Declan Hayes
January 23, 2025
© Photo: YouTube

The Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

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Whereas Sonja van den Ende’s recent excellent article on how NATO dismembered Syria is a must read, former British diplomat Craig Murray is to be commended for showing us where this Pax Americana is going, beginning with tiny Lebanon and the entire Levant and, from there, via sanctions and the rest, to the wider world. Axis of Resistance, how are you?

As Murray explains here, though Lebanon is a tiny, weak and enfeebled country, the American Embassy, which is being constructed there, is larger than the entire Vatican, and will be staffed by over 5,000 “diplomats”. To put that figure in perspective, Murray explains that the British and Russian Embassies in Washington each have less than 200 personnel and the Jordanian and Lebanese Embassies each have less than 20. Whatever objectives the Yanks have in mind with that huge complex, issuing tourist visas to their Lebanese and Syrian victims is not their top priority.

When we further consider that the CIA has the entire region peppered with giant spy bases, like the one that sits on the Jordanian Syrian border, and that the United States has client satraps in both Amman and Tel Aviv (or is it Jerusalem?), we can be in no doubt as to which star spangled rooster rules the roost there.

If we switch our attention to the Russian front, we see that, as with Syria, America’s sanctions resemble a hangman’s noose that the Yanks want to gradually tighten around Russia’s neck. Although Russia’s MIR card works swimmingly in Russia, it works in very few other places because the Americans have now terrorised Turkey and Armenia into not accepting it.

Traveling south of the border down Venezuela way, we see the BBC smirking that the Venezuelans are barely surviving because sanctions have done to the Venezuelan bolivar what they previously did to the Syrian pound. And, though I get that Maduro’s mustache might not be everybody’s cup of tea, the fact of the matter is the harsh sanctions of the United States and her lackeys are killing ordinary Venezuelans, just as Madeleine Albright boasted that they previously murdered half a million Iraqi children with that same Satanic playbook.

Before moving on to China, let me just say that, as with Syria, somebody, the usual CIA terrorist suspects I would hazard to guess, are murdering Iran’s judges, scientists and sundry intellectuals with gay abandon. Though others might argue that removing the likes of Nasrallah from the chess board does not really change the balance of power, those who assassinated him and thousands of others in Iran, Syria and Lebanon obviously disagree and it is their opinion and their actions that matter.

Moving on to China, we see that TikTok is the latest Chinese innovation that is in the CIA’s cross hairs. Although TikTok stands accused of mega data mining to help China’s Communist mandarins in their James Bond plans for world domination, not only are all social media companies at that lark and not only have WikiLeaks caught the CIA out spying on all of her Western allies, but what possible use is it to Chinese President Xi to know what music teeny bopper Britney with the braces from the Bronx is into? Bugger all, I would reckon.

The CIA’s issue is not with the Chinese Communist Party knowing what awful music Britney with the braces likes. Rather, it is with Uncle Sam having to share the media tap not only with the Chinese but with the Singaporeans as well.

I mention Singapore as TikTok’s CEO, Chew Shou Zi, a Singaporean native who served in the Singaporean armed forces, was grilled in the American Congress over his primary loyalty to China and the Chinese Communist Party, the senators being too stupid to know that the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of Singapore are two distinct and totally separate countries and that because Mr Zi just happens to be a very talented dude on a par with the very best the land of the free and the home of the brave can produce, TikTok or anyone of its competitors, who could offer him the right deal, are blessed to have him, the Yellow Peril he apparently exemplifies notwithstanding.

Forget this New York Times word salad droning on about how TikTok have been lucky to avoid a ban so far or this LA Times dirge that the American Supreme Court had to do the right thing in shaking TikTok’s Chinese owners down. The fact of the matter is TikTok hits the sweet spot not only for Britney with the braces from the Bronx, but for millions of other young Americans and not only is that a lost business opportunity for America’s moguls, but it could severely impact the Pax Americana’s bottom line if Britney and hundreds of millions like her were to stop listening to the saccharine laced tripe the CIA deluge them with.

When, less than six months before the CIA had him offed, American warlord JFK made his famous Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech at Checkpoint Charlie on June 26th 1963, he famously stated that “two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum[“I am a Roman citizen”].

And so it was if you were a Roman lackey. And, though much has changed since those halcyon days of feeding Christians and uppity Germans to the lions, the penchant for governors of provinces to kiss the Emperor’s backside has not.

And nor will it until a power like China abandons its mental pigtails and its economic foot binding, and gets in a position where it can tell Uncle Sam where to stick its ubiquitous sanctions, its spy centres cum embassies, its self serving media and the rest of its imperialist bag of tricks. Though I have no personal dog being mauled in this fight, contrary to all the Madeleine Albrights that pepper both Georgetown and Capitol Hill, I believe that the children of Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and everywhere else under American sanctions deserve something more than the death of a thousand cuts that is all they have ever got from Uncle Sam. But then again, I don’t make policy and nor does Britney with the braces. That is the preserve of the Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington, who will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

God save us all from the Pax Americana

The Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

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Whereas Sonja van den Ende’s recent excellent article on how NATO dismembered Syria is a must read, former British diplomat Craig Murray is to be commended for showing us where this Pax Americana is going, beginning with tiny Lebanon and the entire Levant and, from there, via sanctions and the rest, to the wider world. Axis of Resistance, how are you?

As Murray explains here, though Lebanon is a tiny, weak and enfeebled country, the American Embassy, which is being constructed there, is larger than the entire Vatican, and will be staffed by over 5,000 “diplomats”. To put that figure in perspective, Murray explains that the British and Russian Embassies in Washington each have less than 200 personnel and the Jordanian and Lebanese Embassies each have less than 20. Whatever objectives the Yanks have in mind with that huge complex, issuing tourist visas to their Lebanese and Syrian victims is not their top priority.

When we further consider that the CIA has the entire region peppered with giant spy bases, like the one that sits on the Jordanian Syrian border, and that the United States has client satraps in both Amman and Tel Aviv (or is it Jerusalem?), we can be in no doubt as to which star spangled rooster rules the roost there.

If we switch our attention to the Russian front, we see that, as with Syria, America’s sanctions resemble a hangman’s noose that the Yanks want to gradually tighten around Russia’s neck. Although Russia’s MIR card works swimmingly in Russia, it works in very few other places because the Americans have now terrorised Turkey and Armenia into not accepting it.

Traveling south of the border down Venezuela way, we see the BBC smirking that the Venezuelans are barely surviving because sanctions have done to the Venezuelan bolivar what they previously did to the Syrian pound. And, though I get that Maduro’s mustache might not be everybody’s cup of tea, the fact of the matter is the harsh sanctions of the United States and her lackeys are killing ordinary Venezuelans, just as Madeleine Albright boasted that they previously murdered half a million Iraqi children with that same Satanic playbook.

Before moving on to China, let me just say that, as with Syria, somebody, the usual CIA terrorist suspects I would hazard to guess, are murdering Iran’s judges, scientists and sundry intellectuals with gay abandon. Though others might argue that removing the likes of Nasrallah from the chess board does not really change the balance of power, those who assassinated him and thousands of others in Iran, Syria and Lebanon obviously disagree and it is their opinion and their actions that matter.

Moving on to China, we see that TikTok is the latest Chinese innovation that is in the CIA’s cross hairs. Although TikTok stands accused of mega data mining to help China’s Communist mandarins in their James Bond plans for world domination, not only are all social media companies at that lark and not only have WikiLeaks caught the CIA out spying on all of her Western allies, but what possible use is it to Chinese President Xi to know what music teeny bopper Britney with the braces from the Bronx is into? Bugger all, I would reckon.

The CIA’s issue is not with the Chinese Communist Party knowing what awful music Britney with the braces likes. Rather, it is with Uncle Sam having to share the media tap not only with the Chinese but with the Singaporeans as well.

I mention Singapore as TikTok’s CEO, Chew Shou Zi, a Singaporean native who served in the Singaporean armed forces, was grilled in the American Congress over his primary loyalty to China and the Chinese Communist Party, the senators being too stupid to know that the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of Singapore are two distinct and totally separate countries and that because Mr Zi just happens to be a very talented dude on a par with the very best the land of the free and the home of the brave can produce, TikTok or anyone of its competitors, who could offer him the right deal, are blessed to have him, the Yellow Peril he apparently exemplifies notwithstanding.

Forget this New York Times word salad droning on about how TikTok have been lucky to avoid a ban so far or this LA Times dirge that the American Supreme Court had to do the right thing in shaking TikTok’s Chinese owners down. The fact of the matter is TikTok hits the sweet spot not only for Britney with the braces from the Bronx, but for millions of other young Americans and not only is that a lost business opportunity for America’s moguls, but it could severely impact the Pax Americana’s bottom line if Britney and hundreds of millions like her were to stop listening to the saccharine laced tripe the CIA deluge them with.

When, less than six months before the CIA had him offed, American warlord JFK made his famous Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech at Checkpoint Charlie on June 26th 1963, he famously stated that “two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum[“I am a Roman citizen”].

And so it was if you were a Roman lackey. And, though much has changed since those halcyon days of feeding Christians and uppity Germans to the lions, the penchant for governors of provinces to kiss the Emperor’s backside has not.

And nor will it until a power like China abandons its mental pigtails and its economic foot binding, and gets in a position where it can tell Uncle Sam where to stick its ubiquitous sanctions, its spy centres cum embassies, its self serving media and the rest of its imperialist bag of tricks. Though I have no personal dog being mauled in this fight, contrary to all the Madeleine Albrights that pepper both Georgetown and Capitol Hill, I believe that the children of Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and everywhere else under American sanctions deserve something more than the death of a thousand cuts that is all they have ever got from Uncle Sam. But then again, I don’t make policy and nor does Britney with the braces. That is the preserve of the Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington, who will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

The Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

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Whereas Sonja van den Ende’s recent excellent article on how NATO dismembered Syria is a must read, former British diplomat Craig Murray is to be commended for showing us where this Pax Americana is going, beginning with tiny Lebanon and the entire Levant and, from there, via sanctions and the rest, to the wider world. Axis of Resistance, how are you?

As Murray explains here, though Lebanon is a tiny, weak and enfeebled country, the American Embassy, which is being constructed there, is larger than the entire Vatican, and will be staffed by over 5,000 “diplomats”. To put that figure in perspective, Murray explains that the British and Russian Embassies in Washington each have less than 200 personnel and the Jordanian and Lebanese Embassies each have less than 20. Whatever objectives the Yanks have in mind with that huge complex, issuing tourist visas to their Lebanese and Syrian victims is not their top priority.

When we further consider that the CIA has the entire region peppered with giant spy bases, like the one that sits on the Jordanian Syrian border, and that the United States has client satraps in both Amman and Tel Aviv (or is it Jerusalem?), we can be in no doubt as to which star spangled rooster rules the roost there.

If we switch our attention to the Russian front, we see that, as with Syria, America’s sanctions resemble a hangman’s noose that the Yanks want to gradually tighten around Russia’s neck. Although Russia’s MIR card works swimmingly in Russia, it works in very few other places because the Americans have now terrorised Turkey and Armenia into not accepting it.

Traveling south of the border down Venezuela way, we see the BBC smirking that the Venezuelans are barely surviving because sanctions have done to the Venezuelan bolivar what they previously did to the Syrian pound. And, though I get that Maduro’s mustache might not be everybody’s cup of tea, the fact of the matter is the harsh sanctions of the United States and her lackeys are killing ordinary Venezuelans, just as Madeleine Albright boasted that they previously murdered half a million Iraqi children with that same Satanic playbook.

Before moving on to China, let me just say that, as with Syria, somebody, the usual CIA terrorist suspects I would hazard to guess, are murdering Iran’s judges, scientists and sundry intellectuals with gay abandon. Though others might argue that removing the likes of Nasrallah from the chess board does not really change the balance of power, those who assassinated him and thousands of others in Iran, Syria and Lebanon obviously disagree and it is their opinion and their actions that matter.

Moving on to China, we see that TikTok is the latest Chinese innovation that is in the CIA’s cross hairs. Although TikTok stands accused of mega data mining to help China’s Communist mandarins in their James Bond plans for world domination, not only are all social media companies at that lark and not only have WikiLeaks caught the CIA out spying on all of her Western allies, but what possible use is it to Chinese President Xi to know what music teeny bopper Britney with the braces from the Bronx is into? Bugger all, I would reckon.

The CIA’s issue is not with the Chinese Communist Party knowing what awful music Britney with the braces likes. Rather, it is with Uncle Sam having to share the media tap not only with the Chinese but with the Singaporeans as well.

I mention Singapore as TikTok’s CEO, Chew Shou Zi, a Singaporean native who served in the Singaporean armed forces, was grilled in the American Congress over his primary loyalty to China and the Chinese Communist Party, the senators being too stupid to know that the Peoples Republic of China and the Republic of Singapore are two distinct and totally separate countries and that because Mr Zi just happens to be a very talented dude on a par with the very best the land of the free and the home of the brave can produce, TikTok or anyone of its competitors, who could offer him the right deal, are blessed to have him, the Yellow Peril he apparently exemplifies notwithstanding.

Forget this New York Times word salad droning on about how TikTok have been lucky to avoid a ban so far or this LA Times dirge that the American Supreme Court had to do the right thing in shaking TikTok’s Chinese owners down. The fact of the matter is TikTok hits the sweet spot not only for Britney with the braces from the Bronx, but for millions of other young Americans and not only is that a lost business opportunity for America’s moguls, but it could severely impact the Pax Americana’s bottom line if Britney and hundreds of millions like her were to stop listening to the saccharine laced tripe the CIA deluge them with.

When, less than six months before the CIA had him offed, American warlord JFK made his famous Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech at Checkpoint Charlie on June 26th 1963, he famously stated that “two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum[“I am a Roman citizen”].

And so it was if you were a Roman lackey. And, though much has changed since those halcyon days of feeding Christians and uppity Germans to the lions, the penchant for governors of provinces to kiss the Emperor’s backside has not.

And nor will it until a power like China abandons its mental pigtails and its economic foot binding, and gets in a position where it can tell Uncle Sam where to stick its ubiquitous sanctions, its spy centres cum embassies, its self serving media and the rest of its imperialist bag of tricks. Though I have no personal dog being mauled in this fight, contrary to all the Madeleine Albrights that pepper both Georgetown and Capitol Hill, I believe that the children of Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and everywhere else under American sanctions deserve something more than the death of a thousand cuts that is all they have ever got from Uncle Sam. But then again, I don’t make policy and nor does Britney with the braces. That is the preserve of the Madeleine Albrights, Nancy Pelosis, Big Mike Obamas and Hillary Clintons of Washington, who will not stop their genocides until China makes them stop.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

February 11, 2025

See also

February 11, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.