here he is using the filthiest of barrack room language about his political opponents and, more to the point, here he is giving Bloomberg an interview on his supposed expertise area of economics, which shows he is as big a fraud as is Zelensky.

When you strip his rhetoric of its filthy language and plagiarised economic jargon of seigniorage, equilibrium, deterministic inflation, Central Bank demonisation, and dollarisation, all he amounts to is a Free Trade zealot in the worst traditions of the Economist magazine (here they go again) and of the CIA’s Austrian School and its Chicago School sprogs that helped that Kissinger pig put Chile to the sword.

Before getting on to those roots, we must first note that there is such a thing as a readability test and the foul-mouthed Milei plying his speech with economic jargon is an automatic fail in that regard, implying there is nothing of substance behind his woeful language and his equally woeful economics. This, to me, is confirmed, when I look at his background as an economics professor spewing those self same cliches in a private (and most likely CIA protected) Argentinian American-style university of the sort that speckles Central Europe and him being employed as an economic consultant by Wall St firms, who would have no need for him and his worthless shibboleths, except as an ignorant front man or as an entry door to Argentina’s real shot callers.

Milei, if his economics background is the yardstick, can bring nothing else to the party. Here is his Google scholar entry and here is his economics opus, which is of poor undergraduate level where his economic cliches and the equally vacuous ones of Arrow, Hayek, Malthus (ffs), Mises, Smith and Solow form the bedrock of his bullshit.

When Karganovic posits that “Milei may be more than just an eccentric Libertarian enthusiast and that in fact he may be a figure purposefully inserted into the global game to promote a much more serious and disruptive geopolitical agenda” he is, I feel, bang on the money. None of those long dead pseudo-economists has anything to offer Argentina or any other country. As Lord Keynes put it: “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”

The puppet Milei is that in spades and chief amongst those defunct economists Milei worships is senior CIA agent Walt Rostow, whose untried, untested and utterly useless stages of growth “model” was rolled out as the Americans’ method to save Vietnam from the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese, no more than the Japanese, the Germans, the Chinese or any others that successfully modernised, never relied on such half arsed theories or models the CIA got Rostow and its other agents to deluge us with.

Instead, they were empiricists, who did what had to be done with what they had. As in those countries, so should it be in Argentina, so named after its once vast silver deposits.

¿Qué es este quilombo? (What is this shit storm?)

Argentina, the fourth largest country in the Americas and the eight largest in the world, is vast, with much of it given over to crops and cattle, its main exports, along with a number of derived products, many of which are minor brands. Given its size and its dependence on bulky agricultural products, there is a significant investment in rolling stock and delivery trucks, although there is necessarily a heavy foreign presence in those and related concerns, not least because of the great distances that must be traversed from pampas to port. The great Japanese, European and North American auto companies have a very large presence in all of that, as they see Latin America, Africa and, ahem, Russia as major battle grounds to remain viable in what is very much a globalised industry. Although helicopters, UAVs and atomic spin offs from the Argentinian military are also important, they are not in the league of Europe, North America or Japan.

Although China and neighbouring Brazil are amongst Argentina’s three major trade partners, Milei constantly attacked them in his campaigning and emphasised relations with the United States and, pointedly, Israel, which has had very many vocal critics in Latin America, where its arms sales and intelligence networks remain an ongoing source of concern.

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

That said, since being elected, Milei has toned down his rhetoric on Brazil, Chile, China and a number of other countries on NATO’s shit list. However, massive cuts to subsidies and living standards, in line with his crackpot CIA funded “theories”, remain on the cards. The ordinary Argentinians must be again crucified “until the economic tide rises” so Milei and his backers can play their risk-free (to them) economic games.

Although I have attributed this shit storm to his theories, I don’t believe he has any, or any beliefs for that matter, as his cut and burn policies are fully in line with those the United States practiced elsewhere, not least in post-Allende Chile, in pre-Putin Russia and in Argentina itself on many occasions.

Although some wag or other said that Irish Alzheimer’s is a condition whereby one forgets everything except the grudges, I believe, particularly with regard to Chile, Russia and Argentina and what bums like Jeffrey Sachs and his shock therapy, the Chicago School and other CIA economists of Milei’s stripe did there, that is a blessing and not a curse. Hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for those who have wrought so much destruction on all of those countries and so many more.

So to hell with the rigged vote. Milei no more deserves to be President of Argentina than I do to be captain of Boca Juniors or of the Argentinian football team, whose past and present captains have included Messi, Maradona and Di Stéfano, legends all. And, though I could model the trajectory of a football much better than any of those three could, they know more about football and Argentina itself than I ever could in a million years.

And so it is with Milei, who is another fraud sent by Wall St, the White House and the Pentagon to help ravage that great and beautiful country. I have no great theoretical or practical ideas on how to save Argentina, just as I have no idea how Argentina will perform at the next World Cup. But I do believe this. Argentina’s salvation is to be found in the empirical, in having the great companies of Argentina strike deals within Argentina, as the Peronistas did, and without, with countries like Brazil, Chile, China, the United States and whoever else might help advance the cause of Argentina and Argentinians. And, contrary to what this Milei imbecile says, that might even include Venezuela, which has a ton of oil to export. Heck, why not link up with Iran and develop drones to patrol the pampas, or even find out how Putin’s crew rescued Russia from the abyss of the post-Soviet years to see if there are any lessons there?

And then there is always Walt Rostow’s Vietnam, whose great leader, Ho Chi Minh, said the true patriot is the one who makes two blades of rice grow where only one formerly grew. The heroic people of Vietnam have overcome obstacles most of us cannot even imagine in our worst nightmares. And they did it by playing to their strengths and not reading the bullshit the CIA paid Walt Rostow to write for them.

Although I fully subscribe to the notion to “Make Argentina Great Again”, it is only a slogan, albeit one worth plagiarising. However, only patriotic, hard working Argentinians and no one else can do that. Messi, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and the Pope must make a stand and stand, where the great Maradona would have stood, with Argentina and not with Milei and the American anti-Christs who control him.

As, for me, even at my advanced age, I am prepared to help. Forget Admiral William Brown, Fr Anthony Fahy and that Che Guevara idiot. My parents, great dancers both, met through tango dancing and you guys organise a cut price jamboree with tango, wine, barbecued beef, a Boca Juniors match, a Messi shirt thrown into the mix and my ticket is booked. And not just me. Though hard currency tourism is an important part of any cut price solution, Milei and especially those behind him are a much bigger part of the problem.

Although the Economist and other free trade propagandists speak about the Mexican miracle, Pinochet’s Chilean miracle or, in this case, the Argentinian miracle, there are always two sides to their self serving miracles, the one they speak about, where a minority enrich themselves and the other where the ordinary Latino defies the odds to stay alive despite Milei, Rostow, Sachs and their ilk. Those Argentinians, the vast majority, deserve something much more than the chance to cheer on Messi’s La Alibceleste every couple of years.

So, come on Argentina. ¡Vamos! En unión y libertad, in unity and freedom. Unity but not Hayek’s Road to Serfdom delivered through Milei and the CIA’s other fake prophets, but the road to economic freedom, where Argentinians enjoy the fruit of their labour in a sovereign, prosperous and truly free Argentina.

Argentina’s Ghosts of Christmas Past Return

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent excellent article on Javier Milei, who will be installed as President of Argentina on December 10th, forms the springboard for this article. Whereas Karganovic quite properly cast aspersions on the election itself and floated the forlorn hope that the Argentine Armed Forces might yet again save Argentina from itself, this article looks more into Milei the man, Milei the economist and Milei the puppet of the CIA to suggest that Milei is part of a wider CIA inspired trend we can see taking root in countries as diverse as Chile, Ukraine, the Netherlands and Ireland to name but four from a very long list future articles will regularly return to as part of a more general, ongoing and value added analysis.

First off, Argentina finds itself once again on the economic ropes and, from the point of view of the ordinary Boca Juniors football supporter (club colours yellow and blue like the Ukrainian rump Reich) in need of a leadership cadre to deliver short term, medium term and long term solutions. That is the key, practical kernel.

Milei was elected as an alternative to Peronism, the syndicalist/corporatist populist system that has permeated Argentina since 1946 and, which almost by definition, must be economically static, as it works by buying off “der volk” with enough bread and football circus opiates to preserve the peace and the profits of those at the helm.

Even though he behaves like a clown, Milei poses as an economist but one with identical ideological roots to the late Margaret Thatcher, who famously wrested the Malvinas Islands, which Milei suddenly decided he wanted to retake, back from the Argentine military in an act of brigandry which saved her political career. Thatcher was a talented dragon.

But Milei? Here he is using the filthiest of barrack room language about his political opponents and, more to the point, here he is giving Bloomberg an interview on his supposed expertise area of economics, which shows he is as big a fraud as is Zelensky.

When you strip his rhetoric of its filthy language and plagiarised economic jargon of seigniorage, equilibrium, deterministic inflation, Central Bank demonisation, and dollarisation, all he amounts to is a Free Trade zealot in the worst traditions of the Economist magazine (here they go again) and of the CIA’s Austrian School and its Chicago School sprogs that helped that Kissinger pig put Chile to the sword.

Before getting on to those roots, we must first note that there is such a thing as a readability test and the foul-mouthed Milei plying his speech with economic jargon is an automatic fail in that regard, implying there is nothing of substance behind his woeful language and his equally woeful economics. This, to me, is confirmed, when I look at his background as an economics professor spewing those self same cliches in a private (and most likely CIA protected) Argentinian American-style university of the sort that speckles Central Europe and him being employed as an economic consultant by Wall St firms, who would have no need for him and his worthless shibboleths, except as an ignorant front man or as an entry door to Argentina’s real shot callers.

Milei, if his economics background is the yardstick, can bring nothing else to the party. Here is his Google scholar entry and here is his economics opus, which is of poor undergraduate level where his economic cliches and the equally vacuous ones of Arrow, Hayek, Malthus (ffs), Mises, Smith and Solow form the bedrock of his bullshit.

When Karganovic posits that “Milei may be more than just an eccentric Libertarian enthusiast and that in fact he may be a figure purposefully inserted into the global game to promote a much more serious and disruptive geopolitical agenda” he is, I feel, bang on the money. None of those long dead pseudo-economists has anything to offer Argentina or any other country. As Lord Keynes put it: “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”

The puppet Milei is that in spades and chief amongst those defunct economists Milei worships is senior CIA agent Walt Rostow, whose untried, untested and utterly useless stages of growth “model” was rolled out as the Americans’ method to save Vietnam from the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese, no more than the Japanese, the Germans, the Chinese or any others that successfully modernised, never relied on such half arsed theories or models the CIA got Rostow and its other agents to deluge us with.

Instead, they were empiricists, who did what had to be done with what they had. As in those countries, so should it be in Argentina, so named after its once vast silver deposits.

¿Qué es este quilombo? (What is this shit storm?)

Argentina, the fourth largest country in the Americas and the eight largest in the world, is vast, with much of it given over to crops and cattle, its main exports, along with a number of derived products, many of which are minor brands. Given its size and its dependence on bulky agricultural products, there is a significant investment in rolling stock and delivery trucks, although there is necessarily a heavy foreign presence in those and related concerns, not least because of the great distances that must be traversed from pampas to port. The great Japanese, European and North American auto companies have a very large presence in all of that, as they see Latin America, Africa and, ahem, Russia as major battle grounds to remain viable in what is very much a globalised industry. Although helicopters, UAVs and atomic spin offs from the Argentinian military are also important, they are not in the league of Europe, North America or Japan.

Although China and neighbouring Brazil are amongst Argentina’s three major trade partners, Milei constantly attacked them in his campaigning and emphasised relations with the United States and, pointedly, Israel, which has had very many vocal critics in Latin America, where its arms sales and intelligence networks remain an ongoing source of concern.

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

That said, since being elected, Milei has toned down his rhetoric on Brazil, Chile, China and a number of other countries on NATO’s shit list. However, massive cuts to subsidies and living standards, in line with his crackpot CIA funded “theories”, remain on the cards. The ordinary Argentinians must be again crucified “until the economic tide rises” so Milei and his backers can play their risk-free (to them) economic games.

Although I have attributed this shit storm to his theories, I don’t believe he has any, or any beliefs for that matter, as his cut and burn policies are fully in line with those the United States practiced elsewhere, not least in post-Allende Chile, in pre-Putin Russia and in Argentina itself on many occasions.

Although some wag or other said that Irish Alzheimer’s is a condition whereby one forgets everything except the grudges, I believe, particularly with regard to Chile, Russia and Argentina and what bums like Jeffrey Sachs and his shock therapy, the Chicago School and other CIA economists of Milei’s stripe did there, that is a blessing and not a curse. Hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for those who have wrought so much destruction on all of those countries and so many more.

So to hell with the rigged vote. Milei no more deserves to be President of Argentina than I do to be captain of Boca Juniors or of the Argentinian football team, whose past and present captains have included Messi, Maradona and Di Stéfano, legends all. And, though I could model the trajectory of a football much better than any of those three could, they know more about football and Argentina itself than I ever could in a million years.

And so it is with Milei, who is another fraud sent by Wall St, the White House and the Pentagon to help ravage that great and beautiful country. I have no great theoretical or practical ideas on how to save Argentina, just as I have no idea how Argentina will perform at the next World Cup. But I do believe this. Argentina’s salvation is to be found in the empirical, in having the great companies of Argentina strike deals within Argentina, as the Peronistas did, and without, with countries like Brazil, Chile, China, the United States and whoever else might help advance the cause of Argentina and Argentinians. And, contrary to what this Milei imbecile says, that might even include Venezuela, which has a ton of oil to export. Heck, why not link up with Iran and develop drones to patrol the pampas, or even find out how Putin’s crew rescued Russia from the abyss of the post-Soviet years to see if there are any lessons there?

And then there is always Walt Rostow’s Vietnam, whose great leader, Ho Chi Minh, said the true patriot is the one who makes two blades of rice grow where only one formerly grew. The heroic people of Vietnam have overcome obstacles most of us cannot even imagine in our worst nightmares. And they did it by playing to their strengths and not reading the bullshit the CIA paid Walt Rostow to write for them.

Although I fully subscribe to the notion to “Make Argentina Great Again”, it is only a slogan, albeit one worth plagiarising. However, only patriotic, hard working Argentinians and no one else can do that. Messi, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and the Pope must make a stand and stand, where the great Maradona would have stood, with Argentina and not with Milei and the American anti-Christs who control him.

As, for me, even at my advanced age, I am prepared to help. Forget Admiral William Brown, Fr Anthony Fahy and that Che Guevara idiot. My parents, great dancers both, met through tango dancing and you guys organise a cut price jamboree with tango, wine, barbecued beef, a Boca Juniors match, a Messi shirt thrown into the mix and my ticket is booked. And not just me. Though hard currency tourism is an important part of any cut price solution, Milei and especially those behind him are a much bigger part of the problem.

Although the Economist and other free trade propagandists speak about the Mexican miracle, Pinochet’s Chilean miracle or, in this case, the Argentinian miracle, there are always two sides to their self serving miracles, the one they speak about, where a minority enrich themselves and the other where the ordinary Latino defies the odds to stay alive despite Milei, Rostow, Sachs and their ilk. Those Argentinians, the vast majority, deserve something much more than the chance to cheer on Messi’s La Alibceleste every couple of years.

So, come on Argentina. ¡Vamos! En unión y libertad, in unity and freedom. Unity but not Hayek’s Road to Serfdom delivered through Milei and the CIA’s other fake prophets, but the road to economic freedom, where Argentinians enjoy the fruit of their labour in a sovereign, prosperous and truly free Argentina.

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

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Stephen Karganovic’s recent excellent article on Javier Milei, who will be installed as President of Argentina on December 10th, forms the springboard for this article. Whereas Karganovic quite properly cast aspersions on the election itself and floated the forlorn hope that the Argentine Armed Forces might yet again save Argentina from itself, this article looks more into Milei the man, Milei the economist and Milei the puppet of the CIA to suggest that Milei is part of a wider CIA inspired trend we can see taking root in countries as diverse as Chile, Ukraine, the Netherlands and Ireland to name but four from a very long list future articles will regularly return to as part of a more general, ongoing and value added analysis.

First off, Argentina finds itself once again on the economic ropes and, from the point of view of the ordinary Boca Juniors football supporter (club colours yellow and blue like the Ukrainian rump Reich) in need of a leadership cadre to deliver short term, medium term and long term solutions. That is the key, practical kernel.

Milei was elected as an alternative to Peronism, the syndicalist/corporatist populist system that has permeated Argentina since 1946 and, which almost by definition, must be economically static, as it works by buying off “der volk” with enough bread and football circus opiates to preserve the peace and the profits of those at the helm.

Even though he behaves like a clown, Milei poses as an economist but one with identical ideological roots to the late Margaret Thatcher, who famously wrested the Malvinas Islands, which Milei suddenly decided he wanted to retake, back from the Argentine military in an act of brigandry which saved her political career. Thatcher was a talented dragon.

But Milei? Here he is using the filthiest of barrack room language about his political opponents and, more to the point, here he is giving Bloomberg an interview on his supposed expertise area of economics, which shows he is as big a fraud as is Zelensky.

When you strip his rhetoric of its filthy language and plagiarised economic jargon of seigniorage, equilibrium, deterministic inflation, Central Bank demonisation, and dollarisation, all he amounts to is a Free Trade zealot in the worst traditions of the Economist magazine (here they go again) and of the CIA’s Austrian School and its Chicago School sprogs that helped that Kissinger pig put Chile to the sword.

Before getting on to those roots, we must first note that there is such a thing as a readability test and the foul-mouthed Milei plying his speech with economic jargon is an automatic fail in that regard, implying there is nothing of substance behind his woeful language and his equally woeful economics. This, to me, is confirmed, when I look at his background as an economics professor spewing those self same cliches in a private (and most likely CIA protected) Argentinian American-style university of the sort that speckles Central Europe and him being employed as an economic consultant by Wall St firms, who would have no need for him and his worthless shibboleths, except as an ignorant front man or as an entry door to Argentina’s real shot callers.

Milei, if his economics background is the yardstick, can bring nothing else to the party. Here is his Google scholar entry and here is his economics opus, which is of poor undergraduate level where his economic cliches and the equally vacuous ones of Arrow, Hayek, Malthus (ffs), Mises, Smith and Solow form the bedrock of his bullshit.

When Karganovic posits that “Milei may be more than just an eccentric Libertarian enthusiast and that in fact he may be a figure purposefully inserted into the global game to promote a much more serious and disruptive geopolitical agenda” he is, I feel, bang on the money. None of those long dead pseudo-economists has anything to offer Argentina or any other country. As Lord Keynes put it: “Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.”

The puppet Milei is that in spades and chief amongst those defunct economists Milei worships is senior CIA agent Walt Rostow, whose untried, untested and utterly useless stages of growth “model” was rolled out as the Americans’ method to save Vietnam from the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese, no more than the Japanese, the Germans, the Chinese or any others that successfully modernised, never relied on such half arsed theories or models the CIA got Rostow and its other agents to deluge us with.

Instead, they were empiricists, who did what had to be done with what they had. As in those countries, so should it be in Argentina, so named after its once vast silver deposits.

¿Qué es este quilombo? (What is this shit storm?)

Argentina, the fourth largest country in the Americas and the eight largest in the world, is vast, with much of it given over to crops and cattle, its main exports, along with a number of derived products, many of which are minor brands. Given its size and its dependence on bulky agricultural products, there is a significant investment in rolling stock and delivery trucks, although there is necessarily a heavy foreign presence in those and related concerns, not least because of the great distances that must be traversed from pampas to port. The great Japanese, European and North American auto companies have a very large presence in all of that, as they see Latin America, Africa and, ahem, Russia as major battle grounds to remain viable in what is very much a globalised industry. Although helicopters, UAVs and atomic spin offs from the Argentinian military are also important, they are not in the league of Europe, North America or Japan.

Although China and neighbouring Brazil are amongst Argentina’s three major trade partners, Milei constantly attacked them in his campaigning and emphasised relations with the United States and, pointedly, Israel, which has had very many vocal critics in Latin America, where its arms sales and intelligence networks remain an ongoing source of concern.

If Brazil and China are giving you bank, why make a problem where there is none? Why, unless you are in the pay of Uncle Sam and its Israeli sprog?

That said, since being elected, Milei has toned down his rhetoric on Brazil, Chile, China and a number of other countries on NATO’s shit list. However, massive cuts to subsidies and living standards, in line with his crackpot CIA funded “theories”, remain on the cards. The ordinary Argentinians must be again crucified “until the economic tide rises” so Milei and his backers can play their risk-free (to them) economic games.

Although I have attributed this shit storm to his theories, I don’t believe he has any, or any beliefs for that matter, as his cut and burn policies are fully in line with those the United States practiced elsewhere, not least in post-Allende Chile, in pre-Putin Russia and in Argentina itself on many occasions.

Although some wag or other said that Irish Alzheimer’s is a condition whereby one forgets everything except the grudges, I believe, particularly with regard to Chile, Russia and Argentina and what bums like Jeffrey Sachs and his shock therapy, the Chicago School and other CIA economists of Milei’s stripe did there, that is a blessing and not a curse. Hell is not hot enough nor eternity long enough for those who have wrought so much destruction on all of those countries and so many more.

So to hell with the rigged vote. Milei no more deserves to be President of Argentina than I do to be captain of Boca Juniors or of the Argentinian football team, whose past and present captains have included Messi, Maradona and Di Stéfano, legends all. And, though I could model the trajectory of a football much better than any of those three could, they know more about football and Argentina itself than I ever could in a million years.

And so it is with Milei, who is another fraud sent by Wall St, the White House and the Pentagon to help ravage that great and beautiful country. I have no great theoretical or practical ideas on how to save Argentina, just as I have no idea how Argentina will perform at the next World Cup. But I do believe this. Argentina’s salvation is to be found in the empirical, in having the great companies of Argentina strike deals within Argentina, as the Peronistas did, and without, with countries like Brazil, Chile, China, the United States and whoever else might help advance the cause of Argentina and Argentinians. And, contrary to what this Milei imbecile says, that might even include Venezuela, which has a ton of oil to export. Heck, why not link up with Iran and develop drones to patrol the pampas, or even find out how Putin’s crew rescued Russia from the abyss of the post-Soviet years to see if there are any lessons there?

And then there is always Walt Rostow’s Vietnam, whose great leader, Ho Chi Minh, said the true patriot is the one who makes two blades of rice grow where only one formerly grew. The heroic people of Vietnam have overcome obstacles most of us cannot even imagine in our worst nightmares. And they did it by playing to their strengths and not reading the bullshit the CIA paid Walt Rostow to write for them.

Although I fully subscribe to the notion to “Make Argentina Great Again”, it is only a slogan, albeit one worth plagiarising. However, only patriotic, hard working Argentinians and no one else can do that. Messi, Queen Maxima of the Netherlands and the Pope must make a stand and stand, where the great Maradona would have stood, with Argentina and not with Milei and the American anti-Christs who control him.

As, for me, even at my advanced age, I am prepared to help. Forget Admiral William Brown, Fr Anthony Fahy and that Che Guevara idiot. My parents, great dancers both, met through tango dancing and you guys organise a cut price jamboree with tango, wine, barbecued beef, a Boca Juniors match, a Messi shirt thrown into the mix and my ticket is booked. And not just me. Though hard currency tourism is an important part of any cut price solution, Milei and especially those behind him are a much bigger part of the problem.

Although the Economist and other free trade propagandists speak about the Mexican miracle, Pinochet’s Chilean miracle or, in this case, the Argentinian miracle, there are always two sides to their self serving miracles, the one they speak about, where a minority enrich themselves and the other where the ordinary Latino defies the odds to stay alive despite Milei, Rostow, Sachs and their ilk. Those Argentinians, the vast majority, deserve something much more than the chance to cheer on Messi’s La Alibceleste every couple of years.

So, come on Argentina. ¡Vamos! En unión y libertad, in unity and freedom. Unity but not Hayek’s Road to Serfdom delivered through Milei and the CIA’s other fake prophets, but the road to economic freedom, where Argentinians enjoy the fruit of their labour in a sovereign, prosperous and truly free Argentina.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 11, 2024
September 30, 2024
February 20, 2024

See also

October 11, 2024
September 30, 2024
February 20, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.