Deporting Palestinians, like the Boers before them, to Irish or other reservations might not be such a good idea not least because it smacks of Cromwell’s To Hell or to Connaught final solution to his Irish problem
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Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu’s proposal that Israel’s Gazan problem can best be solved by nuking the inhabitants and shipping the survivors off to Ireland warrants serious discussion.
As Israeli Ministry of Defense, Yoav Galant, has clearly stated that the over-arching aim is to rid Gaza of “Hamas” and that all else is secondary detail, dropping the big one might very well be in order. When we consider that Israel, together with their Yankee buddies, are, with no sense of Holocaust-related irony, considering gassing the tunnels to cleanse them of “Hamas”, Israel’s nuclear arsenal may as well be taken out of storage, dusted down and put to good use.
As for collateral damage and bad publicity, forget about all that. You only have to spend three minutes on social media looking at all the young Palestinian toddlers, both living and dead, to see that Israel does not give a tinker’s curse for any of that. Shooting or gassing a million human Bambis? Forget about it.
As an Irish citizen, I am honoured that Herr Eliyahu has chosen us as their dumping ground rather than, say, their own Ukrainian spawning ground that the self-serving policies of Israeli ally Clown Prince Zelensky has bled dry of people. With over half of Ukraine’s population either dead or fled abroad, wouldn’t the Ukrainian rump Reich make a much better internment camp for Israel’s millions of young captives? And it is not like the Ukrainians are amateurs at dishing out tough love, something they were doing even in World War Two when Ireland’s Zionists were building golf courses for themselves while the Poles bled.
All that to one side, Ireland would, subject to some tweaks in the education department, make an excellent dumping ground. As things currently stand, little Irish children first begin being indoctrinated with the fables of Anne Frank before being moved on to The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, written by some Dublin-born Jew or other. How can Irish teachers still find the Irish complicit in Auschwitz and Belsen whilst retaining their dogged pride in Israel’s Herzog’s murder gang if the place is over run with Palestinians, who might argue that they too have been gassed, shot at and slaughtered in droves and that this perennial hierarchy of victims might not quite be kosher?
Then there is the issue of citizenship and, more importantly, passports. Should the Palestinians all be given Irish passports the same way everyone else is? Although Ursula von der Leyen, Victoria Nuland and Ireland’s other leaders will eventually decide on that, there are some other issues that have to be considered. Portugal, for example, was forced under a (Jewish) Law of Return rule to grant citizenship to any Jew from anywhere on God’s earth who could convincingly pretend that their ancestors were expelled from Portugal during Inquisition times almost five centuries ago. How would opening the Irish floodgates to hordes of Palestinians impinge on all those Israelis, who collect second passports the way most kids collect postage stamps?
And, though I hate to even think it, Jews are not the only ones who have suffered in the far off past. Here, at the British Holocaust Memorial Trust, mention is also made of Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur and, as Ireland is over run with both Roma gypsies and Poles, who both also suffered Bandera’s wrath, should they also get mentioned in dispatches given, for example, that Germany never paid Poland one single, solitary dime, even though it pumped billions into Israel to smooth the path for Brooklyn, Birmingham, Bogotá and Belfast Jews, who never came within an ass’s roar of Bandera’s jackbooted thugs?
Deporting Palestinians, like the Boers before them, to Irish or other reservations might not be such a good idea not least because it smacks of Cromwell’s To Hell or to Connaught final solution to his Irish problem. Though Cromwell, as every good Jew should know, was a very good friend to England’s upwardly mobile Jews, his name remains anathema to me and every Irish person who thinks like me. Cromwell’s Irish droppings still have their safe rooms in their churches and, given the extent of their crimes and those of the self-styled Church of Ireland against indigenous aboriginals like me, they never quite know if and when the worm might turn and payback might return once more, as it did in the Great Rebellion of 1798.
The problem, then, in shipping the Palestinians off to Ireland or any other Yankee holding pen is that, even in lethargic Ireland, it might raise a hornet’s nest of protest. This would be the case even if these vulnerable armies of unaccompanied children were to be dumped in Jeffrey Epstein’s Orgy Island for Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Alan Dershowitz to have fun and games with. And the same would apply if they were plonked in England and/or France, the two countries that bequeathed the lands, goods and chattels of the indigenous Palestinians to the Brooklyn, Birmingham, Bogotá and Belfast Jews.
Although there is always the Sinai Desert and the rest of the Arab world, not only do they already have their own considerable Palestinian diasporas but their policy has been that Palestinians belong in Palestine, not on a cattle train to Belsen, Auschwitz or Algeria. And they have a point, at least in terms of natural justice.
Though a blind man can see that the Arabs have a moral point, I cannot see that Israel or any similar country that wallows in its own war crimes has any moral point at all. Perhaps the fault is mine as I am neither Jewish nor Zionist and so do not have a sense of my own inviolate superiority. What I do have is a sense of morality, a sense of black and white, right and wrong. And Israel’s current war crimes, like all of those they have previously committed, are not only wrong, but criminally and inexcusably wrong as well.
If anybody should vacate those lands, it is the Israelis like Eliyahu, Netanyahu and Galant, whose crimes have abrogated any moral right they might have had to any piece of it whatsoever. As to where they should go, as Rhett Butler so famously said, frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn where these moral pariahs go or what becomes of them. But then, it is not up to me but up to the Russian government and China’s can can dancers to negotiate for and with the Palestinians, who now hold all the relevant cards, given the indefensible claptrap of these Israelis, who have revealed to the world their own bloodied and morally contagious hands.