Tag: Social Media

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A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
A monetização do YouTube causa problemas para a soberania brasileira
June 30, 2024

O mero fato de os brasileiros despenderem tanta energia com rede social achando que isso é política já é um atraso para o país.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
June 29, 2024

The sheer fact that Brazilians dispend so much energy on social media, thinking that it is politics, is, in itself, a delay for the country.

YouTube’s monetization jeopardizes Brazilian sovereignty
A duel of French YouTubers
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A duel of French YouTubers
June 25, 2024

For several weeks now, France’s two most famous YouTubers, known as Squeezie and Tibo InShape, have been locked in a fierce virtual war. Behind the duel between these two men lie two trends that divide French youth: progressivism versus identity. 

The MIC needs TikTok as part of the captive media
May 6, 2024

And the MIC can’t have any dissident media voices like TikTok expressing skepticism about the ongoing sacrifice of the nation of Ukraine, the upcoming sacrifice of Russia, and eventually, China and Iran.

The MIC needs TikTok as part of the captive media
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TikTok hypocrisy
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TikTok hypocrisy
May 2, 2024

By Ron PAUL ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter , and VK. Contact us: info@strategic-culture.su President Biden’s campaign will continue using the popular social media site TikTok even though the president supported a provision in the military aid bill he recently signed forcing TikTok’s parent […]

Supporters of the racist ideology of Zionism operating inside the UK civil service
April 30, 2024

If the UK government is serious about tackling extremism, then it should suspend the Jewish Network and take urgent steps to de-radicalize and de-Zionise it.

Supporters of the racist ideology of Zionism operating inside the UK civil service
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Leaked NYT Gaza memo tells journalists to avoid words “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “occupied territory”
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Leaked NYT Gaza memo tells journalists to avoid words “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “occupied territory”
April 19, 2024

Amid the internal battle over the New York Times’s coverage of Israel’s war, top editors handed down a set of directives.

Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a “dangerous individual”
April 17, 2024

The notoriously intelligence-friendly social media network appears to have imposed a ban on posting a recent report by Kit Klarenberg, and is automatically restricting users who re-publish his work.

Facebook designates Grayzone journalist Kit Klarenberg a “dangerous individual”
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