Tag: Society

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O que está por trás da cruzada moral de Vladimir Putin?
O que está por trás da cruzada moral de Vladimir Putin?
October 2, 2024

A guerra contra a Rússia é cada vez mais iminente e é preciso povoar o país, principalmente a Rússia central e oriental, para assegurar a proteção de sua integridade territorial.

As Pashinyan seeks Western support, Armenian people stand with Russia
October 2, 2024

Despite the anti-Russian sentiment imposed by Western elites on part of the Armenian youth through the Pashinyan regime, many local politicians continue to firmly support diplomacy with Moscow.

As Pashinyan seeks Western support, Armenian people stand with Russia
It’s time for the GOP to play hardball with public universities
Editor's Сhoice
It’s time for the GOP to play hardball with public universities
October 1, 2024

Red-state tax dollars should not fund hostile institutions

Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
September 26, 2024

You have to respect American culture; they sing “oh babe, babe” and dance in tights even in wakes, over the coffin.

Ford Foundation: White supremacy and soft Apartheid
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the Strategic
Culture Foundation
Why this Anti-Democratic Anti-Populism in the Age of Big Data Analytics?
Why this Anti-Democratic Anti-Populism in the Age of Big Data Analytics?
September 26, 2024

In an age where technology could liberate us, it has instead been harnessed to enslave us to a perpetual state of dissatisfaction and powerlessness.

La “Rusia inconmensurable”, la Rusia incomprendida, pero, ¿qué no comprenden o dimensionan en Rusia?
September 24, 2024

Rusia no es “un enigma envuelto en un misterio dentro de un acertijo”, como dijo Churchill.

La “Rusia inconmensurable”, la Rusia incomprendida, pero, ¿qué no comprenden o dimensionan en Rusia?
A esquerda sul-americana tem um problema com a produção de alimentos?
A esquerda sul-americana tem um problema com a produção de alimentos?
September 22, 2024

Uma falácia da esquerda ongueira repetida pelo boy da Fundação Ford é a confusão entre o grande empresário do agronegócio e o pequeno agricultor.

Does the South American Left have a problem with food production?
September 19, 2024

A fallacy of the NGO-funded Left, repeated by the boy from the Ford Foundation, is the confusion between the big agribusiness entrepreneur and the small farmer.

Does the South American Left have a problem with food production?