Ian Proud

Ian Proud was a member of HM Diplomatic Service from 1999 to 2023. From July 2014 to February 2019 Ian was posted to the British Embassy in Moscow. He was also Director of the Diplomatic Academy for Eastern Europe and Central Asia and Vice-Chairman of the Board of the Anglo-American School of Moscow.
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In a dystopian moral inversion of the rules based international order, life, now, is more terrifying than death.

La chiusura degli gasdotti russi come punizione per la guerra in Ucraina sta avendo l’effetto opposto.

Mothballing Russian pipelines as putative punishment for the war in Ukraine is having the opposite effect.

Zelensky only remains in power with the support of western nations that prop up his exorbitant and unwinnable war.

Zelensky wants to provoke Russia into a retaliatory strike against NATO, Ian Proud writes.

Corruption is seldom mentioned in a daily propaganda barrage that does not permit any criticism of Ukrainian governance.

By adding to their challenges in his bid to strike a pyrrhic blow against Russia, Zelensky may find even bigger obstacles erected against Ukraine’s bid to join the western club.

Western officials and journalists take numbers from the Ukrainian Defence Ministry as truer than the Gospel.

Ian Proud propone che la Russia ceda all’Ucraina i suoi 300 miliardi di dollari di beni congelati in cambio del riconoscimento da parte ucraina delle sue rivendicazioni sulle terre che la Russia ha incorporato.

Ian Proud proposes that Russia gives up its $300bn in frozen assets to Ukraine in return for Ukrainian recognition of its claims on lands that Russia has incorporated.