Tag: Ideology

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Os judeus e o comunismo na cultura brasileira
Os judeus e o comunismo na cultura brasileira
June 8, 2024

Mesmo que os judeus tenham a propensão de manter certa unidade cultural na diáspora, o Brasil lhes dá liberdade de ser indivíduos avulsos, diminuindo a pressão grupal sobre o judeu.

European Union: From peace to bellicosity
June 7, 2024

Belonging to the European Union begins to resemble those dreams that delight us while we sleep, but when we wake up, we realize that they are just that, dreams.

European Union: From peace to bellicosity
Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
June 2, 2024

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

Banda sonora para um genocídio
May 25, 2024

A “civilização ocidental” cria os seus monstros, alimenta-se deles, associa-os à própria sobrevivência.

Banda sonora para um genocídio
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The war against art history: Woke philistines seek to destroy culture
Editor's Сhoice
The war against art history: Woke philistines seek to destroy culture
May 24, 2024

When a banana duct-taped to a wall is juxtaposed against a Monet, the absurdity of this cultural revolution is starkly apparent.

Moscow as the Third Europe, and a Fourth there will never be…
May 23, 2024

It is important to preserve the values of Western Christian civilization, European civilization, Russian Defence Minister says.

Moscow as the Third Europe, and a Fourth there will never be…
A war of values: How the Western woke agenda is pushing nations towards multipolarity
A war of values: How the Western woke agenda is pushing nations towards multipolarity
May 22, 2024

With the advancement of issues such as LGBT and queer ideology, conservatives, traditionalists and all groups opposed to Western madness are uniting for geopolitical reconfiguration.

Ahora todos deberíamos ser estoicos
May 14, 2024

Navega. Sé Estoico. El antídoto completo contra la locura actual

Ahora todos deberíamos ser estoicos