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The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
The Korean War and the mistakes of the Soviet government
April 30, 2024

If it were not for imperialist intervention, the North Korean government would have taken the revolution to the south and liberated the entire nation, Eduardo Vasco writes.

Why Haiti became a failed state and is unlikely to recover
April 30, 2024

Victor Jeifets, a Russian scholar specializing in Ibero-American studies, explained in an interview with International Review TV show why Haiti is doomed to never-ending violence. Below are the major takeaways.

Why Haiti became a failed state and is unlikely to recover
The Kiev regime must not get away with it
The Kiev regime must not get away with it
April 30, 2024

It is impermissible for civilians to be used as props for political propaganda narratives.

Lukashenko is right: In Ukraine lies the future of global geopolitics
April 29, 2024

According to Belarussian President Aleksandr Lukashenko, the future of the world is being decided in Ukraine.

Lukashenko is right: In Ukraine lies the future of global geopolitics
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Pepe Escobar writes about the major takeaways of his recent tour to Brazil.
Though hindsight makes clear that Valieva is being penalised for no other reason than she is a Russian citizen, there is something infinitely more puerile and venal to it than that.
No more shadow play. It’s now in the open. No holds barred.
Macron’s statements show that rationality and strategy are not relevant in Western foreign policy.
The comical aspect of the entire leak though is how poor the German intelligence services are in general, Martin Jay writes.
Ao utilizar meios de guerra econômica, os países europeus ameaçam a unidade do bloco.
US government documents suggest prison officials colluded to blame the sex predator financier for his own death before an official autopsy had concluded. The revelations have been met with general silence from mainstream media.
Even if country 404 is utterly defeated in 2024, once again it’s imperative to stress it: this is far from over.
According to a recent report, Washington is currently looking for funds to back new biomilitary projects.
China, Russia and Iran will take the fight towards a more equal and just system to the next level, Pepe Escobar writes.