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Assassinatos continuam, mas Israel não vencerá a guerra
Assassinatos continuam, mas Israel não vencerá a guerra
October 20, 2024

Recente assassinato de líder do Hamas mostra que de fato a inteligência israelense tem capacidade tática, mas isso não é suficiente para vencer uma guerra.

Assassinations continue, but Israel will not win the war
October 19, 2024

The recent assassination of a Hamas leader shows that Israeli intelligence does indeed have tactical capabilities, but that is not enough to win a war.

Assassinations continue, but Israel will not win the war
Jewish Chronicle scandal: Why was there no uproar over past pro-Israel disinformation?
Editor's Сhoice
Jewish Chronicle scandal: Why was there no uproar over past pro-Israel disinformation?
September 21, 2024

Despite a deeply problematic track record, the paper’s fake news is making waves only now, after it printed claims based on forged Hamas documents

The true history of how Hamas was created
September 13, 2024

To fully understand the origins of these claims, we must look back to 1973 when Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, a Palestinian member of the Muslim Brotherhood, founded the Mujamma al-Islammiyah. This Islamic social organization aimed to promote a conservative interpretation of Sunni Islam within the Gaza Strip.

The true history of how Hamas was created
Editor's Сhoice
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No se puede armar a un estado genocida para que se modere. entonces, ¿Por qué Occidente sigue intentándolo?
No se puede armar a un estado genocida para que se modere. entonces, ¿Por qué Occidente sigue intentándolo?
September 10, 2024

Los gobiernos occidentales nunca aislarán ni sancionarán a Israel. La máquina de guerra continuará hasta que la detengamos o hasta que sus juegos letales nos exploten en la cara.

Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters
September 3, 2024

Britain’s authoritarian new prime minister is expanding the scope of already draconian laws to redefine his critics as ‘supporters’ of terrorism

Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters
Editor's Сhoice
The enemy within… Netanyahu faces his biggest threat yet from furious Israeli public
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The enemy within… Netanyahu faces his biggest threat yet from furious Israeli public
September 3, 2024

The Israeli public mood is turning decisively against the rule of Benjamin Netanyahu following the recovery of six dead hostages.

El caos de relaciones públicas de Israel tras la masacre en la escuela de Gaza: combatientes de Hamás muertos dos veces y “no hay mujeres ni niños presentes”
August 18, 2024

Después de cometer una masacre en una escuela en la ciudad de Gaza, el ejército israelí afirmó que la instalación, que albergaba a más de 6.000 civiles desplazados, estaba siendo utilizada como un centro de comando de Hamás.

El caos de relaciones públicas de Israel tras la masacre en la escuela de Gaza: combatientes de Hamás muertos dos veces y “no hay mujeres ni niños presentes”