Tag: Donald Trump

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De progresista pacifista a militarista pro-drones: la extraña trayectoria política de Tulsi Gabbard
De progresista pacifista a militarista pro-drones: la extraña trayectoria política de Tulsi Gabbard
February 19, 2025

Si bien muchos en la izquierda estadounidense han denunciado la absolución del tirador de Kenosha, Kyle Rittenhouse, por entregar una tarjeta para salir libre de la cárcel a milicias racistas, la ex representante de Hawái, Tulsi Gabbard, celebró abiertamente el veredicto.

Trump must put manners on Leprechaun Land this St Patrick’s Day
February 19, 2025

Although non-issues like Israel and Ireland’s fake neutrality can be raised, the main non-economic bone of contention is that America does not need barking dogs or quarrelsome leprechauns telling them what to do.

Trump must put manners on Leprechaun Land this St Patrick’s Day
Let the New Great Game begin
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Let the New Great Game begin
February 19, 2025

This was never meant to be Yalta. Although Yalta 2.0 may eventually happen.

Se respira primavera en las relaciones entre EE. UU. y Rusia a medida que la revolución de Trump cobra impulse
February 18, 2025

Su impacto ya es visible, ya que los canales de comunicación con Moscú se han abierto de par en par, como es evidente en la llamada del nuevo Secretario de Estado de EE.UU., Marco Rubio, a su homólogo ruso, Sergey Lavrov, el sábado, y su acuerdo de reunirse a nivel de delegación en Arabia Saudita la próxima semana.

Se respira primavera en las relaciones entre EE. UU. y Rusia a medida que la revolución de Trump cobra impulse
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Can we really cut half of the military budget? You bet!
Editor's Сhoice
Can we really cut half of the military budget? You bet!
February 18, 2025

The wailing sound you heard last Thursday was the chorus of the Beltway warmongers shrieking in despair at President Trump’s suggestion that there was no reason for the United States to be spending one trillion dollars on “defense.”

Trump calls first, then Rubio
February 17, 2025

Finian Cunningham an award-winning journalist from Ireland joins me to discuss this week’s important stories.

Trump calls first, then Rubio
Editor's Сhoice
Gaza non è in vendita
Gaza non è in vendita
February 17, 2025

Nel bel mezzo di una delle crisi più disastrose dell’umanità, Donald Trump ha trovato il coraggio di fare dichiarazioni molto aggressive nei confronti della Palestina. Non avevamo dubbi, l’obiettivo americano resta sempre il medesimo.

Trump blocca i fondi per la bonifica degli ordigni inesplosi della guerra del Vietnam
February 17, 2025

Il drastico ridimensionamento dell’USAID voluto da Trump compromette i finanziamenti alle operazioni di bonifica degli ordigni, decontaminazione e sostegno umanitario alle vittime della guerra in Vietnam, Paese che ancora oggi subisce le conseguenze del conflitto scatenato da Washington.

Trump blocca i fondi per la bonifica degli ordigni inesplosi della guerra del Vietnam