Declan Hayes
August 12, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

But Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did.

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In this recent, revealing interview into the mindset of the British and Irish security services, Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn, who fronts Ireland’s Intelligence and Security Bureau, unequivocally states that Ireland’s main security danger comes from Russia. In citing China, ISIS-K, social media, the so-called far left and the so-called far right as the other top priority threats, McElgunn’s interview gives us a good template to identify the main threats NATO faces on its home front.

Because McElgunn has been a senior member of the Irish police force for decades and, as he has also undertaken a number of high-level, intensive courses run by the FBI and MI5, we can safely assume he knows the theoretical and applied nature of his work inside out.

The Russian & Chinese Spectres

Even though McElgunn claims that Russia is Ireland’s main threat, no concrete evidence has, as yet, been presented by him or anyone else to substantiate that spurious claim. Although Ireland expelled Russian diplomats at the same time that other EU states did, it defies belief that all of those states suddenly and simultaneously uncovered nests of Russian spies. The more likely explanation is that all those expulsions were conducted under the express orders of the United States and Israel to help their Ukrainian chums achieve diplomatic dominance.

The crass manner in which Russia’s diplomats have been treated may be contrasted with the kid gloves used against Israel, when their assassins were caught red-handed traveling under forged Irish passports to commit mass murder, a crime Mossad’s nest of Irish-based spies believes is Israel’s birthright to commit.

When Russia’s navy conducted live fire drills hundreds of miles off Ireland’s south western coast, Dublin treated this as almost an act of war, even though NATO not only regularly conduct far more extensive drills in those same waters, but are even allowed dock their war ships in Ireland’s key southern port of Cork, in direct contravention of Ireland’s neutrality.

Although it can be argued those two wrongs by Russia and NATO do not make a right, it must be stressed that Ireland’s fishermen successfully negotiated with Russia’s ambassador to have those military drills moved to a less contentious area, the moral there being that Ireland’s fishermen want to fish, whereas McElgunn’s political bosses would much prefer to wage NATO’s wars, rather than get on with their lives, as Ireland’s fishermen do.

As regards the Chinese, whilst it is true that they fund Dublin’s Confucius Institute, criticisms of that institute emanate mostly from Taiwanese separatists, Uighur terrorists and their very many local fellow travelers anchored in the Catholic Church, Evangelical Anglicanism, the Free Syrian Army and the other pro-Israeli fronts that pepper Irish civil society.

Social media

Although Dubliner Chay Bowes spends a lot of time in Russia, and Eunan O’Neill from the IRA’s South Armagh stronghold is a Russia Today anchor, McElgunn would be stretching it to say they are major influencers. Social media, as he admits, is an echo chamber and those, who wish to use it to upend the status quo, must do so as part of a broader and deeper strategy neither Bowes nor O’Neill play any part in.

Security analysis Declan Power thinks otherwise. He believes that Putin, obviously at a loose end for something better to do with his time, is stoking up tensions and divisions day and night as part of some devilish plan or other. The simple truth here is that the European Union wants to stymie all dissent and Russia is just a convenient scapegoat in that regard. When “right wingers” and “left wingers” riot in England and Ireland, they are not doing so at Putin’s beck. They are doing so, as a result of more localised pressures coming to bear. This is not to deny that there are external forces. There are. But they are not Chinese or Russian. Where anti-Muslim antipathy is at play, they are often Israeli funded and, where they get mainstream media traction, the CIA’s hand is almost always invariably at play as well. That has been the case since at least as far back as Hungary in ’56, and it is almost certainly the case now, where MI6 is mega mining data to enact hate speech legislation to all the better muzzle, and even imprison, its dissidents.

Not so, according to deputy Prime Minister Mícheál Martin, who echoes MI6’s BBC and Guardian networks by laying the blame for widespread communal violence squarely at Elon Musk’s door, because Musk has allowed “mindless ill-informed” arguments to be platformed on Twitter which, according to Martin, has caused “mindless ill-informed stuff” to happen on the streets of Dublin, Britain and Belfast. Martin, in line with his NATO and EU bosses, believes that all remaining voices of dissent will vanish once Twitter has been muzzled in the same way NATO’s mainstream media has been successfully throttled.


Although McElgunn lists ISIS-K, which operates mostly on behalf of the CIA in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a threat to Ireland, that does not particularly surprise me as, as long ago as April 9, 2018, the Irish Daily Mail reported on me warning the Irish Justice Minister about Syrian natives and Irish passport holders Eyad and Yasser Sha’ar, and their culpability in ISIS’ 2002 Moscow Siege, as well as ISIS’ 2017 al-Rashideen child massacre.

Although that article cites me, in 2018 remember, as saying the Government “has its head in the sand,” that still is the case and Ireland, like Britain, has been deliberately swamped by ISIS affiliated scum like them. Although I have no doubt that McElgunn knows all that and very much more, the fact of the matter is that neither he nor his colleagues have done much to redress that situation largely, I suspect, because they have been ordered not to.

Their complicity with this CIA aligned terrorism can best be seen by David Cameron’s half-hearted attempt to ban the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist network and by the long run Anjem Choudary got before being recently jailed for life. The fact of the matter is all such individuals and groups are grimy pawns in the grimy game, others far higher up the NATO food chain than McElgunn play.

Far Right, Far Left

In elucidating threats from what he terms as the far left and the far right, McElgunn might have expressed himself better, had he used elementary mechanics. Such a threat, from whatever of the extremes he mentions, would entail having a mass, and a force to propel and direct that mass. Hitler’s rise to power would be a good exemplar, as he had a critical demographic mass and the focused social dynamism to upset Germany’s apple-cart and then, as the world sadly knows, other contiguous ones as well.

What McElgunn has been instructed to label the far right and the far left have neither of those. The groups he thus labels are minuscule, are thoroughly infiltrated by domestic and foreign powers McElgunn omits to mention, and they lack the critical mass and logistics the IRA, the grand daddy of both sets of groups, had. Although one or both groups may be a threat, neither is a critical or systematic threat to NATO’s status quo or to those like McElgunn and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris, who defend it.

Faux Left, Faux Right

Although McElgunn’s sort have repeatedly blamed the fake left and the fake right for much of today’s street violence, one must first of all remember that British agents have been at the centre of instigating Belfast’s sectarian violence since at least the 1960s, well over half a century ago. That the recent bout of violence in Belfast is being used to introduce hate crime legislation would have to appear as a totally cynical exercise to all but the most blinkered proponents of State control.

In that regard, Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly was quick out of the traps, pointing the finger at Protestant paramilitary involvement in Belfast’s recent disturbances; the peace-loving Kelly is best known for car-bombing London’s Old Bailey, and for losing a series of libel actions revolving around his condemnation of McElgunn’s faux left murdering prison wardens, a crime he himself once proudly and willingly perpetrated.

Kelly’s cynicism is most starkly reflected in South Belfast, where Protestant fanatics, joined by a small collection of North Dublin oddballs, recently rioted and shouted racist slogans. The most cynical thing about those stupid riots was the main person condemning the rioters as sectarian fascists was local Sinn Féin fat cat Deirdre Hargey, who was a witness to Sinn Féin’s murder of Robert McCartney in South Belfast’s Magennis’s bar and who, along with the scores of other Sinn Féiners present, lied that they did not witness McCartney’s murder or the IRA’s subsequent forensic clean up, as all 90 of them had been in the toilet taking a crap in the bar’s two (massive?) toilets at the time. As one of those charged with McCartney’s murder was Briege Wright, a sister of Seamus Wright, one of the IRA’s Disappeared, as others were relatives of MI6’s Stakeknife and, as the McCartney case went all the way to POTUS Bush in the White House, McElgunn must have an appreciation of how far up the CIA food chain Sinn Féin’s hypocrisy goes.

Before we pop back to Blighty, have a look at these right wingers detaining this left wing plant, who had given this Nazi salute for the left-wing cameras and their networks at one of their gatherings. Though this IRA supporter explains that such felon setting was historically frowned upon in Ireland, these reports here and here of Hope not Hate NGO fat cat Nick Lowles inciting British Muslim mobs on a tissue of lies show it remains widespread to this day within England’s faux left.

Though McElgunn has to be aware of state-sponsored felon setters like these, it is instructive that he did not specifically mention them as the real, dangerous and systematic threat that they are.

Oh Tommy Robinson

Although the Hibernophobic Irish Times is amongst the establishment organs pointing out that British rabble rouser Tommy Robinson is amongst the international grifters sticking their snouts into Ireland’s problems, that interference has to be expected. Folk like Robinson, Canada’s Rebel News and serial loyalist grifter Jim Dowson (who now seems to be a vicar in some dodgy sect or other) use the so called Irish far right to gather intelligence for their backers, for propaganda and for their own nefarious grifting and related agendas, as well as, in line with what Martin Jay suggests, that of their chief backers. And, though they might help foment trouble in vulnerable Irish suburbs, their backers have much bigger fish to fry than do these self-destructive, cluster-B neo-toddler scourges.

Sino Russian response

Although former MI6 overlord Sir Richard Dearlove has predictably blamed Russia for all the mayhem Britain and Ireland are now enduring, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has stated the blindingly obvious fact that Russia has infinitely many more important things to do than to encourage British and Irish football hooligans to loot bakeries, soap shops and shoe shops.

As Russia’s Nordstream pipeline has been the victim of the biggest (American & Norwegian) vandalism of the lot, it is not at all clear what strategic or tactical advantage there is for Russia in having some geezer nick a bar of soap and a cream bun in Blackpool or Blackburn. And, although it could be posited that Muslim fifth columnists kicking up a stink in Blighty help Putin, Russia’s leader has far more pressing matters, like the war in Ukraine and the related matter of stabilising his country’s western and Muslim-dominated southern fronts, to contend with.

Black Swan

Although McElgunn’s men recently joined up with colleagues from Austria and the Netherlands in an international counter surveillance training exercise, critics could argue they are fighting the last war, not the next. Although the evidence of McElgunn’s men in the murder trial of gangland figure Gerry The Monk Hutch showed they are experts at counter surveillance, given that such surveillance did not stop the 9-11 or 7-7 attacks, it is not at all clear how effective it would be in the event of a black swan terror attack against the sort of soft targets ISIS-enhanced Ireland and its allies abound in.

Just as the IRA repeatedly bombed London’s financial district, so also could other players bomb Dublin’s Silicon Valley and financial districts, and thereby send its economy into an irreversible tailspin. Although McElgunn and his national and international colleagues have undoubtedly factored such fat tail events into their calculations, given the ineptitude of their political leaders, it is not immediately obvious how such catastrophes can be easily averted.

The Fourth Man

Just as with the earlier Cambridge Spy ring‘s fourth man, so also has McElgunn suggested his crew are watching two other countries besides the usual suspects of Russia and China. Though we can assume Iran is the third man, that leaves us to ask who are the fourth and fifth suspects in this nest of supposed vipers.

Whilst McElgunn amuses himself by alluding to NATO’s usual suspects, we can point to the obvious culprits right in front of our eyes. These include MI6 which, as this book makes plain, has had McElgunn’s crew thoroughly penetrated since the very early 1970s, when British Embassy official John Wyman was arrested at gunpoint in Dublin’s Burlington hotel with top intelligence cop and notorious Irish traitor Patrick Crinnion.

Though I have no way of knowing whether McElgunn is another Crinnion, I do know he hails from Thurles and ISIS have destroyed its most prominent Catholic monument, just as they have in France. And, given the huge reception the frauds of the Free Syrian Army were given there by McElgunn’s police force when they were awarded the CIA’s Tipperary Peace Prize, one has to wonder just how deeply have the CIA harnessed the powers of Ireland’s deep state for their own nefarious ends which Drew Harris, McElgunn’s boss, would have been complicit in, when he was a top MI6 operative.

Although only a fool would deny that MI6 and the CIA are still up to their oxters in undermining the Irish state, the role of Mossad’s little helpers cannot be ignored either on McElgunn’s Irish home turf or further afield as well. Rebel News, Robinson and Dowson are all passionate Israeli proponents, as are all of the Catholic media in Britain and Ireland. Street clashes with Muslims in Britain and Ireland feed directly into Mossad’s narrative that Israel, like the Viennese in 1683, are holding the enemy back at the gates.

This is not to discount the sinister role of the Muslim Brotherhood and the inroads they have made into all levels of Irish and British society, a fact that helps explain why Sunnis comprise over 99% of all Muslim immigration into Ireland, even though they are less than 90% of the global Muslim community.

And, although McElgunn’s mates paint the largely Shia Hezbollah group as devils’ incarnate, their Assaha, al Aytam, AIG and related social welfare groups run five star hotels, butcheries, gas stations wellness clubs, antique markets and museums in Lebanon, Qatar, Sudan, London, Kuwait, and Iraq as well. They do not, in other words, run major drug smuggling businesses in the south west of Ireland, where all the evidence points to the Mexican Sinaloa cartel and their Sinn Féin-linked facilitators, whose ongoing criminal actions are a direct threat to the integrity of the Irish state, just as they are to the Mexican and Colombian states.

Heel of the Hunt

Although Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn’s analysis is fine as far as it goes, because it does not check for a Type 11 error, he must really rewire his brain, if he is to see the enemy that has always lurked within from even before Crinnion’s 1972 betrayal. The Russian air force does not fly unchallenged over Irish air space; the British RAF does. China’s Confucius Institute is not clogging up Dublin’s Clinton Institute with dodgy staff and students; the Yanks are. Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did. Russia, China and Iran are not pushing Ireland to abandon its neutrality; Britain, the EU and the United States are. Russia, China, Hezbollah and Iran are not urging Ireland to keep abandoning the Christians of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood; the usual suspects are.

Because McElgunn is not a stupid cop, he should push for increased surveillance on the real suspects, who can be found in the top echelons in the embassies of Britain, Israel, Ukraine and the United States, as well as in the Clonskeagh Mosque, Dublin’s Saudi Cultural Centre and the NGOs, newsrooms and academic think tanks in hock to them. But then, as the Stalker affair showed, he would really have his work cut out, his name traduced and his life aborted should he get into the wrong helicopter, as other troublesome intelligence coppers did before him. Far better, perhaps, from McElgunn’s own selfish viewpoint, to point at far away Putin and round up the usual suspects who, more often than not, are a threat to nobody but themselves.

Ireland’s keystone cops are hot on the heels of Russian spymaster Vladimir Putin

But Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did.

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In this recent, revealing interview into the mindset of the British and Irish security services, Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn, who fronts Ireland’s Intelligence and Security Bureau, unequivocally states that Ireland’s main security danger comes from Russia. In citing China, ISIS-K, social media, the so-called far left and the so-called far right as the other top priority threats, McElgunn’s interview gives us a good template to identify the main threats NATO faces on its home front.

Because McElgunn has been a senior member of the Irish police force for decades and, as he has also undertaken a number of high-level, intensive courses run by the FBI and MI5, we can safely assume he knows the theoretical and applied nature of his work inside out.

The Russian & Chinese Spectres

Even though McElgunn claims that Russia is Ireland’s main threat, no concrete evidence has, as yet, been presented by him or anyone else to substantiate that spurious claim. Although Ireland expelled Russian diplomats at the same time that other EU states did, it defies belief that all of those states suddenly and simultaneously uncovered nests of Russian spies. The more likely explanation is that all those expulsions were conducted under the express orders of the United States and Israel to help their Ukrainian chums achieve diplomatic dominance.

The crass manner in which Russia’s diplomats have been treated may be contrasted with the kid gloves used against Israel, when their assassins were caught red-handed traveling under forged Irish passports to commit mass murder, a crime Mossad’s nest of Irish-based spies believes is Israel’s birthright to commit.

When Russia’s navy conducted live fire drills hundreds of miles off Ireland’s south western coast, Dublin treated this as almost an act of war, even though NATO not only regularly conduct far more extensive drills in those same waters, but are even allowed dock their war ships in Ireland’s key southern port of Cork, in direct contravention of Ireland’s neutrality.

Although it can be argued those two wrongs by Russia and NATO do not make a right, it must be stressed that Ireland’s fishermen successfully negotiated with Russia’s ambassador to have those military drills moved to a less contentious area, the moral there being that Ireland’s fishermen want to fish, whereas McElgunn’s political bosses would much prefer to wage NATO’s wars, rather than get on with their lives, as Ireland’s fishermen do.

As regards the Chinese, whilst it is true that they fund Dublin’s Confucius Institute, criticisms of that institute emanate mostly from Taiwanese separatists, Uighur terrorists and their very many local fellow travelers anchored in the Catholic Church, Evangelical Anglicanism, the Free Syrian Army and the other pro-Israeli fronts that pepper Irish civil society.

Social media

Although Dubliner Chay Bowes spends a lot of time in Russia, and Eunan O’Neill from the IRA’s South Armagh stronghold is a Russia Today anchor, McElgunn would be stretching it to say they are major influencers. Social media, as he admits, is an echo chamber and those, who wish to use it to upend the status quo, must do so as part of a broader and deeper strategy neither Bowes nor O’Neill play any part in.

Security analysis Declan Power thinks otherwise. He believes that Putin, obviously at a loose end for something better to do with his time, is stoking up tensions and divisions day and night as part of some devilish plan or other. The simple truth here is that the European Union wants to stymie all dissent and Russia is just a convenient scapegoat in that regard. When “right wingers” and “left wingers” riot in England and Ireland, they are not doing so at Putin’s beck. They are doing so, as a result of more localised pressures coming to bear. This is not to deny that there are external forces. There are. But they are not Chinese or Russian. Where anti-Muslim antipathy is at play, they are often Israeli funded and, where they get mainstream media traction, the CIA’s hand is almost always invariably at play as well. That has been the case since at least as far back as Hungary in ’56, and it is almost certainly the case now, where MI6 is mega mining data to enact hate speech legislation to all the better muzzle, and even imprison, its dissidents.

Not so, according to deputy Prime Minister Mícheál Martin, who echoes MI6’s BBC and Guardian networks by laying the blame for widespread communal violence squarely at Elon Musk’s door, because Musk has allowed “mindless ill-informed” arguments to be platformed on Twitter which, according to Martin, has caused “mindless ill-informed stuff” to happen on the streets of Dublin, Britain and Belfast. Martin, in line with his NATO and EU bosses, believes that all remaining voices of dissent will vanish once Twitter has been muzzled in the same way NATO’s mainstream media has been successfully throttled.


Although McElgunn lists ISIS-K, which operates mostly on behalf of the CIA in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a threat to Ireland, that does not particularly surprise me as, as long ago as April 9, 2018, the Irish Daily Mail reported on me warning the Irish Justice Minister about Syrian natives and Irish passport holders Eyad and Yasser Sha’ar, and their culpability in ISIS’ 2002 Moscow Siege, as well as ISIS’ 2017 al-Rashideen child massacre.

Although that article cites me, in 2018 remember, as saying the Government “has its head in the sand,” that still is the case and Ireland, like Britain, has been deliberately swamped by ISIS affiliated scum like them. Although I have no doubt that McElgunn knows all that and very much more, the fact of the matter is that neither he nor his colleagues have done much to redress that situation largely, I suspect, because they have been ordered not to.

Their complicity with this CIA aligned terrorism can best be seen by David Cameron’s half-hearted attempt to ban the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist network and by the long run Anjem Choudary got before being recently jailed for life. The fact of the matter is all such individuals and groups are grimy pawns in the grimy game, others far higher up the NATO food chain than McElgunn play.

Far Right, Far Left

In elucidating threats from what he terms as the far left and the far right, McElgunn might have expressed himself better, had he used elementary mechanics. Such a threat, from whatever of the extremes he mentions, would entail having a mass, and a force to propel and direct that mass. Hitler’s rise to power would be a good exemplar, as he had a critical demographic mass and the focused social dynamism to upset Germany’s apple-cart and then, as the world sadly knows, other contiguous ones as well.

What McElgunn has been instructed to label the far right and the far left have neither of those. The groups he thus labels are minuscule, are thoroughly infiltrated by domestic and foreign powers McElgunn omits to mention, and they lack the critical mass and logistics the IRA, the grand daddy of both sets of groups, had. Although one or both groups may be a threat, neither is a critical or systematic threat to NATO’s status quo or to those like McElgunn and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris, who defend it.

Faux Left, Faux Right

Although McElgunn’s sort have repeatedly blamed the fake left and the fake right for much of today’s street violence, one must first of all remember that British agents have been at the centre of instigating Belfast’s sectarian violence since at least the 1960s, well over half a century ago. That the recent bout of violence in Belfast is being used to introduce hate crime legislation would have to appear as a totally cynical exercise to all but the most blinkered proponents of State control.

In that regard, Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly was quick out of the traps, pointing the finger at Protestant paramilitary involvement in Belfast’s recent disturbances; the peace-loving Kelly is best known for car-bombing London’s Old Bailey, and for losing a series of libel actions revolving around his condemnation of McElgunn’s faux left murdering prison wardens, a crime he himself once proudly and willingly perpetrated.

Kelly’s cynicism is most starkly reflected in South Belfast, where Protestant fanatics, joined by a small collection of North Dublin oddballs, recently rioted and shouted racist slogans. The most cynical thing about those stupid riots was the main person condemning the rioters as sectarian fascists was local Sinn Féin fat cat Deirdre Hargey, who was a witness to Sinn Féin’s murder of Robert McCartney in South Belfast’s Magennis’s bar and who, along with the scores of other Sinn Féiners present, lied that they did not witness McCartney’s murder or the IRA’s subsequent forensic clean up, as all 90 of them had been in the toilet taking a crap in the bar’s two (massive?) toilets at the time. As one of those charged with McCartney’s murder was Briege Wright, a sister of Seamus Wright, one of the IRA’s Disappeared, as others were relatives of MI6’s Stakeknife and, as the McCartney case went all the way to POTUS Bush in the White House, McElgunn must have an appreciation of how far up the CIA food chain Sinn Féin’s hypocrisy goes.

Before we pop back to Blighty, have a look at these right wingers detaining this left wing plant, who had given this Nazi salute for the left-wing cameras and their networks at one of their gatherings. Though this IRA supporter explains that such felon setting was historically frowned upon in Ireland, these reports here and here of Hope not Hate NGO fat cat Nick Lowles inciting British Muslim mobs on a tissue of lies show it remains widespread to this day within England’s faux left.

Though McElgunn has to be aware of state-sponsored felon setters like these, it is instructive that he did not specifically mention them as the real, dangerous and systematic threat that they are.

Oh Tommy Robinson

Although the Hibernophobic Irish Times is amongst the establishment organs pointing out that British rabble rouser Tommy Robinson is amongst the international grifters sticking their snouts into Ireland’s problems, that interference has to be expected. Folk like Robinson, Canada’s Rebel News and serial loyalist grifter Jim Dowson (who now seems to be a vicar in some dodgy sect or other) use the so called Irish far right to gather intelligence for their backers, for propaganda and for their own nefarious grifting and related agendas, as well as, in line with what Martin Jay suggests, that of their chief backers. And, though they might help foment trouble in vulnerable Irish suburbs, their backers have much bigger fish to fry than do these self-destructive, cluster-B neo-toddler scourges.

Sino Russian response

Although former MI6 overlord Sir Richard Dearlove has predictably blamed Russia for all the mayhem Britain and Ireland are now enduring, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has stated the blindingly obvious fact that Russia has infinitely many more important things to do than to encourage British and Irish football hooligans to loot bakeries, soap shops and shoe shops.

As Russia’s Nordstream pipeline has been the victim of the biggest (American & Norwegian) vandalism of the lot, it is not at all clear what strategic or tactical advantage there is for Russia in having some geezer nick a bar of soap and a cream bun in Blackpool or Blackburn. And, although it could be posited that Muslim fifth columnists kicking up a stink in Blighty help Putin, Russia’s leader has far more pressing matters, like the war in Ukraine and the related matter of stabilising his country’s western and Muslim-dominated southern fronts, to contend with.

Black Swan

Although McElgunn’s men recently joined up with colleagues from Austria and the Netherlands in an international counter surveillance training exercise, critics could argue they are fighting the last war, not the next. Although the evidence of McElgunn’s men in the murder trial of gangland figure Gerry The Monk Hutch showed they are experts at counter surveillance, given that such surveillance did not stop the 9-11 or 7-7 attacks, it is not at all clear how effective it would be in the event of a black swan terror attack against the sort of soft targets ISIS-enhanced Ireland and its allies abound in.

Just as the IRA repeatedly bombed London’s financial district, so also could other players bomb Dublin’s Silicon Valley and financial districts, and thereby send its economy into an irreversible tailspin. Although McElgunn and his national and international colleagues have undoubtedly factored such fat tail events into their calculations, given the ineptitude of their political leaders, it is not immediately obvious how such catastrophes can be easily averted.

The Fourth Man

Just as with the earlier Cambridge Spy ring‘s fourth man, so also has McElgunn suggested his crew are watching two other countries besides the usual suspects of Russia and China. Though we can assume Iran is the third man, that leaves us to ask who are the fourth and fifth suspects in this nest of supposed vipers.

Whilst McElgunn amuses himself by alluding to NATO’s usual suspects, we can point to the obvious culprits right in front of our eyes. These include MI6 which, as this book makes plain, has had McElgunn’s crew thoroughly penetrated since the very early 1970s, when British Embassy official John Wyman was arrested at gunpoint in Dublin’s Burlington hotel with top intelligence cop and notorious Irish traitor Patrick Crinnion.

Though I have no way of knowing whether McElgunn is another Crinnion, I do know he hails from Thurles and ISIS have destroyed its most prominent Catholic monument, just as they have in France. And, given the huge reception the frauds of the Free Syrian Army were given there by McElgunn’s police force when they were awarded the CIA’s Tipperary Peace Prize, one has to wonder just how deeply have the CIA harnessed the powers of Ireland’s deep state for their own nefarious ends which Drew Harris, McElgunn’s boss, would have been complicit in, when he was a top MI6 operative.

Although only a fool would deny that MI6 and the CIA are still up to their oxters in undermining the Irish state, the role of Mossad’s little helpers cannot be ignored either on McElgunn’s Irish home turf or further afield as well. Rebel News, Robinson and Dowson are all passionate Israeli proponents, as are all of the Catholic media in Britain and Ireland. Street clashes with Muslims in Britain and Ireland feed directly into Mossad’s narrative that Israel, like the Viennese in 1683, are holding the enemy back at the gates.

This is not to discount the sinister role of the Muslim Brotherhood and the inroads they have made into all levels of Irish and British society, a fact that helps explain why Sunnis comprise over 99% of all Muslim immigration into Ireland, even though they are less than 90% of the global Muslim community.

And, although McElgunn’s mates paint the largely Shia Hezbollah group as devils’ incarnate, their Assaha, al Aytam, AIG and related social welfare groups run five star hotels, butcheries, gas stations wellness clubs, antique markets and museums in Lebanon, Qatar, Sudan, London, Kuwait, and Iraq as well. They do not, in other words, run major drug smuggling businesses in the south west of Ireland, where all the evidence points to the Mexican Sinaloa cartel and their Sinn Féin-linked facilitators, whose ongoing criminal actions are a direct threat to the integrity of the Irish state, just as they are to the Mexican and Colombian states.

Heel of the Hunt

Although Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn’s analysis is fine as far as it goes, because it does not check for a Type 11 error, he must really rewire his brain, if he is to see the enemy that has always lurked within from even before Crinnion’s 1972 betrayal. The Russian air force does not fly unchallenged over Irish air space; the British RAF does. China’s Confucius Institute is not clogging up Dublin’s Clinton Institute with dodgy staff and students; the Yanks are. Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did. Russia, China and Iran are not pushing Ireland to abandon its neutrality; Britain, the EU and the United States are. Russia, China, Hezbollah and Iran are not urging Ireland to keep abandoning the Christians of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood; the usual suspects are.

Because McElgunn is not a stupid cop, he should push for increased surveillance on the real suspects, who can be found in the top echelons in the embassies of Britain, Israel, Ukraine and the United States, as well as in the Clonskeagh Mosque, Dublin’s Saudi Cultural Centre and the NGOs, newsrooms and academic think tanks in hock to them. But then, as the Stalker affair showed, he would really have his work cut out, his name traduced and his life aborted should he get into the wrong helicopter, as other troublesome intelligence coppers did before him. Far better, perhaps, from McElgunn’s own selfish viewpoint, to point at far away Putin and round up the usual suspects who, more often than not, are a threat to nobody but themselves.

But Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did.

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In this recent, revealing interview into the mindset of the British and Irish security services, Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn, who fronts Ireland’s Intelligence and Security Bureau, unequivocally states that Ireland’s main security danger comes from Russia. In citing China, ISIS-K, social media, the so-called far left and the so-called far right as the other top priority threats, McElgunn’s interview gives us a good template to identify the main threats NATO faces on its home front.

Because McElgunn has been a senior member of the Irish police force for decades and, as he has also undertaken a number of high-level, intensive courses run by the FBI and MI5, we can safely assume he knows the theoretical and applied nature of his work inside out.

The Russian & Chinese Spectres

Even though McElgunn claims that Russia is Ireland’s main threat, no concrete evidence has, as yet, been presented by him or anyone else to substantiate that spurious claim. Although Ireland expelled Russian diplomats at the same time that other EU states did, it defies belief that all of those states suddenly and simultaneously uncovered nests of Russian spies. The more likely explanation is that all those expulsions were conducted under the express orders of the United States and Israel to help their Ukrainian chums achieve diplomatic dominance.

The crass manner in which Russia’s diplomats have been treated may be contrasted with the kid gloves used against Israel, when their assassins were caught red-handed traveling under forged Irish passports to commit mass murder, a crime Mossad’s nest of Irish-based spies believes is Israel’s birthright to commit.

When Russia’s navy conducted live fire drills hundreds of miles off Ireland’s south western coast, Dublin treated this as almost an act of war, even though NATO not only regularly conduct far more extensive drills in those same waters, but are even allowed dock their war ships in Ireland’s key southern port of Cork, in direct contravention of Ireland’s neutrality.

Although it can be argued those two wrongs by Russia and NATO do not make a right, it must be stressed that Ireland’s fishermen successfully negotiated with Russia’s ambassador to have those military drills moved to a less contentious area, the moral there being that Ireland’s fishermen want to fish, whereas McElgunn’s political bosses would much prefer to wage NATO’s wars, rather than get on with their lives, as Ireland’s fishermen do.

As regards the Chinese, whilst it is true that they fund Dublin’s Confucius Institute, criticisms of that institute emanate mostly from Taiwanese separatists, Uighur terrorists and their very many local fellow travelers anchored in the Catholic Church, Evangelical Anglicanism, the Free Syrian Army and the other pro-Israeli fronts that pepper Irish civil society.

Social media

Although Dubliner Chay Bowes spends a lot of time in Russia, and Eunan O’Neill from the IRA’s South Armagh stronghold is a Russia Today anchor, McElgunn would be stretching it to say they are major influencers. Social media, as he admits, is an echo chamber and those, who wish to use it to upend the status quo, must do so as part of a broader and deeper strategy neither Bowes nor O’Neill play any part in.

Security analysis Declan Power thinks otherwise. He believes that Putin, obviously at a loose end for something better to do with his time, is stoking up tensions and divisions day and night as part of some devilish plan or other. The simple truth here is that the European Union wants to stymie all dissent and Russia is just a convenient scapegoat in that regard. When “right wingers” and “left wingers” riot in England and Ireland, they are not doing so at Putin’s beck. They are doing so, as a result of more localised pressures coming to bear. This is not to deny that there are external forces. There are. But they are not Chinese or Russian. Where anti-Muslim antipathy is at play, they are often Israeli funded and, where they get mainstream media traction, the CIA’s hand is almost always invariably at play as well. That has been the case since at least as far back as Hungary in ’56, and it is almost certainly the case now, where MI6 is mega mining data to enact hate speech legislation to all the better muzzle, and even imprison, its dissidents.

Not so, according to deputy Prime Minister Mícheál Martin, who echoes MI6’s BBC and Guardian networks by laying the blame for widespread communal violence squarely at Elon Musk’s door, because Musk has allowed “mindless ill-informed” arguments to be platformed on Twitter which, according to Martin, has caused “mindless ill-informed stuff” to happen on the streets of Dublin, Britain and Belfast. Martin, in line with his NATO and EU bosses, believes that all remaining voices of dissent will vanish once Twitter has been muzzled in the same way NATO’s mainstream media has been successfully throttled.


Although McElgunn lists ISIS-K, which operates mostly on behalf of the CIA in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as a threat to Ireland, that does not particularly surprise me as, as long ago as April 9, 2018, the Irish Daily Mail reported on me warning the Irish Justice Minister about Syrian natives and Irish passport holders Eyad and Yasser Sha’ar, and their culpability in ISIS’ 2002 Moscow Siege, as well as ISIS’ 2017 al-Rashideen child massacre.

Although that article cites me, in 2018 remember, as saying the Government “has its head in the sand,” that still is the case and Ireland, like Britain, has been deliberately swamped by ISIS affiliated scum like them. Although I have no doubt that McElgunn knows all that and very much more, the fact of the matter is that neither he nor his colleagues have done much to redress that situation largely, I suspect, because they have been ordered not to.

Their complicity with this CIA aligned terrorism can best be seen by David Cameron’s half-hearted attempt to ban the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist network and by the long run Anjem Choudary got before being recently jailed for life. The fact of the matter is all such individuals and groups are grimy pawns in the grimy game, others far higher up the NATO food chain than McElgunn play.

Far Right, Far Left

In elucidating threats from what he terms as the far left and the far right, McElgunn might have expressed himself better, had he used elementary mechanics. Such a threat, from whatever of the extremes he mentions, would entail having a mass, and a force to propel and direct that mass. Hitler’s rise to power would be a good exemplar, as he had a critical demographic mass and the focused social dynamism to upset Germany’s apple-cart and then, as the world sadly knows, other contiguous ones as well.

What McElgunn has been instructed to label the far right and the far left have neither of those. The groups he thus labels are minuscule, are thoroughly infiltrated by domestic and foreign powers McElgunn omits to mention, and they lack the critical mass and logistics the IRA, the grand daddy of both sets of groups, had. Although one or both groups may be a threat, neither is a critical or systematic threat to NATO’s status quo or to those like McElgunn and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris, who defend it.

Faux Left, Faux Right

Although McElgunn’s sort have repeatedly blamed the fake left and the fake right for much of today’s street violence, one must first of all remember that British agents have been at the centre of instigating Belfast’s sectarian violence since at least the 1960s, well over half a century ago. That the recent bout of violence in Belfast is being used to introduce hate crime legislation would have to appear as a totally cynical exercise to all but the most blinkered proponents of State control.

In that regard, Sinn Féin’s Gerry Kelly was quick out of the traps, pointing the finger at Protestant paramilitary involvement in Belfast’s recent disturbances; the peace-loving Kelly is best known for car-bombing London’s Old Bailey, and for losing a series of libel actions revolving around his condemnation of McElgunn’s faux left murdering prison wardens, a crime he himself once proudly and willingly perpetrated.

Kelly’s cynicism is most starkly reflected in South Belfast, where Protestant fanatics, joined by a small collection of North Dublin oddballs, recently rioted and shouted racist slogans. The most cynical thing about those stupid riots was the main person condemning the rioters as sectarian fascists was local Sinn Féin fat cat Deirdre Hargey, who was a witness to Sinn Féin’s murder of Robert McCartney in South Belfast’s Magennis’s bar and who, along with the scores of other Sinn Féiners present, lied that they did not witness McCartney’s murder or the IRA’s subsequent forensic clean up, as all 90 of them had been in the toilet taking a crap in the bar’s two (massive?) toilets at the time. As one of those charged with McCartney’s murder was Briege Wright, a sister of Seamus Wright, one of the IRA’s Disappeared, as others were relatives of MI6’s Stakeknife and, as the McCartney case went all the way to POTUS Bush in the White House, McElgunn must have an appreciation of how far up the CIA food chain Sinn Féin’s hypocrisy goes.

Before we pop back to Blighty, have a look at these right wingers detaining this left wing plant, who had given this Nazi salute for the left-wing cameras and their networks at one of their gatherings. Though this IRA supporter explains that such felon setting was historically frowned upon in Ireland, these reports here and here of Hope not Hate NGO fat cat Nick Lowles inciting British Muslim mobs on a tissue of lies show it remains widespread to this day within England’s faux left.

Though McElgunn has to be aware of state-sponsored felon setters like these, it is instructive that he did not specifically mention them as the real, dangerous and systematic threat that they are.

Oh Tommy Robinson

Although the Hibernophobic Irish Times is amongst the establishment organs pointing out that British rabble rouser Tommy Robinson is amongst the international grifters sticking their snouts into Ireland’s problems, that interference has to be expected. Folk like Robinson, Canada’s Rebel News and serial loyalist grifter Jim Dowson (who now seems to be a vicar in some dodgy sect or other) use the so called Irish far right to gather intelligence for their backers, for propaganda and for their own nefarious grifting and related agendas, as well as, in line with what Martin Jay suggests, that of their chief backers. And, though they might help foment trouble in vulnerable Irish suburbs, their backers have much bigger fish to fry than do these self-destructive, cluster-B neo-toddler scourges.

Sino Russian response

Although former MI6 overlord Sir Richard Dearlove has predictably blamed Russia for all the mayhem Britain and Ireland are now enduring, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has stated the blindingly obvious fact that Russia has infinitely many more important things to do than to encourage British and Irish football hooligans to loot bakeries, soap shops and shoe shops.

As Russia’s Nordstream pipeline has been the victim of the biggest (American & Norwegian) vandalism of the lot, it is not at all clear what strategic or tactical advantage there is for Russia in having some geezer nick a bar of soap and a cream bun in Blackpool or Blackburn. And, although it could be posited that Muslim fifth columnists kicking up a stink in Blighty help Putin, Russia’s leader has far more pressing matters, like the war in Ukraine and the related matter of stabilising his country’s western and Muslim-dominated southern fronts, to contend with.

Black Swan

Although McElgunn’s men recently joined up with colleagues from Austria and the Netherlands in an international counter surveillance training exercise, critics could argue they are fighting the last war, not the next. Although the evidence of McElgunn’s men in the murder trial of gangland figure Gerry The Monk Hutch showed they are experts at counter surveillance, given that such surveillance did not stop the 9-11 or 7-7 attacks, it is not at all clear how effective it would be in the event of a black swan terror attack against the sort of soft targets ISIS-enhanced Ireland and its allies abound in.

Just as the IRA repeatedly bombed London’s financial district, so also could other players bomb Dublin’s Silicon Valley and financial districts, and thereby send its economy into an irreversible tailspin. Although McElgunn and his national and international colleagues have undoubtedly factored such fat tail events into their calculations, given the ineptitude of their political leaders, it is not immediately obvious how such catastrophes can be easily averted.

The Fourth Man

Just as with the earlier Cambridge Spy ring‘s fourth man, so also has McElgunn suggested his crew are watching two other countries besides the usual suspects of Russia and China. Though we can assume Iran is the third man, that leaves us to ask who are the fourth and fifth suspects in this nest of supposed vipers.

Whilst McElgunn amuses himself by alluding to NATO’s usual suspects, we can point to the obvious culprits right in front of our eyes. These include MI6 which, as this book makes plain, has had McElgunn’s crew thoroughly penetrated since the very early 1970s, when British Embassy official John Wyman was arrested at gunpoint in Dublin’s Burlington hotel with top intelligence cop and notorious Irish traitor Patrick Crinnion.

Though I have no way of knowing whether McElgunn is another Crinnion, I do know he hails from Thurles and ISIS have destroyed its most prominent Catholic monument, just as they have in France. And, given the huge reception the frauds of the Free Syrian Army were given there by McElgunn’s police force when they were awarded the CIA’s Tipperary Peace Prize, one has to wonder just how deeply have the CIA harnessed the powers of Ireland’s deep state for their own nefarious ends which Drew Harris, McElgunn’s boss, would have been complicit in, when he was a top MI6 operative.

Although only a fool would deny that MI6 and the CIA are still up to their oxters in undermining the Irish state, the role of Mossad’s little helpers cannot be ignored either on McElgunn’s Irish home turf or further afield as well. Rebel News, Robinson and Dowson are all passionate Israeli proponents, as are all of the Catholic media in Britain and Ireland. Street clashes with Muslims in Britain and Ireland feed directly into Mossad’s narrative that Israel, like the Viennese in 1683, are holding the enemy back at the gates.

This is not to discount the sinister role of the Muslim Brotherhood and the inroads they have made into all levels of Irish and British society, a fact that helps explain why Sunnis comprise over 99% of all Muslim immigration into Ireland, even though they are less than 90% of the global Muslim community.

And, although McElgunn’s mates paint the largely Shia Hezbollah group as devils’ incarnate, their Assaha, al Aytam, AIG and related social welfare groups run five star hotels, butcheries, gas stations wellness clubs, antique markets and museums in Lebanon, Qatar, Sudan, London, Kuwait, and Iraq as well. They do not, in other words, run major drug smuggling businesses in the south west of Ireland, where all the evidence points to the Mexican Sinaloa cartel and their Sinn Féin-linked facilitators, whose ongoing criminal actions are a direct threat to the integrity of the Irish state, just as they are to the Mexican and Colombian states.

Heel of the Hunt

Although Assistant Irish Police Commissioner Michael McElgunn’s analysis is fine as far as it goes, because it does not check for a Type 11 error, he must really rewire his brain, if he is to see the enemy that has always lurked within from even before Crinnion’s 1972 betrayal. The Russian air force does not fly unchallenged over Irish air space; the British RAF does. China’s Confucius Institute is not clogging up Dublin’s Clinton Institute with dodgy staff and students; the Yanks are. Russia’s President does not have close familial ties with Belfast and Dublin; Israel’s does. Hezbollah did not bomb Dublin and Monaghan; MI6 did. Russia, China and Iran are not pushing Ireland to abandon its neutrality; Britain, the EU and the United States are. Russia, China, Hezbollah and Iran are not urging Ireland to keep abandoning the Christians of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq to Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood; the usual suspects are.

Because McElgunn is not a stupid cop, he should push for increased surveillance on the real suspects, who can be found in the top echelons in the embassies of Britain, Israel, Ukraine and the United States, as well as in the Clonskeagh Mosque, Dublin’s Saudi Cultural Centre and the NGOs, newsrooms and academic think tanks in hock to them. But then, as the Stalker affair showed, he would really have his work cut out, his name traduced and his life aborted should he get into the wrong helicopter, as other troublesome intelligence coppers did before him. Far better, perhaps, from McElgunn’s own selfish viewpoint, to point at far away Putin and round up the usual suspects who, more often than not, are a threat to nobody but themselves.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 7, 2025

See also

March 7, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.