Tag: Elections

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Who is behind Kamala Harris? Her inner circle is tied to the corporate world
Editor's Сhoice
Who is behind Kamala Harris? Her inner circle is tied to the corporate world
July 26, 2024

The centre of gravity in Democratic politics quaked on Sunday — and in a flash, everything changed. Barring an act of divine intervention, Kamala Harris will become the party’s standard bearer in Chicago in less than a month’s time.

Nothing, other than dubious polls, indicates an opposition victory in Venezuela
July 26, 2024

After years of intense political, economic and social crisis caused by the death of Hugo Chávez, the fall in oil prices and the economic war sponsored by the United States, Venezuela’s economy began to recover.

Nothing, other than dubious polls, indicates an opposition victory in Venezuela
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Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
Being a “black woman” not enough to avoid nuclear war
July 24, 2024

Liberal left endorsement of Kamala Harris shows how Democrats prioritize the woke agenda over world peace.

Ser uma “mulher negra” não é suficiente para evitar uma guerra nuclear
July 23, 2024

Endosso da esquerda liberal à Kamala Harris mostra como os Democratas priorizam a agenda woke à paz mundial.

Ser uma “mulher negra” não é suficiente para evitar uma guerra nuclear
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The deep state bet the farm on taking Trump out, now what?
The deep state bet the farm on taking Trump out, now what?
July 23, 2024

Getting rid of Donald Trump using a set-up lone assassin on July 13 would have tipped the presidential race in favor of Joe Biden. But it didn’t work out.

¿Donald Trump ya ganó?
July 21, 2024

Trump llegó a la Convención del Partido Republicano como favorito en la elección presidencial ¿Qué va a pasar en la Conferencia y cómo sigue la campaña?

¿Donald Trump ya ganó?
O anarcocapitalismo e os judeus dos EUA
O anarcocapitalismo e os judeus dos EUA
July 20, 2024

Qualquer que seja o traço cultural que atrele judaísmo a anarcocapitalismo, esse é um traço que se manifestou ou surgiu nos EUA, entre asquenazitas de origem europeia oriental.

U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition
July 20, 2024

The political system of the United States does not allow opposition, even though the majority of citizens want one.

U.S. elections: A democracy that does not allow opposition