Tag: Nuclear Weapons

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Destabilizing the U.S.-Russian nuclear balance
Editor's Сhoice
Destabilizing the U.S.-Russian nuclear balance
July 15, 2024

Natylie Baldwin interviews Theodore Postol of MIT on the implications of reports that Ukraine recently struck a radar used by Russia’s nuclear early-warning system.

‘If U.S. nukes return, Britain will be on the frontline in a NATO-Russia war’
July 4, 2024

As a veteran activist, Zelter was engaged in stopping US nuclear weapons for 33 years in Norfolk. In Global Times (GT) reporter Wang Wenwen’s I-Talk show, Zelter voiced her concerns about the return of the US nukes.

‘If U.S. nukes return, Britain will be on the frontline in a NATO-Russia war’
Editor's Сhoice
La “guerra” de Putin para remodelar el zeitgeist estadounidense
La “guerra” de Putin para remodelar el zeitgeist estadounidense
June 28, 2024

Sólo comprendiendo y tomando en serio las advertencias nucleares rusas podremos excluir el riesgo de que entren en juego armas nucleares.

We’re all buying more nukes. Here are the five main reasons why
June 24, 2024

How did we get from “the world can’t afford a nuclear war” narrative of 40 years ago to the present nail-biting edge of the abyss as of today?

We’re all buying more nukes. Here are the five main reasons why
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Putin’s “war” to re-shape the American Zeitgeist
Putin’s “war” to re-shape the American Zeitgeist
June 24, 2024

It is only by understanding and taking the Russian nuclear warnings seriously that we may exclude the risk of nuclear weapons coming into play.

Droning Russia’s nuke radars is the dumbest thing Ukraine can do
June 20, 2024

Attacks on the early warning system actually highlights the fragility of peace between the world’s nuclear powers

Droning Russia’s nuke radars is the dumbest thing Ukraine can do
Editor's Сhoice
Detengan a esos locos belicistas de la OTAN
Detengan a esos locos belicistas de la OTAN
June 18, 2024

Es increíble, el mundo está siendo empujado hacia el abismo de la guerra nuclear por la mediocridad de estúpidos sujetos occidentales que ni siquiera han sido elegidos.

The Triad is not the Trinity
June 9, 2024

When I said that the triad wasn’t the trinity, what I meant (the obvious aside) was this: the U.S. military no longer needs nuclear strategic bombers and land-based ICBMs in order to threaten to destroy the planet.

The Triad is not the Trinity
Editor's Сhoice