Tag: CIA

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How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
July 23, 2024

A few years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin disclosed that he didn’t use any mobile phone communications. Should anybody be surprised?

The French Connection: How the CIA recruits its assassins
July 20, 2024

Though Vichy France gives us a good insight into how the CIA operates, the Bible is likewise helpful.

The French Connection: How the CIA recruits its assassins
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Bolivia: the coup did not fail; it is still being prepared
Bolivia: the coup did not fail; it is still being prepared
June 27, 2024

Regardless of what happens in the American elections, Latin America will be in the eye of the storm from now on.

What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
June 12, 2024

Above, a map of Ukraine in green, with territory occupied or annexed by Russia in light green to the right — i.e., the eastern Donbas and the Crimean peninsula in the southeast. President Biden vows a fight for democracy, but recent history calls that into question.

What 10 years of U.S. meddling in Ukraine have wrought (spoiler alert: not democracy)
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FBI whistleblower exposes Israel’s chokehold on American politics
Editor's Сhoice
FBI whistleblower exposes Israel’s chokehold on American politics
June 8, 2024

One of the people destined to crew the ships was Coleen Rowley, an FBI whistleblower who came to the nation’s attention in 2002 after she testified to Congress about 9/11 and the intelligence failures that allowed it to happen.

Myanmar’s civil war: A golden opportunity for U.S. sabotage of China’s interests
June 7, 2024

The real U.S. objective is to exploit the turmoil in the country as a way to contain China and undermine Beijing’s strategic interests.

Myanmar’s civil war: A golden opportunity for U.S. sabotage of China’s interests
Como o Equador foi conquistado pelos EUA
Como o Equador foi conquistado pelos EUA
May 28, 2024

A construção do mundo multipolar avança a passos largos, mas também se depara com barreiras e conhece tropeços ao longo do caminho.

EEUU puede arrastrar a Venezuela y América Latina a un escenario de III Guerra Mundial
May 25, 2024

El presidente de la Asociación por la Paz y Solidaridad Internacional (GeFis), con sede en Alemania, Carsten Hanke, advirtió que las medidas cohercitivas estadounidenses a Venezuela forman parte de una guerra no declarada y con estas acciones EE.UU estaría llevando a América Latina a un escenario de III Guerra Mundial.

EEUU puede arrastrar a Venezuela y América Latina a un escenario de III Guerra Mundial