Tag: Police State

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From COVID-19 to campus protests: How the police state muzzles free speech
Editor's Сhoice
From COVID-19 to campus protests: How the police state muzzles free speech
May 23, 2024

This year’s graduates are a prime example of this master class in compliance. Their time in college has been set against a backdrop of crackdowns, lockdowns and permacrises ranging from the government’s authoritarian COVID-19 tactics to its more recent militant response to campus protests.

Enredando las aguas sobre las protestas estudiantiles en EEUU
May 8, 2024

Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, como portavoz de la unidad de los Frentes de Resistencia, ha dejado claro que el objetivo de la Resistencia es agotar a «Israel».

Enredando las aguas sobre las protestas estudiantiles en EEUU
The beast of ideology lifts the lid on transformation
The beast of ideology lifts the lid on transformation
May 6, 2024

The police repression of student protests exposes sheer intolerance towards those voicing condemnation against the violence in Gaza.

Columbia crackdown led by university prof doubling as NYPD spook
May 4, 2024

Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia U. professor who also serves as intelligence director of the NYPD. Mayor Eric Adams credits her with spying on anti-genocide student protesters and directing the militarized raid that dislodged them from campus.

Columbia crackdown led by university prof doubling as NYPD spook
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Ireland’s protests and colour revolutions – a contrast in reactions
Ireland’s protests and colour revolutions – a contrast in reactions
May 2, 2024

The response of the Irish political and media establishment to the current protests lies in contrast to their support for Euromaidan, the Western-backed regime change operation launched in Ukraine more than a decade ago.

How the police lost control of London
April 26, 2024

Even in supposedly secular and tolerant London, the safety of Jews has recently come to seem an unnervingly fragile thing. Last week, a London police officer was filmed threatening to arrest a man for being “openly Jewish”, and there have been calls for the Met chief Mark Rowley to resign following his force’s litany of failures on this front.

How the police lost control of London
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Students vow to continue Gaza protests after California, Texas arrests
Editor's Сhoice
Students vow to continue Gaza protests after California, Texas arrests
April 26, 2024

Police crack down on demonstrations at UT Austin and USC as students at Harvard and Brown set up encampments in protest against Israel’s war on Gaza

‘#arrestme’: JK Rowling dares Scotland to enforce anti-free speech law
April 5, 2024

We have previously discussed the growing anti-free speech movement in Scotland with the expanding criminalization of political and religious speech. The new Scottish law is a perfect nightmare for free speech, expanding the potential of a jail sentence for merely insulting language. In response, author JK Rowling has taken a stand and dared the Scottish police to come and arrest her for criticizing transgender status.

‘#arrestme’: JK Rowling dares Scotland to enforce anti-free speech law
Editor's Сhoice