Tag: World War III

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Detengan a esos locos belicistas de la OTAN
Detengan a esos locos belicistas de la OTAN
June 18, 2024

Es increíble, el mundo está siendo empujado hacia el abismo de la guerra nuclear por la mediocridad de estúpidos sujetos occidentales que ni siquiera han sido elegidos.

U.S. declines Israel’s invitation to start WW3 (for now)
April 14, 2024

Biden could end all this with one phone call. The fact that he doesn’t means he’s a monster, and no amount of mass media reports about how “concerned” and “frustrated” he is regarding Israel’s actions will ever change that.

U.S. declines Israel’s invitation to start WW3 (for now)
Editor's Сhoice
Majority of Americans Would Not Serve in Event of Another World War
Majority of Americans Would Not Serve in Event of Another World War
March 27, 2024

Western morale – as witnessed by the lack of desire to serve their countries in the event of another world war – has rarely been so bleak.

Nuclear Threat, World War III and Turkey: Balance Policy or a Game?
March 14, 2024

Is Turkey’s rhetorical stance of “balancing” a genuine attempt at strategic equilibrium, or merely an endeavor to occupy multiple positions simultaneously?

Nuclear Threat, World War III and Turkey: Balance Policy or a Game?
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EU Leaders Squander Another €50 Billion on Propping up Kiev Regime… and Self-Destruction
EU Leaders Squander Another €50 Billion on Propping up Kiev Regime… and Self-Destruction
February 2, 2024

European elitist regimes are waging war in Europe against nuclear-powered Russia by wasting the public’s money to lavish a Neo-Nazi mafia in Kiev.

III Guerra mundial. ¿Por qué avanzan aumentando las posibilidades de que estalle?
January 30, 2024

Tanto va el cántaro a la fuente… Durante la dictadura encontré refugio en Barcelona. A fines de los años ’70 y comienzos de los ’80, el mensuario barcelonés El Viejo Topo fue para mi una gran referencia de los debates que el arco de las izquierdas sostenía en Europa y especialmente en Francia e Italia, cuna por entonces (cuando nadie podía prever el advenimiento de un Berlusconi) de los más interesantes.

III Guerra mundial. ¿Por qué avanzan aumentando las posibilidades de que estalle?
Geopolitics Is Moving North Korea’s Way
Editor's Сhoice
Geopolitics Is Moving North Korea’s Way
January 25, 2024

Kim, an astute practitioner of geopolitics, aims to create synergy through a strategic fusion that actually dates back to Joseph Stalin who purposefully sought to entangle the US in a military conflict on the Korean Peninsula and forestall the outbreak of a third world war.  

The World at War: Julian Assange, Zelensky/Mussolini and Nasrallah’s Maginot Line
November 9, 2023

Gaza is today’s Stalingrad, with Israel’s army as unprepared against Gaza’s tunnel rats as their German predecessors were against their nemeses.

The World at War: Julian Assange, Zelensky/Mussolini and Nasrallah’s Maginot Line