Tag: War

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Cómo la estrategia de luchar hasta el último ucraniano se vendió a la opinión pública como moralmente correcta
Cómo la estrategia de luchar hasta el último ucraniano se vendió a la opinión pública como moralmente correcta
December 3, 2024

La sociedad ucraniana es cada vez más consciente de que la OTAN saboteó la paz para luchar contra Rusia hasta el último ucraniano.

Russian forces are gobbling up territory in Ukraine at a rapid pace, and so the western elite have decided to gamble with all of our lives…
December 1, 2024

The western elite are absolutely determined to do something to change the momentum of the conflict, and so they have decided to allow Ukraine to launch long-range missiles that NATO has provided into Russian territory.

Russian forces are gobbling up territory in Ukraine at a rapid pace, and so the western elite have decided to gamble with all of our lives…
Editor's Сhoice
What is the West’s end-goal in Ukraine?
Editor's Сhoice
What is the West’s end-goal in Ukraine?
December 1, 2024

The policy of incremental escalation is looking increasingly unwise

Atlanticists mobilise to salvage NATO as Russia toughens its stance
November 29, 2024

The American film maker and philanthropist who created the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises, George Lucas, once said, “Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.” Within a week of Russia “testing” the Oreshnik hypersonic missile in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, against which the NATO has no defence, the Western alliance is already transiting through the Dark Side from fear to hatred and hurtling toward unspeakable suffering. 

Atlanticists mobilise to  salvage NATO as Russia toughens its stance
Editor's Сhoice
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Ukraine fires U.S. missiles at Russia risking wider war
Editor's Сhoice
Ukraine fires U.S. missiles at Russia risking wider war
November 29, 2024

The Pentagon refuses to say whether Joe Biden even informed it of his reckless decision to allow the strikes, which the DoD has strenuously opposed, reports Joe Lauria.

El doble rasero de Josep Borrell
November 28, 2024

Josep Borrell, viajó a Kiev para señalar que los europeos seguirán apoyando firmemente a las fuerzas armadas ucranianas en la guerra contra Rusia.

El doble rasero de Josep Borrell
El imperialismo necesita una Tercera Guerra Mundial
El imperialismo necesita una Tercera Guerra Mundial
November 26, 2024

Quienes creen en un mundo multipolar armonioso en el que una superpotencia, o incluso un sistema entero, será reemplazado mediante una transición indolora probablemente estén equivocados.

La práctica del “frente de castigo” en Kursk indica que no hay futuro para las fuerzas ucranianas
November 25, 2024

Kiev está empleando la pena de muerte en el frente de Kursk para castigar a los soldados rebeldes que se niegan a acatar órdenes en la suicida guerra contra la Federación de Rusia.

La práctica del “frente de castigo” en Kursk indica que no hay futuro para las fuerzas ucranianas