Tag: Society

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Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
July 25, 2024

Spain’s Reconquista is one of the most pivotal events in world history and St James, along with King Alfonso, Charlemagne, el Cid and all their followers can be proud of the role they played in it.

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
July 22, 2024

Las condiciones objetivas para la liberación de los seres humanos ya existen en la mayoría de los países, es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que las condiciones subjetivas para esto se desarrollen plenamente.

La tecnología está acelerando la revolución proletaria mundial
Ireland wages war on the Irish
Ireland wages war on the Irish
July 22, 2024

Ursula von der Leyen has ordered Ireland’s destruction and those, who help her control the country from the shadows, are making fortunes from colluding with her and Genocide Joe Biden in its destruction.

Ireland – mass-immigration and the Great Reset
July 21, 2024

The government-corporate alliance is presented with a ready-made pretext to implement solutions that align with their agenda.

Ireland – mass-immigration and the Great Reset
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“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
“Tripping On Utopia”: A good book on mad scientists and their impact on culture
July 17, 2024

Hubris is an impressive poison, capable of making the government of the most powerful nation in the world hand over its resources to a bunch of drug addicts.

“Viajando na utopia”: Um bom livro sobre cientistas doidos e seu impacto na cultura
July 13, 2024

A utopia das drogas tem um passado mais remoto do que imaginávamos, mas ela não acabou nos anos 70.

“Viajando na utopia”: Um bom livro sobre cientistas doidos e seu impacto na cultura
La causa palestina y el papel saboteador de la Izquierda Liberal
La causa palestina y el papel saboteador de la Izquierda Liberal
July 13, 2024

El acto de la izquierda woke, coorganizado por el sector brasileño del BDS, reunió solo a unas pocas decenas de personas y además de la falta de repercusión, sufrió de la misma falta de enfoque de siempre.

France in the grip of political chaos
July 10, 2024

France is like a man falling from a building who, floor by floor, says to himself “so far so good.”

France in the grip of political chaos
Editor's Сhoice