Tag: Neoliberalism

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Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
July 24, 2024

Liberal left endorsement of Kamala Harris shows how Democrats prioritize the woke agenda over world peace.

How the French left saved the putrefied political regime
July 14, 2024

All those who were saved from the precipice by the ingenuity of the left and today present themselves as champions of democracy and freedom will be hailing Marine Le Pen as the only one capable of guaranteeing order and social cohesion.

How the French left saved the putrefied political regime
La causa palestina y el papel saboteador de la Izquierda Liberal
La causa palestina y el papel saboteador de la Izquierda Liberal
July 13, 2024

El acto de la izquierda woke, coorganizado por el sector brasileño del BDS, reunió solo a unas pocas decenas de personas y además de la falta de repercusión, sufrió de la misma falta de enfoque de siempre.

Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center”!
July 11, 2024

By crystallizing into a monolithic, increasingly obsolete center, liberal “democracy” announces its death, Hugo Dionísio writes.

Europeans are prisoners of the Western political “center”!
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How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
How John Stuart Mill turned parenthood into a risk of debt slavery
June 2, 2024

In Mill’s philosophy, the home is turned into a field of the war of all against all, in which the children themselves constitute a threat.

No que depender de Stuart Mill, todo pai pode cair na servidão por dívidas
June 1, 2024

Mill é, tal como Humboldt, um entusiasta do casamento como expressão de uma afeição cambiante, que pode se desfazer a qualquer momento.

No que depender de Stuart Mill, todo pai pode cair na servidão por dívidas
John Stuart Mill’s repressive and eugenic state
John Stuart Mill’s repressive and eugenic state
May 29, 2024

The debate over the size of the state uses to be ushered by economic liberals. The state, they say, must be minimal and effective, but our state is giant and swollen.

As enchentes no sul do Brasil e a crise do modelo neoliberal ocidental
May 18, 2024

O Banco dos BRICS mostra o seu potencial de amparo a países em situações excepcionais de crise ou calamidade, como se encontra uma parte do Brasil.

As enchentes no sul do Brasil e a crise do modelo neoliberal ocidental