Declan Hayes
January 21, 2025
© Photo: Public domain

Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries.

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Although the Swiss and Serbian authorities are to be commended for offering their good offices to broker peace between America and Russia in Ukraine, NATO has allowed the situation to deteriorate to such a degree that much more than a knees up in Belgrade or Berne will be needed to put things to rights. Frankly, the situation is so bad that I think nothing short of all-out nuclear war can even begin to put things to rights.

Although that is a road most of us outside of NATO’s High Command would like to avoid, it is one that Russian President Putin must factor into his calculus before even entertaining the idea of these talks about largely nothing. It is also important to note that any such talks, be they in Belgrade, Berne, Beijing or Belarus would be a meeting between equals and that corrupt porn stars like Zelensky can have no hand, act or part in them. As well as agreeing that Ukraine should be dismembered and that Sweden and Finland should unilaterally disarm, there are a number of other factors and constraints that would have to be agreed far in advance of any such photo op.

Nonce Gate

As if recent SCF articles here, here, here, here, here, here and here on the British Labour Party’s child rape gangs were not enough to convince us that Britain can have no say in Ukrainian (or should that be Uranian?) affairs, it now transpires that former British Defence Minister and notorious Zionist Ivor Caplin is the latest senior Labour Party member to be outed as a child rapist. Neither Putin nor any other self-respecting Russian can negotiate in good faith with these nonces.

Caplin, Starmer and their ilk would, to be fair to them, argue that their members are following an age-old British tradition of buggering any and all waifs that come their way. Britain exported an estimated 150,000 children as sex slaves to Virginia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Southern Rhodesia to empty the orphanages of its Oliver Twists, to boost the population of the colonies and, of course, to allow the patrons and staff of Barnardo’s and the Fairbridge Society, whose president was the Duke of Gloucester, uncle to the Queen, to bugger the waifs in Hog Heaven as they called it. Although former Fairbridge boys have claimed that the then-Australian Governor General, Lord Slim, raped them during rides in his chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, this is nothing new. Britain’s Industrial Revolution fast tracked this process of making children the state’s sex chattels that could be shuttled around the sex slave farms of Britain and the world at will. Think of the surrogate mother farms of Ukraine and you get the idea.

Although the Pall Mall Gazette exposed the depths and depravities of the child sex trade in the reign of the Famine Queen, that was merely the end result of British Government policy, as postulated by the likes of Lord Salisbury, who advocated forced deportation for slum children. Annie MacPherson, the Scottish Quaker extremist, was the first private individual to organise so-called mercy migrations, the rescue of children from their “gin-soaked mothers and violent fathers” into the clutches of rapacious Quakers in need of a waif to root. Dr Barnardo used Annie MacPherson’s scheme, before implementing his own “philanthropic abductions”, as he termed his crimes, in 1882.

At the same time as Barnardo’s were buggering the Famine Queen’s Oliver Twists, “orphan trains” carried indentured children from New York and Boston to the aptly named Wild West, under the auspices of the Orwellian named Children’s Aid Society. Sometimes the prettier children were “ordered” in advance, other paedophiles chose other tender lamb shanks as they left the train, or were paraded in the playhouses of the small towns where farmers could assess their strength and the willingness to work of these “little labourers”, who were little more than pint sized sex slaves. Between 1854 and 1929, a quarter of a million American children were sexually trafficked in this way.

And these child sex traffickers are the flotsam Putin is supposed to negotiate with. The same Putin who stands accused with, of all gentle people, Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, by NATO’s International Criminal Court, of rescuing children from fire fights in Ukraine. Although you couldn’t make this up, creating such fictions is what NATO’s Uranians specialise in.

Uranian Propagandists

Although Dubliner Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most infamous of the Famine Queen’s Uranians, those band of homosexual brothers who sodomised England’s Oliver Twists during her reign, today’s Uranians still believe that buggering little boy orphans will liberate them from the shackles of class and gender. Much of their propaganda can be found in the pederastic poetry of Henry Scott Tuke and Wilhelm von Gloeden and sculptors like Eric Gill, whose works still brazenly adorn BBC’s buildings.

Although Uranians were originally regarded as a superior caste of people of a third sex, having a female psyche in a male body, it later encompassed other homosexual strands and flavours; this homosexual term is derived from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus’ testicles and is juxtaposed with Aphrodite Dionea, who represents the heterosexual gender. Plato’s Symposium links Uranian Aphrodite with a noble love for male youths and helps to explain why Uranians, which homosexuals were called, still defend buggering boys and why hanged gangsters like Roger Casement are so important to them and why Uranianism is at the root of the more than 50 shades of gay genders the British Labour Party currently bamboozle us with.

Uranianism also explains why unicorns are today’s magical leprechauns of choice. Like all good imperialists, the Labour Party’s Uranians use cultural appropriation to build on what has gone before. In claiming the unicorn, the Labour Party appropriates its supposed innocence, feminine energy, and magic, things traditionally associated with fantasy novels, children’s books, and other mythical stories that have entranced children throughout the ages. If the Labour Party’s Uranians can entrance children with their rainbow tinted tales of seduction and corruption, then, as with the Famine Queen’s child abductors, they are in hog heaven, free to corrupt generations yet to come in an infinity of ways by first seducing today’s school kids.

On a more base level, the Uranian influence can be seen not only with our much-loved Gary Glitters and Jimmy Saviles but also with sports and music coaches who bugger their young charges. Although these folk are roundly and routinely condemned, their impulses, their deviousness and their narcissism are given less attention. Although the Uranian influence permeating the Catholic Church has been extensively reported on, and induction into supposedly celibate orders at 12 or 13 years of age can explain a lot, it does not explain the lengths American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Colombian Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo and many others went to to make the Catholic Church Hog Heaven on earth and, if Frédéric Martel’s latest book has any validity, the Vatican is a Uranian paradise of drug-addicted perverts.

The Titan god of destruction was Perses, whose name means “the Destroyer” or “the Ravager” from the Greek words persô and perthô. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria, the “Starry One”. Although the ancient Greek poet Hesiod describes Perses as “preeminent among all men in wisdom”, Hesiod has more gods, demi-gods, sea maidens and witches than Hollywood had actors in Ben Hur. Although the Uranian cult may be good for the Labour Party’s purveyors of sex-enhancing drugs, child sex dolls, dildoes, bullet vibrators, rabbit vibrators and butterfly vibrators, they serve no higher social, economic or spiritual purpose, unless that is, one accepts Elon Musk’s trans-humanist project of a trans-humanist super race and a sterile, opiated and emasculated transgender workforce of worker bees tending to them.

Because Putin has come out firmly against all such perversions, his righteous obstinance on this issue must be taken into account before any talks are considered. As far as any such talks go, the British Labour Party and their Uranian sidekicks in the BBC should bugger off as they have nothing positive to contribute.

Netherlands Nazis

And so should the Dutch, who have a very blemished track record on facilitating the buggering of little boys. Even leaving their culpability there to one side, here is a RT report saying that the Netherlands has publicly declassified records on 425,000 suspected Nazi collaborators, after a 75-year restriction on access to files on their collaboration recently expired. Just think of that for a moment. The tiny Netherlands, which gave us the tales of Anne Frank and other soapies, protected almost half a million Nazis until the last of them died of old age.

Then consider that the Netherlands is small beans compared to Ukraine, whose Nazi formations and propaganda outfits were kept intact both in Ukraine itself and in Canada, the United States, Australia and Britain from 1945 up to the present day. Because I would defy Putin to find any Great Patriotic War veteran or widow of a veteran who believes Nazis can be negotiated with, the Kiev regime can have no direct or indirect part in negotiations. Think of the German surrender on Lüneburg Heath and you get where Zelensky and his Nazi henchmen fit into the picture.

Moscow, the Third Rome

Given how events are going in Ukraine and in Syria, Putin must be to the Orthodox and allied faiths what Spain’s King Philip 11 was to Rome during the Wars of the Reformation. Although my good friend Patriarch John X of Antioch has emerged as the chief Fidei Defensor for the embattled Christians and Twelvers of Syria, they have little agency beyond whatever gnarled bones Iran and Russia might toss their way

That being so, before chin wagging with Trump, Putin should arrange a conclave, with Serbs and Belarusians in the chair, in Saint Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the relevant Latin and Greek patriarchates and the relevant Druze (Syrian Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri), Alawi (those who have not yet been murdered) and Isma’ili shot callers (the Aga Khan in the case of the Ismail’i) to, inter alia, make it plain that Russia‘s Armed Forces take a very dim view of attacks on any and all of them and that Russia’s Armed Forces will, as circumstances allow, unilaterally act to defend any and all of them.

Your Place or Mine?

Although Belgrade, Berne, Beijing and Belarus might all make good powwow venues, Putin is a busy man who cannot afford to waste any more time chin wagging on treaties NATO have no intention of honouring. Add to that that NATO’s nonces want to arrest Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, on trumped up charges and no such meeting looks feasible. As the Yanks even have a $25 million bounty out on Venezuelan mustachio Maduro because he won an election and, as Trump has no respect for the art of the deal when it comes to Iran but instead lays out the red carpet for indicted war criminal Netanyahu, it is very difficult to see what Russia can gain by Putin going MAGA cap in hand to the Yanks.

Sometimes, as with Troy or with Europe’s Wars of the Reformation, wars have to run their course. That said, Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries who have no other earthly saviour but him and the forces he commands. And so, though Trump and Putin might have much to talk about, until such time as all the above ducks are in order, Putin should keep his mouth shut and his powder dry, except in places like Ukraine where locked and loaded Nazis still abound.

Trump, Putin and powwows with peace pipes in Serbia or Switzerland

Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries.

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Although the Swiss and Serbian authorities are to be commended for offering their good offices to broker peace between America and Russia in Ukraine, NATO has allowed the situation to deteriorate to such a degree that much more than a knees up in Belgrade or Berne will be needed to put things to rights. Frankly, the situation is so bad that I think nothing short of all-out nuclear war can even begin to put things to rights.

Although that is a road most of us outside of NATO’s High Command would like to avoid, it is one that Russian President Putin must factor into his calculus before even entertaining the idea of these talks about largely nothing. It is also important to note that any such talks, be they in Belgrade, Berne, Beijing or Belarus would be a meeting between equals and that corrupt porn stars like Zelensky can have no hand, act or part in them. As well as agreeing that Ukraine should be dismembered and that Sweden and Finland should unilaterally disarm, there are a number of other factors and constraints that would have to be agreed far in advance of any such photo op.

Nonce Gate

As if recent SCF articles here, here, here, here, here, here and here on the British Labour Party’s child rape gangs were not enough to convince us that Britain can have no say in Ukrainian (or should that be Uranian?) affairs, it now transpires that former British Defence Minister and notorious Zionist Ivor Caplin is the latest senior Labour Party member to be outed as a child rapist. Neither Putin nor any other self-respecting Russian can negotiate in good faith with these nonces.

Caplin, Starmer and their ilk would, to be fair to them, argue that their members are following an age-old British tradition of buggering any and all waifs that come their way. Britain exported an estimated 150,000 children as sex slaves to Virginia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Southern Rhodesia to empty the orphanages of its Oliver Twists, to boost the population of the colonies and, of course, to allow the patrons and staff of Barnardo’s and the Fairbridge Society, whose president was the Duke of Gloucester, uncle to the Queen, to bugger the waifs in Hog Heaven as they called it. Although former Fairbridge boys have claimed that the then-Australian Governor General, Lord Slim, raped them during rides in his chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, this is nothing new. Britain’s Industrial Revolution fast tracked this process of making children the state’s sex chattels that could be shuttled around the sex slave farms of Britain and the world at will. Think of the surrogate mother farms of Ukraine and you get the idea.

Although the Pall Mall Gazette exposed the depths and depravities of the child sex trade in the reign of the Famine Queen, that was merely the end result of British Government policy, as postulated by the likes of Lord Salisbury, who advocated forced deportation for slum children. Annie MacPherson, the Scottish Quaker extremist, was the first private individual to organise so-called mercy migrations, the rescue of children from their “gin-soaked mothers and violent fathers” into the clutches of rapacious Quakers in need of a waif to root. Dr Barnardo used Annie MacPherson’s scheme, before implementing his own “philanthropic abductions”, as he termed his crimes, in 1882.

At the same time as Barnardo’s were buggering the Famine Queen’s Oliver Twists, “orphan trains” carried indentured children from New York and Boston to the aptly named Wild West, under the auspices of the Orwellian named Children’s Aid Society. Sometimes the prettier children were “ordered” in advance, other paedophiles chose other tender lamb shanks as they left the train, or were paraded in the playhouses of the small towns where farmers could assess their strength and the willingness to work of these “little labourers”, who were little more than pint sized sex slaves. Between 1854 and 1929, a quarter of a million American children were sexually trafficked in this way.

And these child sex traffickers are the flotsam Putin is supposed to negotiate with. The same Putin who stands accused with, of all gentle people, Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, by NATO’s International Criminal Court, of rescuing children from fire fights in Ukraine. Although you couldn’t make this up, creating such fictions is what NATO’s Uranians specialise in.

Uranian Propagandists

Although Dubliner Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most infamous of the Famine Queen’s Uranians, those band of homosexual brothers who sodomised England’s Oliver Twists during her reign, today’s Uranians still believe that buggering little boy orphans will liberate them from the shackles of class and gender. Much of their propaganda can be found in the pederastic poetry of Henry Scott Tuke and Wilhelm von Gloeden and sculptors like Eric Gill, whose works still brazenly adorn BBC’s buildings.

Although Uranians were originally regarded as a superior caste of people of a third sex, having a female psyche in a male body, it later encompassed other homosexual strands and flavours; this homosexual term is derived from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus’ testicles and is juxtaposed with Aphrodite Dionea, who represents the heterosexual gender. Plato’s Symposium links Uranian Aphrodite with a noble love for male youths and helps to explain why Uranians, which homosexuals were called, still defend buggering boys and why hanged gangsters like Roger Casement are so important to them and why Uranianism is at the root of the more than 50 shades of gay genders the British Labour Party currently bamboozle us with.

Uranianism also explains why unicorns are today’s magical leprechauns of choice. Like all good imperialists, the Labour Party’s Uranians use cultural appropriation to build on what has gone before. In claiming the unicorn, the Labour Party appropriates its supposed innocence, feminine energy, and magic, things traditionally associated with fantasy novels, children’s books, and other mythical stories that have entranced children throughout the ages. If the Labour Party’s Uranians can entrance children with their rainbow tinted tales of seduction and corruption, then, as with the Famine Queen’s child abductors, they are in hog heaven, free to corrupt generations yet to come in an infinity of ways by first seducing today’s school kids.

On a more base level, the Uranian influence can be seen not only with our much-loved Gary Glitters and Jimmy Saviles but also with sports and music coaches who bugger their young charges. Although these folk are roundly and routinely condemned, their impulses, their deviousness and their narcissism are given less attention. Although the Uranian influence permeating the Catholic Church has been extensively reported on, and induction into supposedly celibate orders at 12 or 13 years of age can explain a lot, it does not explain the lengths American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Colombian Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo and many others went to to make the Catholic Church Hog Heaven on earth and, if Frédéric Martel’s latest book has any validity, the Vatican is a Uranian paradise of drug-addicted perverts.

The Titan god of destruction was Perses, whose name means “the Destroyer” or “the Ravager” from the Greek words persô and perthô. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria, the “Starry One”. Although the ancient Greek poet Hesiod describes Perses as “preeminent among all men in wisdom”, Hesiod has more gods, demi-gods, sea maidens and witches than Hollywood had actors in Ben Hur. Although the Uranian cult may be good for the Labour Party’s purveyors of sex-enhancing drugs, child sex dolls, dildoes, bullet vibrators, rabbit vibrators and butterfly vibrators, they serve no higher social, economic or spiritual purpose, unless that is, one accepts Elon Musk’s trans-humanist project of a trans-humanist super race and a sterile, opiated and emasculated transgender workforce of worker bees tending to them.

Because Putin has come out firmly against all such perversions, his righteous obstinance on this issue must be taken into account before any talks are considered. As far as any such talks go, the British Labour Party and their Uranian sidekicks in the BBC should bugger off as they have nothing positive to contribute.

Netherlands Nazis

And so should the Dutch, who have a very blemished track record on facilitating the buggering of little boys. Even leaving their culpability there to one side, here is a RT report saying that the Netherlands has publicly declassified records on 425,000 suspected Nazi collaborators, after a 75-year restriction on access to files on their collaboration recently expired. Just think of that for a moment. The tiny Netherlands, which gave us the tales of Anne Frank and other soapies, protected almost half a million Nazis until the last of them died of old age.

Then consider that the Netherlands is small beans compared to Ukraine, whose Nazi formations and propaganda outfits were kept intact both in Ukraine itself and in Canada, the United States, Australia and Britain from 1945 up to the present day. Because I would defy Putin to find any Great Patriotic War veteran or widow of a veteran who believes Nazis can be negotiated with, the Kiev regime can have no direct or indirect part in negotiations. Think of the German surrender on Lüneburg Heath and you get where Zelensky and his Nazi henchmen fit into the picture.

Moscow, the Third Rome

Given how events are going in Ukraine and in Syria, Putin must be to the Orthodox and allied faiths what Spain’s King Philip 11 was to Rome during the Wars of the Reformation. Although my good friend Patriarch John X of Antioch has emerged as the chief Fidei Defensor for the embattled Christians and Twelvers of Syria, they have little agency beyond whatever gnarled bones Iran and Russia might toss their way

That being so, before chin wagging with Trump, Putin should arrange a conclave, with Serbs and Belarusians in the chair, in Saint Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the relevant Latin and Greek patriarchates and the relevant Druze (Syrian Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri), Alawi (those who have not yet been murdered) and Isma’ili shot callers (the Aga Khan in the case of the Ismail’i) to, inter alia, make it plain that Russia‘s Armed Forces take a very dim view of attacks on any and all of them and that Russia’s Armed Forces will, as circumstances allow, unilaterally act to defend any and all of them.

Your Place or Mine?

Although Belgrade, Berne, Beijing and Belarus might all make good powwow venues, Putin is a busy man who cannot afford to waste any more time chin wagging on treaties NATO have no intention of honouring. Add to that that NATO’s nonces want to arrest Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, on trumped up charges and no such meeting looks feasible. As the Yanks even have a $25 million bounty out on Venezuelan mustachio Maduro because he won an election and, as Trump has no respect for the art of the deal when it comes to Iran but instead lays out the red carpet for indicted war criminal Netanyahu, it is very difficult to see what Russia can gain by Putin going MAGA cap in hand to the Yanks.

Sometimes, as with Troy or with Europe’s Wars of the Reformation, wars have to run their course. That said, Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries who have no other earthly saviour but him and the forces he commands. And so, though Trump and Putin might have much to talk about, until such time as all the above ducks are in order, Putin should keep his mouth shut and his powder dry, except in places like Ukraine where locked and loaded Nazis still abound.

Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries.

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Although the Swiss and Serbian authorities are to be commended for offering their good offices to broker peace between America and Russia in Ukraine, NATO has allowed the situation to deteriorate to such a degree that much more than a knees up in Belgrade or Berne will be needed to put things to rights. Frankly, the situation is so bad that I think nothing short of all-out nuclear war can even begin to put things to rights.

Although that is a road most of us outside of NATO’s High Command would like to avoid, it is one that Russian President Putin must factor into his calculus before even entertaining the idea of these talks about largely nothing. It is also important to note that any such talks, be they in Belgrade, Berne, Beijing or Belarus would be a meeting between equals and that corrupt porn stars like Zelensky can have no hand, act or part in them. As well as agreeing that Ukraine should be dismembered and that Sweden and Finland should unilaterally disarm, there are a number of other factors and constraints that would have to be agreed far in advance of any such photo op.

Nonce Gate

As if recent SCF articles here, here, here, here, here, here and here on the British Labour Party’s child rape gangs were not enough to convince us that Britain can have no say in Ukrainian (or should that be Uranian?) affairs, it now transpires that former British Defence Minister and notorious Zionist Ivor Caplin is the latest senior Labour Party member to be outed as a child rapist. Neither Putin nor any other self-respecting Russian can negotiate in good faith with these nonces.

Caplin, Starmer and their ilk would, to be fair to them, argue that their members are following an age-old British tradition of buggering any and all waifs that come their way. Britain exported an estimated 150,000 children as sex slaves to Virginia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Southern Rhodesia to empty the orphanages of its Oliver Twists, to boost the population of the colonies and, of course, to allow the patrons and staff of Barnardo’s and the Fairbridge Society, whose president was the Duke of Gloucester, uncle to the Queen, to bugger the waifs in Hog Heaven as they called it. Although former Fairbridge boys have claimed that the then-Australian Governor General, Lord Slim, raped them during rides in his chauffeur-driven Rolls Royce, this is nothing new. Britain’s Industrial Revolution fast tracked this process of making children the state’s sex chattels that could be shuttled around the sex slave farms of Britain and the world at will. Think of the surrogate mother farms of Ukraine and you get the idea.

Although the Pall Mall Gazette exposed the depths and depravities of the child sex trade in the reign of the Famine Queen, that was merely the end result of British Government policy, as postulated by the likes of Lord Salisbury, who advocated forced deportation for slum children. Annie MacPherson, the Scottish Quaker extremist, was the first private individual to organise so-called mercy migrations, the rescue of children from their “gin-soaked mothers and violent fathers” into the clutches of rapacious Quakers in need of a waif to root. Dr Barnardo used Annie MacPherson’s scheme, before implementing his own “philanthropic abductions”, as he termed his crimes, in 1882.

At the same time as Barnardo’s were buggering the Famine Queen’s Oliver Twists, “orphan trains” carried indentured children from New York and Boston to the aptly named Wild West, under the auspices of the Orwellian named Children’s Aid Society. Sometimes the prettier children were “ordered” in advance, other paedophiles chose other tender lamb shanks as they left the train, or were paraded in the playhouses of the small towns where farmers could assess their strength and the willingness to work of these “little labourers”, who were little more than pint sized sex slaves. Between 1854 and 1929, a quarter of a million American children were sexually trafficked in this way.

And these child sex traffickers are the flotsam Putin is supposed to negotiate with. The same Putin who stands accused with, of all gentle people, Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, by NATO’s International Criminal Court, of rescuing children from fire fights in Ukraine. Although you couldn’t make this up, creating such fictions is what NATO’s Uranians specialise in.

Uranian Propagandists

Although Dubliner Oscar Wilde is perhaps the most infamous of the Famine Queen’s Uranians, those band of homosexual brothers who sodomised England’s Oliver Twists during her reign, today’s Uranians still believe that buggering little boy orphans will liberate them from the shackles of class and gender. Much of their propaganda can be found in the pederastic poetry of Henry Scott Tuke and Wilhelm von Gloeden and sculptors like Eric Gill, whose works still brazenly adorn BBC’s buildings.

Although Uranians were originally regarded as a superior caste of people of a third sex, having a female psyche in a male body, it later encompassed other homosexual strands and flavours; this homosexual term is derived from the Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, who was created out of the god Uranus’ testicles and is juxtaposed with Aphrodite Dionea, who represents the heterosexual gender. Plato’s Symposium links Uranian Aphrodite with a noble love for male youths and helps to explain why Uranians, which homosexuals were called, still defend buggering boys and why hanged gangsters like Roger Casement are so important to them and why Uranianism is at the root of the more than 50 shades of gay genders the British Labour Party currently bamboozle us with.

Uranianism also explains why unicorns are today’s magical leprechauns of choice. Like all good imperialists, the Labour Party’s Uranians use cultural appropriation to build on what has gone before. In claiming the unicorn, the Labour Party appropriates its supposed innocence, feminine energy, and magic, things traditionally associated with fantasy novels, children’s books, and other mythical stories that have entranced children throughout the ages. If the Labour Party’s Uranians can entrance children with their rainbow tinted tales of seduction and corruption, then, as with the Famine Queen’s child abductors, they are in hog heaven, free to corrupt generations yet to come in an infinity of ways by first seducing today’s school kids.

On a more base level, the Uranian influence can be seen not only with our much-loved Gary Glitters and Jimmy Saviles but also with sports and music coaches who bugger their young charges. Although these folk are roundly and routinely condemned, their impulses, their deviousness and their narcissism are given less attention. Although the Uranian influence permeating the Catholic Church has been extensively reported on, and induction into supposedly celibate orders at 12 or 13 years of age can explain a lot, it does not explain the lengths American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Colombian Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo and many others went to to make the Catholic Church Hog Heaven on earth and, if Frédéric Martel’s latest book has any validity, the Vatican is a Uranian paradise of drug-addicted perverts.

The Titan god of destruction was Perses, whose name means “the Destroyer” or “the Ravager” from the Greek words persô and perthô. He was the father of Hekate, goddess of witchcraft, by the Titanis Asteria, the “Starry One”. Although the ancient Greek poet Hesiod describes Perses as “preeminent among all men in wisdom”, Hesiod has more gods, demi-gods, sea maidens and witches than Hollywood had actors in Ben Hur. Although the Uranian cult may be good for the Labour Party’s purveyors of sex-enhancing drugs, child sex dolls, dildoes, bullet vibrators, rabbit vibrators and butterfly vibrators, they serve no higher social, economic or spiritual purpose, unless that is, one accepts Elon Musk’s trans-humanist project of a trans-humanist super race and a sterile, opiated and emasculated transgender workforce of worker bees tending to them.

Because Putin has come out firmly against all such perversions, his righteous obstinance on this issue must be taken into account before any talks are considered. As far as any such talks go, the British Labour Party and their Uranian sidekicks in the BBC should bugger off as they have nothing positive to contribute.

Netherlands Nazis

And so should the Dutch, who have a very blemished track record on facilitating the buggering of little boys. Even leaving their culpability there to one side, here is a RT report saying that the Netherlands has publicly declassified records on 425,000 suspected Nazi collaborators, after a 75-year restriction on access to files on their collaboration recently expired. Just think of that for a moment. The tiny Netherlands, which gave us the tales of Anne Frank and other soapies, protected almost half a million Nazis until the last of them died of old age.

Then consider that the Netherlands is small beans compared to Ukraine, whose Nazi formations and propaganda outfits were kept intact both in Ukraine itself and in Canada, the United States, Australia and Britain from 1945 up to the present day. Because I would defy Putin to find any Great Patriotic War veteran or widow of a veteran who believes Nazis can be negotiated with, the Kiev regime can have no direct or indirect part in negotiations. Think of the German surrender on Lüneburg Heath and you get where Zelensky and his Nazi henchmen fit into the picture.

Moscow, the Third Rome

Given how events are going in Ukraine and in Syria, Putin must be to the Orthodox and allied faiths what Spain’s King Philip 11 was to Rome during the Wars of the Reformation. Although my good friend Patriarch John X of Antioch has emerged as the chief Fidei Defensor for the embattled Christians and Twelvers of Syria, they have little agency beyond whatever gnarled bones Iran and Russia might toss their way

That being so, before chin wagging with Trump, Putin should arrange a conclave, with Serbs and Belarusians in the chair, in Saint Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos between the Russian Orthodox Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the relevant Latin and Greek patriarchates and the relevant Druze (Syrian Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Hikmat al-Hajri), Alawi (those who have not yet been murdered) and Isma’ili shot callers (the Aga Khan in the case of the Ismail’i) to, inter alia, make it plain that Russia‘s Armed Forces take a very dim view of attacks on any and all of them and that Russia’s Armed Forces will, as circumstances allow, unilaterally act to defend any and all of them.

Your Place or Mine?

Although Belgrade, Berne, Beijing and Belarus might all make good powwow venues, Putin is a busy man who cannot afford to waste any more time chin wagging on treaties NATO have no intention of honouring. Add to that that NATO’s nonces want to arrest Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, aka Mother Russia, on trumped up charges and no such meeting looks feasible. As the Yanks even have a $25 million bounty out on Venezuelan mustachio Maduro because he won an election and, as Trump has no respect for the art of the deal when it comes to Iran but instead lays out the red carpet for indicted war criminal Netanyahu, it is very difficult to see what Russia can gain by Putin going MAGA cap in hand to the Yanks.

Sometimes, as with Troy or with Europe’s Wars of the Reformation, wars have to run their course. That said, Putin must play his hard and soft power cards carefully. Not only has Russia a lot riding on how he handles the Trump challenge, but so too has Serbia, Syria, Armenia, Georgia and a number of other countries who have no other earthly saviour but him and the forces he commands. And so, though Trump and Putin might have much to talk about, until such time as all the above ducks are in order, Putin should keep his mouth shut and his powder dry, except in places like Ukraine where locked and loaded Nazis still abound.

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See also

See also

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