Declan Hayes
October 19, 2023
© Photo: Social Media

It would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark that NATO parrots are paid to propagate.

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Although Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia, would today be in her element in Northern Gaza, so would the riff raff we previously discussed who want to charge her and Russian President Putin with war crimes for previously evacuating women and children from the Stalingrads of Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhye.

Before getting on to Northern Gaza, let’s just repeat that women, the Maria Belovas of this world included, do not belong in today’s Stalingrads where, as Leutenant Weiner, of the 24th Panzer SS Division famously wrote, “corpses are strewn in the cellars, on the landings, and the staircases. The front is a corridor between burnt-out rooms; it is the thin ceiling between two floors. Help comes from neighbouring houses by fire escapes and chimneys. There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night. From story to story, faces black with sweat, we bombard each other with grenades in the middle of explosions, clouds of dust and smoke, heaps of mortar, floods of blood, fragments of furniture and human beings. Ask any soldier what half an hour of hand-to-hand struggle means in such a fight. And imagine Stalingrad; 80 days and 80 nights of hand-to-hand struggles. The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses….Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching, howling, bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones can not bear it for long; only men endure.”

Only men endure. When the IDF launch their ground campaign, the surviving men of Hamas will be stoically waiting for them, grimly determined to ladle out to the Israeli invaders their own generous helpings of Stalingrad, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. As for the women, the Mother Russias, the Maria Lvova-Belovas of Northern Gaza, they will have fled with their children southwards praying, between their screams, that at least some of their young charges, if not themselves, will avoid the phosphorous bombs the Israeli Air Force lace their escape routes with on NATO’s usual no claim no Israeli blame basis.

As for me, I have sent my condolences to mutual friends of journalists Issam Abdallah (killed), Carmen Joukhadar (very severely injured, limbs lost) and Elie Brakhia (injured), whom I had previously joked and dined with in Beirut and all of whom were amongst a group of accredited journalists the Israeli Air Force deliberately targeted in Southern Lebanon.

A war crime? Not on your nelly. The Israeli Defence Forces are the most moral mass murderers in the world. We have all read it in NATO’s media a million times and we know they don’t deliberately target non-combatants, even though they deliberately shot me at Bil’in way back in 2014.

Perish the thought. The Israeli Air Force would not have targeted them and tens of thousands of other “human animals” like them without good reason. Israel, like Nazi Germany before it, has a right to defend itself and we must keep a sense of proportion on things, lest we end up regurgitating Putin’s tropes.

Although Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, has made a good shot at correctly apportioning blame for NATO’s ongoing war crimes in Gaza, he does not go nearly far enough or deep enough. Although time constrictions would be one reason for that, the heuristical reasoning we already discussed in the case of Roger Waters et al is another. That being so, let’s see what light our MI6 chums can shed on matters.

Here is my old bête noir Crispin Blunt MP threatening to take the British Government to the Hague over their complicity in the IDF’s war crimes. However, if you listen to the clip, you will see this bum, who was part of this co-ordinated MI6 attack on me, say that “of course”, Israel has the right to defend itself, which is presumably why it is allowed deprive 2 million people, 75% of them women or children, of water whilst illegally possessing nuclear weapons and depleted uranium and phosphorous bombs to mow the lawn with.

Let’s just put this Crispin Blunt red herring to bed. There is absolutely no chance of Perfidious Albion being held to account for complicity in war crimes in Gaza or anywhere else. Even putting aside that they have never been held accountable for war crimes in Aden, Ireland, Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya or Iraq, whatever honourable MPs there are in Westminster are either long gone, or like Jeremy Corbyn who was one of the main reasons for that Crispin Blunt led MI6 attack on me, shoved to one side. Witness, for example, Ken Livingstone, who was booted out of the British Labour Party for mentioning, in his North London way, this historical collusion between Adolf Hitler’s Reich and the Zionist Movement.

As regards human rights’ barrister and current British Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, leaving aside that he has the charisma of a seashell, his human rights’ advocacy was merely a way to earn a buck. There is as much chance of his ilk helping to bring charges against Israel as there is of Zelensky going back to his day job as a male porno actor.

That can be seen by perusing this article in The Economist, the best written but vilest journal in NATO’s vast stable. The offending article is headlined as a question thus: Is Israel acting within the laws of war in Gaza? This is to give the man on the Clapham Omnibus the impression that the jury is still out on this, that perhaps, just perhaps, non-stop bombardments on Northern Gaza and an order to evacuate the walking dead was maybe, just maybe, a little over the line.

After beginning by telling us that “more than 1,900 Palestinians have been killed”, the article abandons the passive case to tell us that “Hamas terrorists murdered 1,300 people [rather than the aforementioned human animals] in southern Israel” and that “the scenes out of Gaza will be hard to stomach,” but that “Hamas… has deliberately massacred civilians, and … is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes”.

Having summarily convicted Hamas and acquitted the others, the article then asks “how far can Israel go in response?” To answer that mitigating question, The Economist hauls in as judge, jury and executioners, half-baked academics like “Aurel Sari, a law professor at the University of Exeter who lectures to NATO armed forces”, Lieutenant-Colonel John Merriam, a US Army Judge Advocate, who works closely with the IDF’s High Command, and Avichai Mandelblit, who served as Israel’s chief military advocate general.

These three wise monkeys inform us, in one of NATO’s most prestigious propaganda sheets, that Israel’s targeting is “broadly within the mainstream of contemporary state practice” and is in line with American doctrine and that the overwhelming threats little Israel faces “can justify, in the IDFs view, high levels of collateral damage that would [otherwise] appear excessive and … there are thousands of legal military targets inside the neighbourhoods of Gaza. You cannot distinguish them. Israel’s war aim is to destroy Hamas. If you want to do it, then you have to destroy Gaza, because everything in Gaza, almost every building there, is a stronghold of Hamas.”

Even though every blade of grass and every little child that might run to Gaza’s Mother Russias is, according to these psychos, a legitimate military target, there is no need to fear because Mr Sari says that the IDF, in his experience colluding with them, is “world-class” in its legal expertise and professional ethics. “I have a lot of faith in the Israeli military, lawyers and their system. It is very robust.” “Every target is legally examined,” insists Mr Mandelblit, the IDF’s chief apologist.

Meanwhile IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari tells us, almost as a throwaway afterthought to this toxic article, that “Gaza will eventually turn into a city of tents. There will be no buildings” and, as regards the “hundreds of tons of bombs” that have been dropped on Gaza, “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy”.

Although neither statement can be remotely squared with the law, that is really of no account as there are other judges, juries and executioners afoot we already met here with Joachim Peiper’s men and who are also referred to by this Russian general. Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and their allies are homes to large bodies of such men that Peiper and that general both described and whose lives are now dedicated to, as they see it, evening the body bag count, and balancing the scales of justice against not only both the hard and soft targets that Hamas recently targeted but against other key elements of the American Empire that underpin NATO’s rank hypocrisy.

Although Mother Russia (the country) has recently issued an arrest warrant for the ICC’s Karim Ahmad Khan, the brother of Blunt’s former Parliamentary colleague, the serial sex offender Imran Ahmad Khan, for his persecution of Mother Russia (the person), Khan is not NATO’s only serial offender and, though Russia is quite within its moral rights to pursue such criminals to the nth degree, Hamas’ breakout shows others have more forthright methods of trying to attain restorative justice.

Though choice of methods may differ, there can be no peace without justice and Mother Russia’s Alley of Angels, along with untold similar memorials across the Fertile Crescent, the so-called Axis of Resistance, demand nothing less. Although this unfortunate Sky News muppet might have some validity in parroting that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist, at day’s end, only men endure. And many of those men, together with thousands of today’s orphaned young boys, who will be tomorrow’s fired up young men are, like Peiper’s men before them, determined to kill their enemies. There is but one way to avoid this pending carnage and that is to round up NATO’s ringmasters, as well as their plants in the BBC, The Economist and other outlets that spread their bile. As that is currently unlikely to happen any day soon, we might like to decipher the slogan of No Justice! No Peace! And, as we do, think of all those who benefit from it, even as they persecute those like Mother Russia, who try to rectify it and the unfortunates of Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, who suffer as a consequence of it.

Although MLK famously stated that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice, the main forces impeding that progress remain those, like Israel, that are congealed around NATO. If, to quote MLK’s I have a Dream speech, “now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children”, then the long suffering Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis and Syrians cannot be left behind and freedom must also ring not only for them but for all those others NATO also persecutes or enslaves in Libya as well as throughout all of NATO controlled Africa.

Although, given recent circumstances, it is easy for rags like The Economist to criticise Hamas, it would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark these NATO parrots are paid to propagate. Although minnow sites like ours might do their best to defend the Mother Russias of both Russia and Gaza, it is up to countries like China to do the heavy lifting, not only militarily and economically but judicially as well. Let China start accumulating evidence with the same gusto it accumulates raw materials and foreign financial reserves and let it tip the judicial scales NATO has rigged for so long. If China were to so enter the ring, it would have the gratitude of all of Gaza’s Mother Russias and all the children they protect and nothing either on God’s earth or in China’s long history could match that greatest of all rewards. Until that deliverance, we too must endure.

Me, Mother Russia & War Crimes in Gaza

It would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark that NATO parrots are paid to propagate.

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitter , and VK.

Although Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia, would today be in her element in Northern Gaza, so would the riff raff we previously discussed who want to charge her and Russian President Putin with war crimes for previously evacuating women and children from the Stalingrads of Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhye.

Before getting on to Northern Gaza, let’s just repeat that women, the Maria Belovas of this world included, do not belong in today’s Stalingrads where, as Leutenant Weiner, of the 24th Panzer SS Division famously wrote, “corpses are strewn in the cellars, on the landings, and the staircases. The front is a corridor between burnt-out rooms; it is the thin ceiling between two floors. Help comes from neighbouring houses by fire escapes and chimneys. There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night. From story to story, faces black with sweat, we bombard each other with grenades in the middle of explosions, clouds of dust and smoke, heaps of mortar, floods of blood, fragments of furniture and human beings. Ask any soldier what half an hour of hand-to-hand struggle means in such a fight. And imagine Stalingrad; 80 days and 80 nights of hand-to-hand struggles. The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses….Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching, howling, bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones can not bear it for long; only men endure.”

Only men endure. When the IDF launch their ground campaign, the surviving men of Hamas will be stoically waiting for them, grimly determined to ladle out to the Israeli invaders their own generous helpings of Stalingrad, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. As for the women, the Mother Russias, the Maria Lvova-Belovas of Northern Gaza, they will have fled with their children southwards praying, between their screams, that at least some of their young charges, if not themselves, will avoid the phosphorous bombs the Israeli Air Force lace their escape routes with on NATO’s usual no claim no Israeli blame basis.

As for me, I have sent my condolences to mutual friends of journalists Issam Abdallah (killed), Carmen Joukhadar (very severely injured, limbs lost) and Elie Brakhia (injured), whom I had previously joked and dined with in Beirut and all of whom were amongst a group of accredited journalists the Israeli Air Force deliberately targeted in Southern Lebanon.

A war crime? Not on your nelly. The Israeli Defence Forces are the most moral mass murderers in the world. We have all read it in NATO’s media a million times and we know they don’t deliberately target non-combatants, even though they deliberately shot me at Bil’in way back in 2014.

Perish the thought. The Israeli Air Force would not have targeted them and tens of thousands of other “human animals” like them without good reason. Israel, like Nazi Germany before it, has a right to defend itself and we must keep a sense of proportion on things, lest we end up regurgitating Putin’s tropes.

Although Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, has made a good shot at correctly apportioning blame for NATO’s ongoing war crimes in Gaza, he does not go nearly far enough or deep enough. Although time constrictions would be one reason for that, the heuristical reasoning we already discussed in the case of Roger Waters et al is another. That being so, let’s see what light our MI6 chums can shed on matters.

Here is my old bête noir Crispin Blunt MP threatening to take the British Government to the Hague over their complicity in the IDF’s war crimes. However, if you listen to the clip, you will see this bum, who was part of this co-ordinated MI6 attack on me, say that “of course”, Israel has the right to defend itself, which is presumably why it is allowed deprive 2 million people, 75% of them women or children, of water whilst illegally possessing nuclear weapons and depleted uranium and phosphorous bombs to mow the lawn with.

Let’s just put this Crispin Blunt red herring to bed. There is absolutely no chance of Perfidious Albion being held to account for complicity in war crimes in Gaza or anywhere else. Even putting aside that they have never been held accountable for war crimes in Aden, Ireland, Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya or Iraq, whatever honourable MPs there are in Westminster are either long gone, or like Jeremy Corbyn who was one of the main reasons for that Crispin Blunt led MI6 attack on me, shoved to one side. Witness, for example, Ken Livingstone, who was booted out of the British Labour Party for mentioning, in his North London way, this historical collusion between Adolf Hitler’s Reich and the Zionist Movement.

As regards human rights’ barrister and current British Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, leaving aside that he has the charisma of a seashell, his human rights’ advocacy was merely a way to earn a buck. There is as much chance of his ilk helping to bring charges against Israel as there is of Zelensky going back to his day job as a male porno actor.

That can be seen by perusing this article in The Economist, the best written but vilest journal in NATO’s vast stable. The offending article is headlined as a question thus: Is Israel acting within the laws of war in Gaza? This is to give the man on the Clapham Omnibus the impression that the jury is still out on this, that perhaps, just perhaps, non-stop bombardments on Northern Gaza and an order to evacuate the walking dead was maybe, just maybe, a little over the line.

After beginning by telling us that “more than 1,900 Palestinians have been killed”, the article abandons the passive case to tell us that “Hamas terrorists murdered 1,300 people [rather than the aforementioned human animals] in southern Israel” and that “the scenes out of Gaza will be hard to stomach,” but that “Hamas… has deliberately massacred civilians, and … is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes”.

Having summarily convicted Hamas and acquitted the others, the article then asks “how far can Israel go in response?” To answer that mitigating question, The Economist hauls in as judge, jury and executioners, half-baked academics like “Aurel Sari, a law professor at the University of Exeter who lectures to NATO armed forces”, Lieutenant-Colonel John Merriam, a US Army Judge Advocate, who works closely with the IDF’s High Command, and Avichai Mandelblit, who served as Israel’s chief military advocate general.

These three wise monkeys inform us, in one of NATO’s most prestigious propaganda sheets, that Israel’s targeting is “broadly within the mainstream of contemporary state practice” and is in line with American doctrine and that the overwhelming threats little Israel faces “can justify, in the IDFs view, high levels of collateral damage that would [otherwise] appear excessive and … there are thousands of legal military targets inside the neighbourhoods of Gaza. You cannot distinguish them. Israel’s war aim is to destroy Hamas. If you want to do it, then you have to destroy Gaza, because everything in Gaza, almost every building there, is a stronghold of Hamas.”

Even though every blade of grass and every little child that might run to Gaza’s Mother Russias is, according to these psychos, a legitimate military target, there is no need to fear because Mr Sari says that the IDF, in his experience colluding with them, is “world-class” in its legal expertise and professional ethics. “I have a lot of faith in the Israeli military, lawyers and their system. It is very robust.” “Every target is legally examined,” insists Mr Mandelblit, the IDF’s chief apologist.

Meanwhile IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari tells us, almost as a throwaway afterthought to this toxic article, that “Gaza will eventually turn into a city of tents. There will be no buildings” and, as regards the “hundreds of tons of bombs” that have been dropped on Gaza, “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy”.

Although neither statement can be remotely squared with the law, that is really of no account as there are other judges, juries and executioners afoot we already met here with Joachim Peiper’s men and who are also referred to by this Russian general. Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and their allies are homes to large bodies of such men that Peiper and that general both described and whose lives are now dedicated to, as they see it, evening the body bag count, and balancing the scales of justice against not only both the hard and soft targets that Hamas recently targeted but against other key elements of the American Empire that underpin NATO’s rank hypocrisy.

Although Mother Russia (the country) has recently issued an arrest warrant for the ICC’s Karim Ahmad Khan, the brother of Blunt’s former Parliamentary colleague, the serial sex offender Imran Ahmad Khan, for his persecution of Mother Russia (the person), Khan is not NATO’s only serial offender and, though Russia is quite within its moral rights to pursue such criminals to the nth degree, Hamas’ breakout shows others have more forthright methods of trying to attain restorative justice.

Though choice of methods may differ, there can be no peace without justice and Mother Russia’s Alley of Angels, along with untold similar memorials across the Fertile Crescent, the so-called Axis of Resistance, demand nothing less. Although this unfortunate Sky News muppet might have some validity in parroting that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist, at day’s end, only men endure. And many of those men, together with thousands of today’s orphaned young boys, who will be tomorrow’s fired up young men are, like Peiper’s men before them, determined to kill their enemies. There is but one way to avoid this pending carnage and that is to round up NATO’s ringmasters, as well as their plants in the BBC, The Economist and other outlets that spread their bile. As that is currently unlikely to happen any day soon, we might like to decipher the slogan of No Justice! No Peace! And, as we do, think of all those who benefit from it, even as they persecute those like Mother Russia, who try to rectify it and the unfortunates of Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, who suffer as a consequence of it.

Although MLK famously stated that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice, the main forces impeding that progress remain those, like Israel, that are congealed around NATO. If, to quote MLK’s I have a Dream speech, “now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children”, then the long suffering Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis and Syrians cannot be left behind and freedom must also ring not only for them but for all those others NATO also persecutes or enslaves in Libya as well as throughout all of NATO controlled Africa.

Although, given recent circumstances, it is easy for rags like The Economist to criticise Hamas, it would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark these NATO parrots are paid to propagate. Although minnow sites like ours might do their best to defend the Mother Russias of both Russia and Gaza, it is up to countries like China to do the heavy lifting, not only militarily and economically but judicially as well. Let China start accumulating evidence with the same gusto it accumulates raw materials and foreign financial reserves and let it tip the judicial scales NATO has rigged for so long. If China were to so enter the ring, it would have the gratitude of all of Gaza’s Mother Russias and all the children they protect and nothing either on God’s earth or in China’s long history could match that greatest of all rewards. Until that deliverance, we too must endure.

It would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark that NATO parrots are paid to propagate.

❗️Join us on TelegramTwitter , and VK.

Although Maria Lvova-Belova, nick-named Mother Russia, would today be in her element in Northern Gaza, so would the riff raff we previously discussed who want to charge her and Russian President Putin with war crimes for previously evacuating women and children from the Stalingrads of Donetsk, Kherson, Lugansk and Zaporozhye.

Before getting on to Northern Gaza, let’s just repeat that women, the Maria Belovas of this world included, do not belong in today’s Stalingrads where, as Leutenant Weiner, of the 24th Panzer SS Division famously wrote, “corpses are strewn in the cellars, on the landings, and the staircases. The front is a corridor between burnt-out rooms; it is the thin ceiling between two floors. Help comes from neighbouring houses by fire escapes and chimneys. There is a ceaseless struggle from noon to night. From story to story, faces black with sweat, we bombard each other with grenades in the middle of explosions, clouds of dust and smoke, heaps of mortar, floods of blood, fragments of furniture and human beings. Ask any soldier what half an hour of hand-to-hand struggle means in such a fight. And imagine Stalingrad; 80 days and 80 nights of hand-to-hand struggles. The street is no longer measured by meters but by corpses….Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning, blinding smoke; it is a vast furnace lit by the reflection of the flames. And when night arrives, one of those scorching, howling, bleeding nights, the dogs plunge into the Volga and swim desperately to gain the other bank. The nights of Stalingrad are a terror for them. Animals flee this hell; the hardest stones can not bear it for long; only men endure.”

Only men endure. When the IDF launch their ground campaign, the surviving men of Hamas will be stoically waiting for them, grimly determined to ladle out to the Israeli invaders their own generous helpings of Stalingrad, Iwo Jima and Guadalcanal. As for the women, the Mother Russias, the Maria Lvova-Belovas of Northern Gaza, they will have fled with their children southwards praying, between their screams, that at least some of their young charges, if not themselves, will avoid the phosphorous bombs the Israeli Air Force lace their escape routes with on NATO’s usual no claim no Israeli blame basis.

As for me, I have sent my condolences to mutual friends of journalists Issam Abdallah (killed), Carmen Joukhadar (very severely injured, limbs lost) and Elie Brakhia (injured), whom I had previously joked and dined with in Beirut and all of whom were amongst a group of accredited journalists the Israeli Air Force deliberately targeted in Southern Lebanon.

A war crime? Not on your nelly. The Israeli Defence Forces are the most moral mass murderers in the world. We have all read it in NATO’s media a million times and we know they don’t deliberately target non-combatants, even though they deliberately shot me at Bil’in way back in 2014.

Perish the thought. The Israeli Air Force would not have targeted them and tens of thousands of other “human animals” like them without good reason. Israel, like Nazi Germany before it, has a right to defend itself and we must keep a sense of proportion on things, lest we end up regurgitating Putin’s tropes.

Although Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN, has made a good shot at correctly apportioning blame for NATO’s ongoing war crimes in Gaza, he does not go nearly far enough or deep enough. Although time constrictions would be one reason for that, the heuristical reasoning we already discussed in the case of Roger Waters et al is another. That being so, let’s see what light our MI6 chums can shed on matters.

Here is my old bête noir Crispin Blunt MP threatening to take the British Government to the Hague over their complicity in the IDF’s war crimes. However, if you listen to the clip, you will see this bum, who was part of this co-ordinated MI6 attack on me, say that “of course”, Israel has the right to defend itself, which is presumably why it is allowed deprive 2 million people, 75% of them women or children, of water whilst illegally possessing nuclear weapons and depleted uranium and phosphorous bombs to mow the lawn with.

Let’s just put this Crispin Blunt red herring to bed. There is absolutely no chance of Perfidious Albion being held to account for complicity in war crimes in Gaza or anywhere else. Even putting aside that they have never been held accountable for war crimes in Aden, Ireland, Malaya, Cyprus, Kenya or Iraq, whatever honourable MPs there are in Westminster are either long gone, or like Jeremy Corbyn who was one of the main reasons for that Crispin Blunt led MI6 attack on me, shoved to one side. Witness, for example, Ken Livingstone, who was booted out of the British Labour Party for mentioning, in his North London way, this historical collusion between Adolf Hitler’s Reich and the Zionist Movement.

As regards human rights’ barrister and current British Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer, leaving aside that he has the charisma of a seashell, his human rights’ advocacy was merely a way to earn a buck. There is as much chance of his ilk helping to bring charges against Israel as there is of Zelensky going back to his day job as a male porno actor.

That can be seen by perusing this article in The Economist, the best written but vilest journal in NATO’s vast stable. The offending article is headlined as a question thus: Is Israel acting within the laws of war in Gaza? This is to give the man on the Clapham Omnibus the impression that the jury is still out on this, that perhaps, just perhaps, non-stop bombardments on Northern Gaza and an order to evacuate the walking dead was maybe, just maybe, a little over the line.

After beginning by telling us that “more than 1,900 Palestinians have been killed”, the article abandons the passive case to tell us that “Hamas terrorists murdered 1,300 people [rather than the aforementioned human animals] in southern Israel” and that “the scenes out of Gaza will be hard to stomach,” but that “Hamas… has deliberately massacred civilians, and … is undoubtedly guilty of war crimes”.

Having summarily convicted Hamas and acquitted the others, the article then asks “how far can Israel go in response?” To answer that mitigating question, The Economist hauls in as judge, jury and executioners, half-baked academics like “Aurel Sari, a law professor at the University of Exeter who lectures to NATO armed forces”, Lieutenant-Colonel John Merriam, a US Army Judge Advocate, who works closely with the IDF’s High Command, and Avichai Mandelblit, who served as Israel’s chief military advocate general.

These three wise monkeys inform us, in one of NATO’s most prestigious propaganda sheets, that Israel’s targeting is “broadly within the mainstream of contemporary state practice” and is in line with American doctrine and that the overwhelming threats little Israel faces “can justify, in the IDFs view, high levels of collateral damage that would [otherwise] appear excessive and … there are thousands of legal military targets inside the neighbourhoods of Gaza. You cannot distinguish them. Israel’s war aim is to destroy Hamas. If you want to do it, then you have to destroy Gaza, because everything in Gaza, almost every building there, is a stronghold of Hamas.”

Even though every blade of grass and every little child that might run to Gaza’s Mother Russias is, according to these psychos, a legitimate military target, there is no need to fear because Mr Sari says that the IDF, in his experience colluding with them, is “world-class” in its legal expertise and professional ethics. “I have a lot of faith in the Israeli military, lawyers and their system. It is very robust.” “Every target is legally examined,” insists Mr Mandelblit, the IDF’s chief apologist.

Meanwhile IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari tells us, almost as a throwaway afterthought to this toxic article, that “Gaza will eventually turn into a city of tents. There will be no buildings” and, as regards the “hundreds of tons of bombs” that have been dropped on Gaza, “the emphasis is on damage and not on accuracy”.

Although neither statement can be remotely squared with the law, that is really of no account as there are other judges, juries and executioners afoot we already met here with Joachim Peiper’s men and who are also referred to by this Russian general. Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and their allies are homes to large bodies of such men that Peiper and that general both described and whose lives are now dedicated to, as they see it, evening the body bag count, and balancing the scales of justice against not only both the hard and soft targets that Hamas recently targeted but against other key elements of the American Empire that underpin NATO’s rank hypocrisy.

Although Mother Russia (the country) has recently issued an arrest warrant for the ICC’s Karim Ahmad Khan, the brother of Blunt’s former Parliamentary colleague, the serial sex offender Imran Ahmad Khan, for his persecution of Mother Russia (the person), Khan is not NATO’s only serial offender and, though Russia is quite within its moral rights to pursue such criminals to the nth degree, Hamas’ breakout shows others have more forthright methods of trying to attain restorative justice.

Though choice of methods may differ, there can be no peace without justice and Mother Russia’s Alley of Angels, along with untold similar memorials across the Fertile Crescent, the so-called Axis of Resistance, demand nothing less. Although this unfortunate Sky News muppet might have some validity in parroting that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist, at day’s end, only men endure. And many of those men, together with thousands of today’s orphaned young boys, who will be tomorrow’s fired up young men are, like Peiper’s men before them, determined to kill their enemies. There is but one way to avoid this pending carnage and that is to round up NATO’s ringmasters, as well as their plants in the BBC, The Economist and other outlets that spread their bile. As that is currently unlikely to happen any day soon, we might like to decipher the slogan of No Justice! No Peace! And, as we do, think of all those who benefit from it, even as they persecute those like Mother Russia, who try to rectify it and the unfortunates of Gaza, Syria and Lebanon, who suffer as a consequence of it.

Although MLK famously stated that the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice, the main forces impeding that progress remain those, like Israel, that are congealed around NATO. If, to quote MLK’s I have a Dream speech, “now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children”, then the long suffering Palestinians, Lebanese, Iraqis and Syrians cannot be left behind and freedom must also ring not only for them but for all those others NATO also persecutes or enslaves in Libya as well as throughout all of NATO controlled Africa.

Although, given recent circumstances, it is easy for rags like The Economist to criticise Hamas, it would be infinitely better to light a candle than to curse the dark these NATO parrots are paid to propagate. Although minnow sites like ours might do their best to defend the Mother Russias of both Russia and Gaza, it is up to countries like China to do the heavy lifting, not only militarily and economically but judicially as well. Let China start accumulating evidence with the same gusto it accumulates raw materials and foreign financial reserves and let it tip the judicial scales NATO has rigged for so long. If China were to so enter the ring, it would have the gratitude of all of Gaza’s Mother Russias and all the children they protect and nothing either on God’s earth or in China’s long history could match that greatest of all rewards. Until that deliverance, we too must endure.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

October 2, 2024

See also

October 2, 2024
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.