Tag: Economy

Oltre un anno fa, Cina e Cuba hanno firmato un accordo di cooperazione per promuovere progetti di costruzione sull’isola caraibica nell’ambito della Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Il Vietnam, economia emergente in rapida ascesa, avvia un ambizioso programma di sviluppo tecnologico e trasformazione digitale. Riforme legislative e solidi partenariati pubblico-privati mirano a superare ostacoli istituzionali e a consolidare un modello socialista moderno, promuovendo innovazione e crescita sostenibile.

The main threat to the dominance of the Yankee dollar is not Bitcoin or BRICS. It is the risks inherent in Trump’s winner takes all approach to international commerce.

Faced with President Trump’s economic moves, his centrist critics oscillate between desperation and a touching faith that his tariff frenzy will fizzle out. They assume that Trump will huff and puff until reality exposes the emptiness of his economic rationale. They have not been paying attention: Trump’s tariff fixation is part of a global economic plan that is solid — albeit inherently risky.