Tag: Economy

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China ha alcanzado la velocidad de escape: Ahora es imparable
China ha alcanzado la velocidad de escape: Ahora es imparable
July 26, 2024

El tren de alta velocidad que importa ya ha salido de la estación. El siglo XXI se perfila como el siglo asiático, euroasiático, chino.

Nothing, other than dubious polls, indicates an opposition victory in Venezuela
July 26, 2024

After years of intense political, economic and social crisis caused by the death of Hugo Chávez, the fall in oil prices and the economic war sponsored by the United States, Venezuela’s economy began to recover.

Nothing, other than dubious polls, indicates an opposition victory in Venezuela
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Nada, salvo encuestas dudosas, indica una victoria de la oposición en Venezuela
Nada, salvo encuestas dudosas, indica una victoria de la oposición en Venezuela
July 25, 2024

Después de años de intensa crisis política, económica y social provocada por la muerte de Hugo Chávez, la caída de los precios del petróleo y la guerra económica patrocinada por Estados Unidos, la economía de Venezuela comenzó a recuperarse.

China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
July 24, 2024

The 21st century is shaping up to be the Asian, Eurasian, Chinese century.

China has achieved escape velocity: it is now unstoppable
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Ireland wages war on the Irish
Ireland wages war on the Irish
July 22, 2024

Ursula von der Leyen has ordered Ireland’s destruction and those, who help her control the country from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction.

Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
July 13, 2024

Russia acts as the needle of the scales for military control of the region and this is essential to maintain a balance between the powers present and those further afield.

Crossing the Caspian Sea geopolitical route
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BRICS grains exchange: Its time will come
BRICS grains exchange: Its time will come
July 6, 2024

All that needs to be done is to help the markets take their course, for the Russian authorities to ensure that Russian produce reach their points of departure.

Anti-liberty conservatives want more theft
June 10, 2024

American Compass, a think tank promoting a conservatism lacking even a rhetorical commitment to free markets, recently called for Republicans to support tax increases. The organization claims a GOP embrace of higher taxes will enable the uniparty’s left (Democratic) and right (Republican) wings to create a deficit reduction plan balancing tax increase with spending cuts.

Anti-liberty conservatives want more theft
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