Tag: Economy

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America is falling apart. Our National Priorities are in dire need of restructuring
Editor's Сhoice
America is falling apart. Our National Priorities are in dire need of restructuring
October 20, 2024

A water main breaks every two minutes somewhere in the U.S., resulting in contaminated drinking supplies and boil water notices.

Toxic double standards. How Europe sell products deemed too dangerous for Europeans to the rest of the world
October 19, 2024

This new briefing, initiated by several NGOs – including Amnesty International, Greenpeace and the Veblen Institute – and supported by over 100 NGOs, highlights the double standards under which EU companies export to third countries products that are banned in Europe because they are dangerous to health and the environment.

Toxic double standards. How Europe sell products deemed too dangerous for Europeans to the rest of the world
Editor's Сhoice
La caída del dólar en los mercados internacionales, ¿cuáles son sus consecuencias y tendencias?
La caída del dólar en los mercados internacionales, ¿cuáles son sus consecuencias y tendencias?
October 18, 2024

Para comprender la actual debilidad del dólar, es esencial examinar los recientes desarrollos económicos que han influido en su valor. La inflación en Estados Unidos llevó a un aumento en las tasas de interés, lo que inicialmente causó la depreciación del dólar.

La libertad de leer
October 11, 2024

Hay que experimentar para ver si motivamos a la juventud a leer a través de la prohibición.

La libertad de leer
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U.S. naval efforts falter as Yemen’s blockade bankrupts Israel’s Eilat port
Editor's Сhoice
U.S. naval efforts falter as Yemen’s blockade bankrupts Israel’s Eilat port
October 8, 2024

Despite the formation of a multinational naval coalition led by the United States, the Israeli-controlled Port of Eilat has reportedly gone bankrupt and is seeking a government bailout. The situation underscores the failure of U.S.-led efforts against Yemen’s Ansar Allah–known pejoratively as the Houthis–blockade in the Red Sea, enforced until Israel ends its war on Gaza.

Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
October 4, 2024

Gran parte de la desvinculación de EEUU, incluida la desdolarización, está siendo facilitada por el BRICS, que crea las instituciones económicas para un orden mundial multipolar

Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
Great Britain: Unregistered chickens could land their owners in jail
Editor's Сhoice
Great Britain: Unregistered chickens could land their owners in jail
October 3, 2024

Critics cry fowl at unhinged government priorities.

How the West changed the direction of Russian oil exports without changing the volumes
October 3, 2024

The western “sanctions” against Russian oil exports resulted in a great shift in export flows, as this infographic demonstrates

How the West changed the direction of Russian oil exports without changing the volumes