Tag: New World Order

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BRJCS: a bastion of democratic power
Editor's Сhoice
BRJCS: a bastion of democratic power
October 18, 2024

The United States’ treatment of other countries is a stark reminder of the undemocratic nature of the United Nations. The US has been known to bully and coerce nations into submission, often using its military, economic, and cultural influence to get its way. For instance, the USA has prevented Germany from withdrawing its gold reserves from the US, treating the European powerhouse like a junior partner.

Could the SCO summit save the BRICS+ new order?
October 16, 2024

It is legitimate to say that the SCO summit in Islamabad is giving the BRICS a major assist.

Could the SCO summit save the BRICS+ new order?
Russia reaps rich rewards from BRICS’ Kazan summit
Russia reaps rich rewards from BRICS’ Kazan summit
October 11, 2024

As the October 22 to 24 BRICS summit in Kazan approaches, it is important that we understand what this BRICS movement is, and what it decidedly is not.

Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
October 4, 2024

Gran parte de la desvinculación de EEUU, incluida la desdolarización, está siendo facilitada por el BRICS, que crea las instituciones económicas para un orden mundial multipolar

Colapso económico y el mundo post-estadounidense
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¿Cuál mayoría al interior de los BRICS?
¿Cuál mayoría al interior de los BRICS?
September 28, 2024

Con una mayoría musulmana en los BRICS Irán podría aspirar a una influencia mayor en las decisiones políticas y estratégicas que determinen las tendencias en esa asociación de países.

UN desierto de espejos: la última guerra del hegemón
September 27, 2024

Andrei Martyanov se ha labrado un lugar único y aureolado en lo que se refiere al pensamiento crítico profundo de todos los asuntos de la guerra y la paz.

UN desierto de espejos: la última guerra del hegemón
Will a BRICS Bretton Woods Take Place in Kazan?
Editor's Сhoice
Will a BRICS Bretton Woods Take Place in Kazan?
September 26, 2024

With less than a month before the crucial BRICS annual summit in Kazan under the Russian presidency, serious informed discussions are raging in Moscow and other Eurasian capitals on what should be at the table in the de-dollarization and alternative payment system front.

A wilderness of mirrors: The Hegemon’s Last War
September 21, 2024

Andrei Martyanov has carved for himself a unique, haloed place when it comes to deep critical thinking of all matters of war and peace.

A wilderness of mirrors: The Hegemon’s Last War