Declan Hayes
August 26, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

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Though Macaulay may have been right when he declared that “we know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality”, the real question should be who or what, besides their media and their politicians; causes them to throw their periodic fits. Is it something in the air or is it, as we suggest, something even more permanent and less tangible than that?

Take the recent case of Lucy Letby, an English neo-natal nurse handed a natural life tariff for the callous murder of seven infants and the attempted murder of another seven infants under her care. A horrible case. Another Rose West, another Moyra Hindley. Off with her head!

All very good, except for this one thing. Tory MP Derek Davis and Tory commentator Peter Hitchens are amongst a growing number of commentators, who believe that Letby might be innocent and that England’s creaking hospital system might instead be the culprit, rather than Letby, whose testimony remained very consistent and unambiguous during her trial and countless police interrogation sessions. If Davis and Hitchens are on the right trail, then we have, to coin the infamous words of Lord Denning on Lord Widgery’s cover up of the pre-meditated murder of 13 Irish Catholics by HM’s 1st Paras in Derry on 30 January 1972, a truly appalling vista.

And that appalling vista becomes much more unsavory, when we consider the speed with which today’s judicial replacements for Lords Denning and Widgery dispensed summary justice to those caught up in recent rioting in the north of England following the murder of three toddlers in Southport. American libertarian Joe Rogan claims that, in the wake of the Southport murders, 4,000 Brits were jailed for thought crimes. These include a gay couple, who got caught up in the rioting after playing bingo, some innocuous granny, who posted mean memes on Facebook, some dumb-ass dude who got bricked when dancing effeminately in front of the police, another dude who “has three half-brothers who are mixed race” and many others, whose mitigating appeals were not taken into account.

The judges’ job was not so much to punish these miscreants, but to send out a message to the great and the good that things were under control, and that their cushy lives were not under threat from Albion’s marginalised untermensch.

Although I use the word marginalised, I use it not in the sociological sense, but in the statistical sense, or, if you prefer, in Yeats’ poetical sense when he said that the centre cannot hold. The judges’ roles were clearly shown in the case of Geordie Wayne O’Rourke, who was given “3 years for stirring up racial hatred online” and where IRA apologist, TV show-boater and apparent barrister Joe Brolly claimed O’Rourke was “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation” and, of all things “anti-establishemtn rhetoric“. Although it is worth noting O’Rourke is not “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation”, the point to note there is that Barrister Brolly, whose father master-minded the Claudy bomb massacre, must know that is a brazen lie he must buy into to remain a part of Roy Keane’s prawn sandwich brigade. But none other than Macauley as long ago as 1835 spelled out that that is how it works when he said, with regard to Albion’s control over the Indian sub-continent: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect”. Macauley, as they say, was not born yesterday and he was just following the footsteps of Empire others have followed since long before the Roman Empire was even a twinkle in the eyes of Romulus, Remus, and the wolves that weaned the pair of them.

If you want to get a good handle on how NATO’s empire still holds together, you should really begin with this short video which describes how the British media is segmented into a thousand little sub-markets to cater to all kinds of classes, creeds, fetishes and what nots. The key thing to note is most newspapers are filled with guff: sport, boobs, babes and what the Royal Family got up to today (how IS Prince William’s wife today, did HIS Aston Villa team win and just WHERE does Kate buy those lovely muffins and matching mittens?)

As long as Joe Brolly and other pretend radicals buy into all that Evelyn Waugh captains and the kings nonsense, they are on safe ground. Question it and you are back with Maria Zakharova’s lot beyond the Pale.

Maria Zakharova meets Captain Corelli

When reading about Maria Zakharova’s objections to Italian media fascists helping their Ukrainian comrades invade Kursk, I was reminded of Lord Keynes’ claims in his General Theory as to how the prevailing paradigm colonises the deepest recesses of our minds in ways we cannot even begin to envisage. Quite simply, NATO’s fascists invading Kursk is a great story and RAI, which Mussolini founded in 1924, was right to cover it and ride atop the turrets, as the Azov stormtroopers committed their war crimes against defenceless Russian senior citizens. What a scoop. Forget Lucy Letby. Hold the front page!

Zakharova’s problem is she has forgotten the nature of the Latvian-Italian beast against which she fights. Quite simply, Italy’s Armani fascists are part of an invading army, even though Russian law has some quite stern things to say about how such folk should be treated. The fact that similar NATO folk were able to gallivant around Occupied Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS does not change one iota how these modern-day Lord Haw-Haw mercenaries should be treated, should they fall into Russian hands or be the subject of Russian drone or missile attacks. Though Zakharova may not be at war with the Italian media, they are most definitely at war with her, so she best wake up and smell Kursk’s chlorine, something Italy’s chemical units have long familiarity with from as long ago as Absynnia and Libya. Moral dilemmas and these criminal journalists go together not so much like strawberries and cream but like the Latvian Legion and Waffen-SS war crimes.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

In addressing the old Roman chestnut of who will guard the guards (quis custodiet ipsos custodes?), the answer, regarding the Nuremberg trials of the Third Reich’s top criminals, was the Waffen-SS. Just to run that past you again, when Hermann Göring and the other Nazi top brass were imprisoned during the Nuremberg Trials, the Yanks assigned their new-found lackeys of the Latvian Waffen-SS to guard them, even though they had already declared the Waffen-SS to be a criminal organisation.

Though the Waffen-SS condemned at Nuremberg may be gone, the Latvian Waffen-SS, who guarded them, along with Captain Corelli‘s Kursk legion, are alive and kicking. As these reports from the the CIA’s European Parliament, the CIA’s Radio Free Europe, the CIA’s NPR Radio, the European Website on Integration and the European Court of Human Rights all show, they are not only busy cleansing Latvia of elderly Russians and such like folk but, as in Kursk with Captain Corelli, getting away with it as well.

Medals for Misandry

As Zakharova frets about marauding Nazis past and present, the British government are outlawing dumb blonde jokes and other forms of misogyny. Whilst it will be OK to kill Zakharova for being a Russian, cheap cracks about the colour of her hair might land you in the slammer for being an extremist. Far better, for now, to focus your hatred on Putin and other alpha, beta, gamma, delta and lambda males, as none of that is, as yet, illegal. That said, given NATO’s paranoia, you can’t be too careful.

Bruna Frascolla recently made the excellent suggestion that a Chat-programmed avatar would excel as POTUS as long, of course, as it knew to hate Russians in general, and Zakharova in particular, and it did not make any corny dumb blonde jokes. If that is what it takes to keep the Trump-Musk-Tucker Carlson ticket from the levers of American power, it is a cheap price to pay..

Should the Trump alliance assume power, then the cosy consensus that is so good to the great and the good might leave the door open for those beyond the Pale, for people like Zakharova and the untold numbers of Syrians, Palestinians and sundry others, who have survived NATO’s repeated culls. And that would not be a good thing.

As things currently stand, Yeats’ centre can still hold, not least because those beyond the Pale are stuck in isolated silos, and present no united or co-ordinated threat to the Realm, like they did in the red mirage of 1919. Nuisances like John Pilger are no more and the aesthetic and the language that Zakharova typifies remain far beyond the Pale. Who, but one far beyond the Pale’s emasculating civilisation, could object to Italian fascists in Kursk or to ethnic cleansing in Latvia? Who, indeed?

Zakharova and Russia Today can bark all they like but they have been muzzled not to stop the flow of mis-information, but to ensure NATO’s captains and kings, with their Latvian Legions, continue their rule by divide and conquer, kangaroo courts and judiciously chosen wars and assassinations.

Russia may have the Bolshoi but they don’t have Nord Stream. They may have Dostoevsky and Masha and the Bear, but they cannot get away with the wafer-thin porkies NATO can. Of course, NATO’s media will exchange shots across the bow here and there, but, all things considered, for NATO, it is all ship shape, steady as she goes and full steam ahead. Putin, Zakharova and the rest of them know NATO are bad faith actors but what of it? What can they do about it?

NATO’s core is, if not solid as a rock, at least as strong as Rome was when it ruled the world, despite poverty levels of over 80%, but with bread and barbaric circuses for all. Nothing has substantially changed in the last 2,000 years. England’s football has begun another season, Napoleon’s whiff of grapeshot still works, as does the media splashes of the wives of Princes William and Harry, their Aston Villa football club, and their deadly Birmingham FC, Wolves and West Brom rivals.

In reply to Juvenal’s question as to who will guard the guards, for those beyond the Pale, the question should really be who will do away with NATO’s retooled Waffen-SS guards and all they represent. Ancient Rome’s experience suggests there are only two remedies, the barbarians without or a moral transformation within. NATO’s hanging judges, together with their interminable wars against Russia, Syria, the Palestinians and a host of others, show NATO’s misandric politicians are well aware of the dangers to their cushy existence and what they must do to avoid their day of reckoning. Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

Who will guard the guards?

Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

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Though Macaulay may have been right when he declared that “we know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality”, the real question should be who or what, besides their media and their politicians; causes them to throw their periodic fits. Is it something in the air or is it, as we suggest, something even more permanent and less tangible than that?

Take the recent case of Lucy Letby, an English neo-natal nurse handed a natural life tariff for the callous murder of seven infants and the attempted murder of another seven infants under her care. A horrible case. Another Rose West, another Moyra Hindley. Off with her head!

All very good, except for this one thing. Tory MP Derek Davis and Tory commentator Peter Hitchens are amongst a growing number of commentators, who believe that Letby might be innocent and that England’s creaking hospital system might instead be the culprit, rather than Letby, whose testimony remained very consistent and unambiguous during her trial and countless police interrogation sessions. If Davis and Hitchens are on the right trail, then we have, to coin the infamous words of Lord Denning on Lord Widgery’s cover up of the pre-meditated murder of 13 Irish Catholics by HM’s 1st Paras in Derry on 30 January 1972, a truly appalling vista.

And that appalling vista becomes much more unsavory, when we consider the speed with which today’s judicial replacements for Lords Denning and Widgery dispensed summary justice to those caught up in recent rioting in the north of England following the murder of three toddlers in Southport. American libertarian Joe Rogan claims that, in the wake of the Southport murders, 4,000 Brits were jailed for thought crimes. These include a gay couple, who got caught up in the rioting after playing bingo, some innocuous granny, who posted mean memes on Facebook, some dumb-ass dude who got bricked when dancing effeminately in front of the police, another dude who “has three half-brothers who are mixed race” and many others, whose mitigating appeals were not taken into account.

The judges’ job was not so much to punish these miscreants, but to send out a message to the great and the good that things were under control, and that their cushy lives were not under threat from Albion’s marginalised untermensch.

Although I use the word marginalised, I use it not in the sociological sense, but in the statistical sense, or, if you prefer, in Yeats’ poetical sense when he said that the centre cannot hold. The judges’ roles were clearly shown in the case of Geordie Wayne O’Rourke, who was given “3 years for stirring up racial hatred online” and where IRA apologist, TV show-boater and apparent barrister Joe Brolly claimed O’Rourke was “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation” and, of all things “anti-establishemtn rhetoric“. Although it is worth noting O’Rourke is not “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation”, the point to note there is that Barrister Brolly, whose father master-minded the Claudy bomb massacre, must know that is a brazen lie he must buy into to remain a part of Roy Keane’s prawn sandwich brigade. But none other than Macauley as long ago as 1835 spelled out that that is how it works when he said, with regard to Albion’s control over the Indian sub-continent: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect”. Macauley, as they say, was not born yesterday and he was just following the footsteps of Empire others have followed since long before the Roman Empire was even a twinkle in the eyes of Romulus, Remus, and the wolves that weaned the pair of them.

If you want to get a good handle on how NATO’s empire still holds together, you should really begin with this short video which describes how the British media is segmented into a thousand little sub-markets to cater to all kinds of classes, creeds, fetishes and what nots. The key thing to note is most newspapers are filled with guff: sport, boobs, babes and what the Royal Family got up to today (how IS Prince William’s wife today, did HIS Aston Villa team win and just WHERE does Kate buy those lovely muffins and matching mittens?)

As long as Joe Brolly and other pretend radicals buy into all that Evelyn Waugh captains and the kings nonsense, they are on safe ground. Question it and you are back with Maria Zakharova’s lot beyond the Pale.

Maria Zakharova meets Captain Corelli

When reading about Maria Zakharova’s objections to Italian media fascists helping their Ukrainian comrades invade Kursk, I was reminded of Lord Keynes’ claims in his General Theory as to how the prevailing paradigm colonises the deepest recesses of our minds in ways we cannot even begin to envisage. Quite simply, NATO’s fascists invading Kursk is a great story and RAI, which Mussolini founded in 1924, was right to cover it and ride atop the turrets, as the Azov stormtroopers committed their war crimes against defenceless Russian senior citizens. What a scoop. Forget Lucy Letby. Hold the front page!

Zakharova’s problem is she has forgotten the nature of the Latvian-Italian beast against which she fights. Quite simply, Italy’s Armani fascists are part of an invading army, even though Russian law has some quite stern things to say about how such folk should be treated. The fact that similar NATO folk were able to gallivant around Occupied Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS does not change one iota how these modern-day Lord Haw-Haw mercenaries should be treated, should they fall into Russian hands or be the subject of Russian drone or missile attacks. Though Zakharova may not be at war with the Italian media, they are most definitely at war with her, so she best wake up and smell Kursk’s chlorine, something Italy’s chemical units have long familiarity with from as long ago as Absynnia and Libya. Moral dilemmas and these criminal journalists go together not so much like strawberries and cream but like the Latvian Legion and Waffen-SS war crimes.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

In addressing the old Roman chestnut of who will guard the guards (quis custodiet ipsos custodes?), the answer, regarding the Nuremberg trials of the Third Reich’s top criminals, was the Waffen-SS. Just to run that past you again, when Hermann Göring and the other Nazi top brass were imprisoned during the Nuremberg Trials, the Yanks assigned their new-found lackeys of the Latvian Waffen-SS to guard them, even though they had already declared the Waffen-SS to be a criminal organisation.

Though the Waffen-SS condemned at Nuremberg may be gone, the Latvian Waffen-SS, who guarded them, along with Captain Corelli‘s Kursk legion, are alive and kicking. As these reports from the the CIA’s European Parliament, the CIA’s Radio Free Europe, the CIA’s NPR Radio, the European Website on Integration and the European Court of Human Rights all show, they are not only busy cleansing Latvia of elderly Russians and such like folk but, as in Kursk with Captain Corelli, getting away with it as well.

Medals for Misandry

As Zakharova frets about marauding Nazis past and present, the British government are outlawing dumb blonde jokes and other forms of misogyny. Whilst it will be OK to kill Zakharova for being a Russian, cheap cracks about the colour of her hair might land you in the slammer for being an extremist. Far better, for now, to focus your hatred on Putin and other alpha, beta, gamma, delta and lambda males, as none of that is, as yet, illegal. That said, given NATO’s paranoia, you can’t be too careful.

Bruna Frascolla recently made the excellent suggestion that a Chat-programmed avatar would excel as POTUS as long, of course, as it knew to hate Russians in general, and Zakharova in particular, and it did not make any corny dumb blonde jokes. If that is what it takes to keep the Trump-Musk-Tucker Carlson ticket from the levers of American power, it is a cheap price to pay..

Should the Trump alliance assume power, then the cosy consensus that is so good to the great and the good might leave the door open for those beyond the Pale, for people like Zakharova and the untold numbers of Syrians, Palestinians and sundry others, who have survived NATO’s repeated culls. And that would not be a good thing.

As things currently stand, Yeats’ centre can still hold, not least because those beyond the Pale are stuck in isolated silos, and present no united or co-ordinated threat to the Realm, like they did in the red mirage of 1919. Nuisances like John Pilger are no more and the aesthetic and the language that Zakharova typifies remain far beyond the Pale. Who, but one far beyond the Pale’s emasculating civilisation, could object to Italian fascists in Kursk or to ethnic cleansing in Latvia? Who, indeed?

Zakharova and Russia Today can bark all they like but they have been muzzled not to stop the flow of mis-information, but to ensure NATO’s captains and kings, with their Latvian Legions, continue their rule by divide and conquer, kangaroo courts and judiciously chosen wars and assassinations.

Russia may have the Bolshoi but they don’t have Nord Stream. They may have Dostoevsky and Masha and the Bear, but they cannot get away with the wafer-thin porkies NATO can. Of course, NATO’s media will exchange shots across the bow here and there, but, all things considered, for NATO, it is all ship shape, steady as she goes and full steam ahead. Putin, Zakharova and the rest of them know NATO are bad faith actors but what of it? What can they do about it?

NATO’s core is, if not solid as a rock, at least as strong as Rome was when it ruled the world, despite poverty levels of over 80%, but with bread and barbaric circuses for all. Nothing has substantially changed in the last 2,000 years. England’s football has begun another season, Napoleon’s whiff of grapeshot still works, as does the media splashes of the wives of Princes William and Harry, their Aston Villa football club, and their deadly Birmingham FC, Wolves and West Brom rivals.

In reply to Juvenal’s question as to who will guard the guards, for those beyond the Pale, the question should really be who will do away with NATO’s retooled Waffen-SS guards and all they represent. Ancient Rome’s experience suggests there are only two remedies, the barbarians without or a moral transformation within. NATO’s hanging judges, together with their interminable wars against Russia, Syria, the Palestinians and a host of others, show NATO’s misandric politicians are well aware of the dangers to their cushy existence and what they must do to avoid their day of reckoning. Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

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Though Macaulay may have been right when he declared that “we know no spectacle so ridiculous as the British public in one of its periodical fits of morality”, the real question should be who or what, besides their media and their politicians; causes them to throw their periodic fits. Is it something in the air or is it, as we suggest, something even more permanent and less tangible than that?

Take the recent case of Lucy Letby, an English neo-natal nurse handed a natural life tariff for the callous murder of seven infants and the attempted murder of another seven infants under her care. A horrible case. Another Rose West, another Moyra Hindley. Off with her head!

All very good, except for this one thing. Tory MP Derek Davis and Tory commentator Peter Hitchens are amongst a growing number of commentators, who believe that Letby might be innocent and that England’s creaking hospital system might instead be the culprit, rather than Letby, whose testimony remained very consistent and unambiguous during her trial and countless police interrogation sessions. If Davis and Hitchens are on the right trail, then we have, to coin the infamous words of Lord Denning on Lord Widgery’s cover up of the pre-meditated murder of 13 Irish Catholics by HM’s 1st Paras in Derry on 30 January 1972, a truly appalling vista.

And that appalling vista becomes much more unsavory, when we consider the speed with which today’s judicial replacements for Lords Denning and Widgery dispensed summary justice to those caught up in recent rioting in the north of England following the murder of three toddlers in Southport. American libertarian Joe Rogan claims that, in the wake of the Southport murders, 4,000 Brits were jailed for thought crimes. These include a gay couple, who got caught up in the rioting after playing bingo, some innocuous granny, who posted mean memes on Facebook, some dumb-ass dude who got bricked when dancing effeminately in front of the police, another dude who “has three half-brothers who are mixed race” and many others, whose mitigating appeals were not taken into account.

The judges’ job was not so much to punish these miscreants, but to send out a message to the great and the good that things were under control, and that their cushy lives were not under threat from Albion’s marginalised untermensch.

Although I use the word marginalised, I use it not in the sociological sense, but in the statistical sense, or, if you prefer, in Yeats’ poetical sense when he said that the centre cannot hold. The judges’ roles were clearly shown in the case of Geordie Wayne O’Rourke, who was given “3 years for stirring up racial hatred online” and where IRA apologist, TV show-boater and apparent barrister Joe Brolly claimed O’Rourke was “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation” and, of all things “anti-establishemtn rhetoric“. Although it is worth noting O’Rourke is not “paid £1,400 a month to spread disinformation”, the point to note there is that Barrister Brolly, whose father master-minded the Claudy bomb massacre, must know that is a brazen lie he must buy into to remain a part of Roy Keane’s prawn sandwich brigade. But none other than Macauley as long ago as 1835 spelled out that that is how it works when he said, with regard to Albion’s control over the Indian sub-continent: “We must at present do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and colour, but English in taste, in opinions, in morals, and in intellect”. Macauley, as they say, was not born yesterday and he was just following the footsteps of Empire others have followed since long before the Roman Empire was even a twinkle in the eyes of Romulus, Remus, and the wolves that weaned the pair of them.

If you want to get a good handle on how NATO’s empire still holds together, you should really begin with this short video which describes how the British media is segmented into a thousand little sub-markets to cater to all kinds of classes, creeds, fetishes and what nots. The key thing to note is most newspapers are filled with guff: sport, boobs, babes and what the Royal Family got up to today (how IS Prince William’s wife today, did HIS Aston Villa team win and just WHERE does Kate buy those lovely muffins and matching mittens?)

As long as Joe Brolly and other pretend radicals buy into all that Evelyn Waugh captains and the kings nonsense, they are on safe ground. Question it and you are back with Maria Zakharova’s lot beyond the Pale.

Maria Zakharova meets Captain Corelli

When reading about Maria Zakharova’s objections to Italian media fascists helping their Ukrainian comrades invade Kursk, I was reminded of Lord Keynes’ claims in his General Theory as to how the prevailing paradigm colonises the deepest recesses of our minds in ways we cannot even begin to envisage. Quite simply, NATO’s fascists invading Kursk is a great story and RAI, which Mussolini founded in 1924, was right to cover it and ride atop the turrets, as the Azov stormtroopers committed their war crimes against defenceless Russian senior citizens. What a scoop. Forget Lucy Letby. Hold the front page!

Zakharova’s problem is she has forgotten the nature of the Latvian-Italian beast against which she fights. Quite simply, Italy’s Armani fascists are part of an invading army, even though Russian law has some quite stern things to say about how such folk should be treated. The fact that similar NATO folk were able to gallivant around Occupied Syria with the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS does not change one iota how these modern-day Lord Haw-Haw mercenaries should be treated, should they fall into Russian hands or be the subject of Russian drone or missile attacks. Though Zakharova may not be at war with the Italian media, they are most definitely at war with her, so she best wake up and smell Kursk’s chlorine, something Italy’s chemical units have long familiarity with from as long ago as Absynnia and Libya. Moral dilemmas and these criminal journalists go together not so much like strawberries and cream but like the Latvian Legion and Waffen-SS war crimes.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

In addressing the old Roman chestnut of who will guard the guards (quis custodiet ipsos custodes?), the answer, regarding the Nuremberg trials of the Third Reich’s top criminals, was the Waffen-SS. Just to run that past you again, when Hermann Göring and the other Nazi top brass were imprisoned during the Nuremberg Trials, the Yanks assigned their new-found lackeys of the Latvian Waffen-SS to guard them, even though they had already declared the Waffen-SS to be a criminal organisation.

Though the Waffen-SS condemned at Nuremberg may be gone, the Latvian Waffen-SS, who guarded them, along with Captain Corelli‘s Kursk legion, are alive and kicking. As these reports from the the CIA’s European Parliament, the CIA’s Radio Free Europe, the CIA’s NPR Radio, the European Website on Integration and the European Court of Human Rights all show, they are not only busy cleansing Latvia of elderly Russians and such like folk but, as in Kursk with Captain Corelli, getting away with it as well.

Medals for Misandry

As Zakharova frets about marauding Nazis past and present, the British government are outlawing dumb blonde jokes and other forms of misogyny. Whilst it will be OK to kill Zakharova for being a Russian, cheap cracks about the colour of her hair might land you in the slammer for being an extremist. Far better, for now, to focus your hatred on Putin and other alpha, beta, gamma, delta and lambda males, as none of that is, as yet, illegal. That said, given NATO’s paranoia, you can’t be too careful.

Bruna Frascolla recently made the excellent suggestion that a Chat-programmed avatar would excel as POTUS as long, of course, as it knew to hate Russians in general, and Zakharova in particular, and it did not make any corny dumb blonde jokes. If that is what it takes to keep the Trump-Musk-Tucker Carlson ticket from the levers of American power, it is a cheap price to pay..

Should the Trump alliance assume power, then the cosy consensus that is so good to the great and the good might leave the door open for those beyond the Pale, for people like Zakharova and the untold numbers of Syrians, Palestinians and sundry others, who have survived NATO’s repeated culls. And that would not be a good thing.

As things currently stand, Yeats’ centre can still hold, not least because those beyond the Pale are stuck in isolated silos, and present no united or co-ordinated threat to the Realm, like they did in the red mirage of 1919. Nuisances like John Pilger are no more and the aesthetic and the language that Zakharova typifies remain far beyond the Pale. Who, but one far beyond the Pale’s emasculating civilisation, could object to Italian fascists in Kursk or to ethnic cleansing in Latvia? Who, indeed?

Zakharova and Russia Today can bark all they like but they have been muzzled not to stop the flow of mis-information, but to ensure NATO’s captains and kings, with their Latvian Legions, continue their rule by divide and conquer, kangaroo courts and judiciously chosen wars and assassinations.

Russia may have the Bolshoi but they don’t have Nord Stream. They may have Dostoevsky and Masha and the Bear, but they cannot get away with the wafer-thin porkies NATO can. Of course, NATO’s media will exchange shots across the bow here and there, but, all things considered, for NATO, it is all ship shape, steady as she goes and full steam ahead. Putin, Zakharova and the rest of them know NATO are bad faith actors but what of it? What can they do about it?

NATO’s core is, if not solid as a rock, at least as strong as Rome was when it ruled the world, despite poverty levels of over 80%, but with bread and barbaric circuses for all. Nothing has substantially changed in the last 2,000 years. England’s football has begun another season, Napoleon’s whiff of grapeshot still works, as does the media splashes of the wives of Princes William and Harry, their Aston Villa football club, and their deadly Birmingham FC, Wolves and West Brom rivals.

In reply to Juvenal’s question as to who will guard the guards, for those beyond the Pale, the question should really be who will do away with NATO’s retooled Waffen-SS guards and all they represent. Ancient Rome’s experience suggests there are only two remedies, the barbarians without or a moral transformation within. NATO’s hanging judges, together with their interminable wars against Russia, Syria, the Palestinians and a host of others, show NATO’s misandric politicians are well aware of the dangers to their cushy existence and what they must do to avoid their day of reckoning. Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 12, 2025

See also

March 12, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.