Declan Hayes
November 9, 2023
© Photo: Social media

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s army as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their nemeses.

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After again marvelling at the Israeli Sixth Army’s ongoing push into Gaza, we’ll pan out and give mention to World War Three’s other key fronts.

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s Sixth Army being as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their Stalingrad nemeses. However, Israel will prevail there due, in part, to how they have changed the rules of engagement which will allow them and their Yankee partners in crime level the entire area and all therein in any way they see fit.

We still talk of Guernica, one of the curtain raisers for the bombing of civilian targets by both the RAF and the Luftwaffe. But Guernica had a maximum of 1,600 fatalities, which would be a quiet body bag count for any day in Gaza where Israel, like their Wehrmacht idols before them, believe they have the right to defend their plundering and pillage by yet more plundering and pillage.

Having accused the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army of attacking phantom, non-existent hospitals, the Israelis, backed to the hilt by America, are blowing up Gazan hospitals and strafing those trying to flee them. Journalists, genuine journalists, UN staff and anyone else caught up in Gaza are fair game for Israel’s Luftwaffe. And America is with them all the way.

Because the social media clips I see from Gaza get viler and more unspeakable by the day (kids in their parents’ arms with half their heads blown off), I won’t link to them. However, I have to go all the way back to MI6’s ‘67-’70 Biafran genocide to get any viable comparators. Although Douglas Magregor, the West’s last military analyst worth listening to, throws up other examples as templates, Gaza is, like Biafra before it, hell’s nether reaches.

But at least Israel will prevail and its many amoral supporters will rejoice. At least until Nasrallah unleashes hell on them as Israel sets the West Bank on the fire from one end to the other. Though the West Bank, like Gaza, will be a turkey shoot, it will be of a different order, random pogroms of Palestinians, a bit of recreational rape, more land grabs, poisoning of water wells, no big deal and nothing the Israelis have not already put them through time and again over their 75 year long campaign. There too, Israel will prevail.

Nasrallah’s Maginot Line presents a different dilemma. Although Hezbollah have some serious offensive power, they are not a match in open combat for the Israeli Defence Forces and nor are they meant to be. Their array of toys are capable of inflicting serious damage not only on Israeli civilian structure but on Israel’s key military installations, the Dimona nuclear site that whistleblower and Mossad kidnap victim Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Julian Assange, has been banged up for the last few decades over, included.

Should Nasrallah be forced to give Israel hell, then, as Israel promises, what remains of Lebanon and Syria will cease to exist. One must presume that is why Mad Joe Biden sent two full armadas and a lorry load of Gulf of Tonkin lies there.

Those armadas, for what it is worth, have spent the last days off the Italian coast practicing how to defend themselves against incoming mach+ fire and Russia has suitably equipped planes circling the Black Sea, lest those armadas turn their top tier toys on them.

Although Hezbollah and their Yemeni buddies are believed to have some top tier gear, they have not inflicted much damage with them to date. Because one damaged Israeli frigate and a holed Yankee ship do not exactly equate to The Battle of the Coral Sea, we can expect the Yanks, in line with their odious Which Path to Persia policy, to blitzkrieg both Lebanon and Syria destroying, as they and their Israeli chums like to do, water, sewage and similar basic civilian infrastructure so that, like Iraq, plague and pestilence will take their toll on their maternity wards.

Although America’s naval assets can be professionally criticised, the Yanks and the Brits before them have been using their navies to project global power since the times of the Spanish Armada. Although the Yankee navy prefers blue waters for its blue water navies, the Roman Empire’s Mediterranean frog pool will, if it must, suffice for now. It is not as if the Yanks and their British, Spanish, Italian and sundry other poodles are totally unprepared for this. Their only possible party poopers are Russian naval and aeronautical assets in Syria and, should the Chinese can can dancers decide to dispense with their frilly knickers, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army as well.

Next for chopping will be Iran before, presumably, the Chinese can can dancers are paid a visit. All in all, great pay days for NATO’s defence industries. And, though the Iranians will give a good account of themselves before they too bite the dust, the danger there is that Turkey, Pakistan and all the pan-Turkic countries will join the melee. As Pakistan has promised to lend the Turks nuclear weapons should the situation demand it, that opens the door not only for Pakistan to deflect from its own internal problems but for India’s Shiva worshippers to join in the affray.

Although MI6 agent Zelensky is angry the Gazan crisis has overshadowed his circus, if he has any sense, he will scoot, preferably to Florida, whose shopping malls are less prone to Hezbollah rocket fire than are those of Tel Aviv or Haifa and where, happy to say, there is no shortage of Colombian snow candy. That is because he is a busted flush and, as the Russians advance, the chances of Zelensky and his wife ending up like fellow former MI6 agent Mussolini and his mistress, strung up on lampposts like market day pigs by their compatriots, increases exponentially. I would fly to Kiev myself to warn him but, as the average age in what remains of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is now 43 (meaning half of them are older than 43), I’d be afraid he’d stick a helmet on my head, and a bayonet in my paw before consigning me to the meat grinder that has long ago lost its lustre here in the West.

I am not here talking about odious war criminals like the Dutch Foreign Minister, British billionaire bollox Richard Branson, North American Nazis Hillary Clinton and Chrystia Freeland or the Economist who prattle, with a straight face mind you, that the slaughter of almost a million Ukrainians is good value in warning China’s can can dancers to behave themselves if they don’t want to meet the same fate.

The tens of millions, who marched for Gaza, were not protesting against Chinese kabuki. Rather, they were horrified to their marrow at the unspeakable slaughter the Sixth Army is perpetrating in Gaza. If there is to be any hope or salvation for the West, it is in those tens of millions of marching feet that stretch from Sydney to Stockholm and from Auckland to Ankara, about which we will shortly adduce some further comments.

Not only do I remember the initial marches of King and the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) but I was in the front ranks when the British Embassy in Dublin was burned to the ground following the January 30th 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre by the war criminals of King Charles’ Parachute Regiment. Though the British corralled that to suit their own needs, I cannot see how they and their NATO partners in crime can corral the tens of millions of their citizens who are sickened by the Sixth Army’s war crimes.

There are all kinds of plans afoot in Albion and in the States to criminalise the Palestinian flag, the wearing of the keffiyeh and so on, just as the British banned the Irish tricolour and the hurley in their day. Good news for the Chinese can can dancers, who can expect to export knock off keffiyehs in their millions and very good news for those Muslim Brotherhood fanatics fanning the flames for their own diverse reasons in Istanbul, Ankara, Islamabad, London and Washington but one has to wonder are there any sane people at NATO’s helm.

The sane policy would be to be elastic, to waffle like Blair, to let the utterly irrelevant Assange fly back to Australia, to let them have their day out waving their flags and dressing up like Arabs out for an afternoon stroll. But that would be to go against the teachings of High Priest Benjamin Netanayhu, who needs as many human sacrifices as possible to secure his place in politics and in time.

And though Netanyahu might think himself to be one of those Inca or Aztec gods of old, who liked nothing better than a mass human sacrifice to while away the afternoon, that trick does not work in our wired up world. People, tens of millions of them, are angry and they will find a vent, peaceful or savage beyond measure, for that anger. There is nothing new under the sun.

Whereas NATO controlled their masses as they marshalled them for Zelensky and against the secular Syrian Arab Republic, this time NATO has miscalculated and so must prepare to go the way of all previous empires. No matter what further outrages Israel’s Sixth Army commits in Gaza, there will be survivors to give testimony and the testimony of those survivors will be amplified not only in Ankara and Tehran but even throughout NATO’s own caliphate where it will whittle away at what remains of its supporting frameworks.

Although NATO has us scared senseless about global warming’s effect on polar bears and penguins, they best quickly turn their attention to other calamities they are bringing us, which will range from seemingly random knife attacks in our villages and cities to Turkey, Pakistan and India playing Russian roulette with a chamber full of nuclear tipped bullets. That is the quicksand Biden, Netanyahu and the nobodies in power in London, Paris and Rome have walked us all into.

And so, to conclude for the time of year that is in it, let’s coin Churchill’s November 10, 1942 quip that Gaza “is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” The eschatological headbangers of America and Israel, egged on by Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland and Chrystia Freeland, have opened the gates of hell on us all. Let’s hope they enjoy the incoming heat which will, in time, devour them too. And, if there is a silver lining in these bowels of hell, it is that Branson, Biden, Nuland, Freeland and the rest of them have not a hope in that same hell of surviving the conflagration they are visiting upon the world, and for that, we must be very grateful indeed.

The World at War: Julian Assange, Zelensky/Mussolini and Nasrallah’s Maginot Line

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s army as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their nemeses.

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After again marvelling at the Israeli Sixth Army’s ongoing push into Gaza, we’ll pan out and give mention to World War Three’s other key fronts.

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s Sixth Army being as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their Stalingrad nemeses. However, Israel will prevail there due, in part, to how they have changed the rules of engagement which will allow them and their Yankee partners in crime level the entire area and all therein in any way they see fit.

We still talk of Guernica, one of the curtain raisers for the bombing of civilian targets by both the RAF and the Luftwaffe. But Guernica had a maximum of 1,600 fatalities, which would be a quiet body bag count for any day in Gaza where Israel, like their Wehrmacht idols before them, believe they have the right to defend their plundering and pillage by yet more plundering and pillage.

Having accused the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army of attacking phantom, non-existent hospitals, the Israelis, backed to the hilt by America, are blowing up Gazan hospitals and strafing those trying to flee them. Journalists, genuine journalists, UN staff and anyone else caught up in Gaza are fair game for Israel’s Luftwaffe. And America is with them all the way.

Because the social media clips I see from Gaza get viler and more unspeakable by the day (kids in their parents’ arms with half their heads blown off), I won’t link to them. However, I have to go all the way back to MI6’s ‘67-’70 Biafran genocide to get any viable comparators. Although Douglas Magregor, the West’s last military analyst worth listening to, throws up other examples as templates, Gaza is, like Biafra before it, hell’s nether reaches.

But at least Israel will prevail and its many amoral supporters will rejoice. At least until Nasrallah unleashes hell on them as Israel sets the West Bank on the fire from one end to the other. Though the West Bank, like Gaza, will be a turkey shoot, it will be of a different order, random pogroms of Palestinians, a bit of recreational rape, more land grabs, poisoning of water wells, no big deal and nothing the Israelis have not already put them through time and again over their 75 year long campaign. There too, Israel will prevail.

Nasrallah’s Maginot Line presents a different dilemma. Although Hezbollah have some serious offensive power, they are not a match in open combat for the Israeli Defence Forces and nor are they meant to be. Their array of toys are capable of inflicting serious damage not only on Israeli civilian structure but on Israel’s key military installations, the Dimona nuclear site that whistleblower and Mossad kidnap victim Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Julian Assange, has been banged up for the last few decades over, included.

Should Nasrallah be forced to give Israel hell, then, as Israel promises, what remains of Lebanon and Syria will cease to exist. One must presume that is why Mad Joe Biden sent two full armadas and a lorry load of Gulf of Tonkin lies there.

Those armadas, for what it is worth, have spent the last days off the Italian coast practicing how to defend themselves against incoming mach+ fire and Russia has suitably equipped planes circling the Black Sea, lest those armadas turn their top tier toys on them.

Although Hezbollah and their Yemeni buddies are believed to have some top tier gear, they have not inflicted much damage with them to date. Because one damaged Israeli frigate and a holed Yankee ship do not exactly equate to The Battle of the Coral Sea, we can expect the Yanks, in line with their odious Which Path to Persia policy, to blitzkrieg both Lebanon and Syria destroying, as they and their Israeli chums like to do, water, sewage and similar basic civilian infrastructure so that, like Iraq, plague and pestilence will take their toll on their maternity wards.

Although America’s naval assets can be professionally criticised, the Yanks and the Brits before them have been using their navies to project global power since the times of the Spanish Armada. Although the Yankee navy prefers blue waters for its blue water navies, the Roman Empire’s Mediterranean frog pool will, if it must, suffice for now. It is not as if the Yanks and their British, Spanish, Italian and sundry other poodles are totally unprepared for this. Their only possible party poopers are Russian naval and aeronautical assets in Syria and, should the Chinese can can dancers decide to dispense with their frilly knickers, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army as well.

Next for chopping will be Iran before, presumably, the Chinese can can dancers are paid a visit. All in all, great pay days for NATO’s defence industries. And, though the Iranians will give a good account of themselves before they too bite the dust, the danger there is that Turkey, Pakistan and all the pan-Turkic countries will join the melee. As Pakistan has promised to lend the Turks nuclear weapons should the situation demand it, that opens the door not only for Pakistan to deflect from its own internal problems but for India’s Shiva worshippers to join in the affray.

Although MI6 agent Zelensky is angry the Gazan crisis has overshadowed his circus, if he has any sense, he will scoot, preferably to Florida, whose shopping malls are less prone to Hezbollah rocket fire than are those of Tel Aviv or Haifa and where, happy to say, there is no shortage of Colombian snow candy. That is because he is a busted flush and, as the Russians advance, the chances of Zelensky and his wife ending up like fellow former MI6 agent Mussolini and his mistress, strung up on lampposts like market day pigs by their compatriots, increases exponentially. I would fly to Kiev myself to warn him but, as the average age in what remains of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is now 43 (meaning half of them are older than 43), I’d be afraid he’d stick a helmet on my head, and a bayonet in my paw before consigning me to the meat grinder that has long ago lost its lustre here in the West.

I am not here talking about odious war criminals like the Dutch Foreign Minister, British billionaire bollox Richard Branson, North American Nazis Hillary Clinton and Chrystia Freeland or the Economist who prattle, with a straight face mind you, that the slaughter of almost a million Ukrainians is good value in warning China’s can can dancers to behave themselves if they don’t want to meet the same fate.

The tens of millions, who marched for Gaza, were not protesting against Chinese kabuki. Rather, they were horrified to their marrow at the unspeakable slaughter the Sixth Army is perpetrating in Gaza. If there is to be any hope or salvation for the West, it is in those tens of millions of marching feet that stretch from Sydney to Stockholm and from Auckland to Ankara, about which we will shortly adduce some further comments.

Not only do I remember the initial marches of King and the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) but I was in the front ranks when the British Embassy in Dublin was burned to the ground following the January 30th 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre by the war criminals of King Charles’ Parachute Regiment. Though the British corralled that to suit their own needs, I cannot see how they and their NATO partners in crime can corral the tens of millions of their citizens who are sickened by the Sixth Army’s war crimes.

There are all kinds of plans afoot in Albion and in the States to criminalise the Palestinian flag, the wearing of the keffiyeh and so on, just as the British banned the Irish tricolour and the hurley in their day. Good news for the Chinese can can dancers, who can expect to export knock off keffiyehs in their millions and very good news for those Muslim Brotherhood fanatics fanning the flames for their own diverse reasons in Istanbul, Ankara, Islamabad, London and Washington but one has to wonder are there any sane people at NATO’s helm.

The sane policy would be to be elastic, to waffle like Blair, to let the utterly irrelevant Assange fly back to Australia, to let them have their day out waving their flags and dressing up like Arabs out for an afternoon stroll. But that would be to go against the teachings of High Priest Benjamin Netanayhu, who needs as many human sacrifices as possible to secure his place in politics and in time.

And though Netanyahu might think himself to be one of those Inca or Aztec gods of old, who liked nothing better than a mass human sacrifice to while away the afternoon, that trick does not work in our wired up world. People, tens of millions of them, are angry and they will find a vent, peaceful or savage beyond measure, for that anger. There is nothing new under the sun.

Whereas NATO controlled their masses as they marshalled them for Zelensky and against the secular Syrian Arab Republic, this time NATO has miscalculated and so must prepare to go the way of all previous empires. No matter what further outrages Israel’s Sixth Army commits in Gaza, there will be survivors to give testimony and the testimony of those survivors will be amplified not only in Ankara and Tehran but even throughout NATO’s own caliphate where it will whittle away at what remains of its supporting frameworks.

Although NATO has us scared senseless about global warming’s effect on polar bears and penguins, they best quickly turn their attention to other calamities they are bringing us, which will range from seemingly random knife attacks in our villages and cities to Turkey, Pakistan and India playing Russian roulette with a chamber full of nuclear tipped bullets. That is the quicksand Biden, Netanyahu and the nobodies in power in London, Paris and Rome have walked us all into.

And so, to conclude for the time of year that is in it, let’s coin Churchill’s November 10, 1942 quip that Gaza “is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” The eschatological headbangers of America and Israel, egged on by Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland and Chrystia Freeland, have opened the gates of hell on us all. Let’s hope they enjoy the incoming heat which will, in time, devour them too. And, if there is a silver lining in these bowels of hell, it is that Branson, Biden, Nuland, Freeland and the rest of them have not a hope in that same hell of surviving the conflagration they are visiting upon the world, and for that, we must be very grateful indeed.

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s army as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their nemeses.

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After again marvelling at the Israeli Sixth Army’s ongoing push into Gaza, we’ll pan out and give mention to World War Three’s other key fronts.

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s Sixth Army being as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their Stalingrad nemeses. However, Israel will prevail there due, in part, to how they have changed the rules of engagement which will allow them and their Yankee partners in crime level the entire area and all therein in any way they see fit.

We still talk of Guernica, one of the curtain raisers for the bombing of civilian targets by both the RAF and the Luftwaffe. But Guernica had a maximum of 1,600 fatalities, which would be a quiet body bag count for any day in Gaza where Israel, like their Wehrmacht idols before them, believe they have the right to defend their plundering and pillage by yet more plundering and pillage.

Having accused the heroes of the Syrian Arab Army of attacking phantom, non-existent hospitals, the Israelis, backed to the hilt by America, are blowing up Gazan hospitals and strafing those trying to flee them. Journalists, genuine journalists, UN staff and anyone else caught up in Gaza are fair game for Israel’s Luftwaffe. And America is with them all the way.

Because the social media clips I see from Gaza get viler and more unspeakable by the day (kids in their parents’ arms with half their heads blown off), I won’t link to them. However, I have to go all the way back to MI6’s ‘67-’70 Biafran genocide to get any viable comparators. Although Douglas Magregor, the West’s last military analyst worth listening to, throws up other examples as templates, Gaza is, like Biafra before it, hell’s nether reaches.

But at least Israel will prevail and its many amoral supporters will rejoice. At least until Nasrallah unleashes hell on them as Israel sets the West Bank on the fire from one end to the other. Though the West Bank, like Gaza, will be a turkey shoot, it will be of a different order, random pogroms of Palestinians, a bit of recreational rape, more land grabs, poisoning of water wells, no big deal and nothing the Israelis have not already put them through time and again over their 75 year long campaign. There too, Israel will prevail.

Nasrallah’s Maginot Line presents a different dilemma. Although Hezbollah have some serious offensive power, they are not a match in open combat for the Israeli Defence Forces and nor are they meant to be. Their array of toys are capable of inflicting serious damage not only on Israeli civilian structure but on Israel’s key military installations, the Dimona nuclear site that whistleblower and Mossad kidnap victim Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Julian Assange, has been banged up for the last few decades over, included.

Should Nasrallah be forced to give Israel hell, then, as Israel promises, what remains of Lebanon and Syria will cease to exist. One must presume that is why Mad Joe Biden sent two full armadas and a lorry load of Gulf of Tonkin lies there.

Those armadas, for what it is worth, have spent the last days off the Italian coast practicing how to defend themselves against incoming mach+ fire and Russia has suitably equipped planes circling the Black Sea, lest those armadas turn their top tier toys on them.

Although Hezbollah and their Yemeni buddies are believed to have some top tier gear, they have not inflicted much damage with them to date. Because one damaged Israeli frigate and a holed Yankee ship do not exactly equate to The Battle of the Coral Sea, we can expect the Yanks, in line with their odious Which Path to Persia policy, to blitzkrieg both Lebanon and Syria destroying, as they and their Israeli chums like to do, water, sewage and similar basic civilian infrastructure so that, like Iraq, plague and pestilence will take their toll on their maternity wards.

Although America’s naval assets can be professionally criticised, the Yanks and the Brits before them have been using their navies to project global power since the times of the Spanish Armada. Although the Yankee navy prefers blue waters for its blue water navies, the Roman Empire’s Mediterranean frog pool will, if it must, suffice for now. It is not as if the Yanks and their British, Spanish, Italian and sundry other poodles are totally unprepared for this. Their only possible party poopers are Russian naval and aeronautical assets in Syria and, should the Chinese can can dancers decide to dispense with their frilly knickers, the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army as well.

Next for chopping will be Iran before, presumably, the Chinese can can dancers are paid a visit. All in all, great pay days for NATO’s defence industries. And, though the Iranians will give a good account of themselves before they too bite the dust, the danger there is that Turkey, Pakistan and all the pan-Turkic countries will join the melee. As Pakistan has promised to lend the Turks nuclear weapons should the situation demand it, that opens the door not only for Pakistan to deflect from its own internal problems but for India’s Shiva worshippers to join in the affray.

Although MI6 agent Zelensky is angry the Gazan crisis has overshadowed his circus, if he has any sense, he will scoot, preferably to Florida, whose shopping malls are less prone to Hezbollah rocket fire than are those of Tel Aviv or Haifa and where, happy to say, there is no shortage of Colombian snow candy. That is because he is a busted flush and, as the Russians advance, the chances of Zelensky and his wife ending up like fellow former MI6 agent Mussolini and his mistress, strung up on lampposts like market day pigs by their compatriots, increases exponentially. I would fly to Kiev myself to warn him but, as the average age in what remains of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is now 43 (meaning half of them are older than 43), I’d be afraid he’d stick a helmet on my head, and a bayonet in my paw before consigning me to the meat grinder that has long ago lost its lustre here in the West.

I am not here talking about odious war criminals like the Dutch Foreign Minister, British billionaire bollox Richard Branson, North American Nazis Hillary Clinton and Chrystia Freeland or the Economist who prattle, with a straight face mind you, that the slaughter of almost a million Ukrainians is good value in warning China’s can can dancers to behave themselves if they don’t want to meet the same fate.

The tens of millions, who marched for Gaza, were not protesting against Chinese kabuki. Rather, they were horrified to their marrow at the unspeakable slaughter the Sixth Army is perpetrating in Gaza. If there is to be any hope or salvation for the West, it is in those tens of millions of marching feet that stretch from Sydney to Stockholm and from Auckland to Ankara, about which we will shortly adduce some further comments.

Not only do I remember the initial marches of King and the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) but I was in the front ranks when the British Embassy in Dublin was burned to the ground following the January 30th 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre by the war criminals of King Charles’ Parachute Regiment. Though the British corralled that to suit their own needs, I cannot see how they and their NATO partners in crime can corral the tens of millions of their citizens who are sickened by the Sixth Army’s war crimes.

There are all kinds of plans afoot in Albion and in the States to criminalise the Palestinian flag, the wearing of the keffiyeh and so on, just as the British banned the Irish tricolour and the hurley in their day. Good news for the Chinese can can dancers, who can expect to export knock off keffiyehs in their millions and very good news for those Muslim Brotherhood fanatics fanning the flames for their own diverse reasons in Istanbul, Ankara, Islamabad, London and Washington but one has to wonder are there any sane people at NATO’s helm.

The sane policy would be to be elastic, to waffle like Blair, to let the utterly irrelevant Assange fly back to Australia, to let them have their day out waving their flags and dressing up like Arabs out for an afternoon stroll. But that would be to go against the teachings of High Priest Benjamin Netanayhu, who needs as many human sacrifices as possible to secure his place in politics and in time.

And though Netanyahu might think himself to be one of those Inca or Aztec gods of old, who liked nothing better than a mass human sacrifice to while away the afternoon, that trick does not work in our wired up world. People, tens of millions of them, are angry and they will find a vent, peaceful or savage beyond measure, for that anger. There is nothing new under the sun.

Whereas NATO controlled their masses as they marshalled them for Zelensky and against the secular Syrian Arab Republic, this time NATO has miscalculated and so must prepare to go the way of all previous empires. No matter what further outrages Israel’s Sixth Army commits in Gaza, there will be survivors to give testimony and the testimony of those survivors will be amplified not only in Ankara and Tehran but even throughout NATO’s own caliphate where it will whittle away at what remains of its supporting frameworks.

Although NATO has us scared senseless about global warming’s effect on polar bears and penguins, they best quickly turn their attention to other calamities they are bringing us, which will range from seemingly random knife attacks in our villages and cities to Turkey, Pakistan and India playing Russian roulette with a chamber full of nuclear tipped bullets. That is the quicksand Biden, Netanyahu and the nobodies in power in London, Paris and Rome have walked us all into.

And so, to conclude for the time of year that is in it, let’s coin Churchill’s November 10, 1942 quip that Gaza “is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” The eschatological headbangers of America and Israel, egged on by Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland and Chrystia Freeland, have opened the gates of hell on us all. Let’s hope they enjoy the incoming heat which will, in time, devour them too. And, if there is a silver lining in these bowels of hell, it is that Branson, Biden, Nuland, Freeland and the rest of them have not a hope in that same hell of surviving the conflagration they are visiting upon the world, and for that, we must be very grateful indeed.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 17, 2025

See also

February 17, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.