Tag: Palestine

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The Muslim Brotherhood’s IRA stooges target Ireland’s top footballers as part of their BDS propaganda
The Muslim Brotherhood’s IRA stooges target Ireland’s top footballers as part of their BDS propaganda
January 13, 2025

The Sinn Féin knuckledraggers launched an online campaign against Keane’s wife, a former catwalk model, who has proved herself well able to put these thugs in their place.

Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
January 3, 2025

It’s time to end Israel’s destruction of Christianity in Palestine

Pope Francis should go to Gaza!
Editor's Сhoice
Senza speranza a Gaza
Senza speranza a Gaza
January 1, 2025

Chi sono gli avversari degli uni e degli altri a Gaza, dopotutto? È tutto molto confuso.

Clueless in Gaza
December 30, 2024

If we review the hard powers resisting Israel’s Gazan turkey shoot, the first thing we notice is that almost all of these have been armed by Iran or its proxies, with the major exception being the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and its derivatives, which were headquartered in the former Syrian Arab Republic, whose new rulers are literally spreading their hind cheeks to accommodate Israel’s expansionist designs.

Clueless in Gaza
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Os europeus amam energia cara ou estão sendo censurados?
Os europeus amam energia cara ou estão sendo censurados?
December 26, 2024

O Estado tem um papel salutar na promoção da liberdade de expressão, pois permite que causas e opiniões populares atinjam o seu público sem precisarem do aval dos grandes empresários.

CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
December 19, 2024

Where was the tipping point for CNN which now no longer has any credibility as a decent news outlet on the world stage, it once had in the early days?

CNN’s reporting reaches new level of farce. What should its new CEO do?
Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
Una nuova mappa geopolitica si sta delineando: la fine della Siria (e della “Palestina” per ora)
December 18, 2024

Gli israeliani in genere festeggiano le loro “vittorie”. Questa euforia peserà con le élite imprenditoriali statunitensi?

A new geo-political map is unfolding – The end of Syria (and of “Palestine” for now)
December 16, 2024

Israelis generally are celebrating their ‘victories’. Will this euphoria weigh with U.S. business élites?

A new geo-political map is unfolding – The end of Syria (and of “Palestine” for now)