Tag: Protests

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Silence for citizenship: What is known about Germany’s Palestinian mandate?
Silence for citizenship: What is known about Germany’s Palestinian mandate?
October 3, 2024

The decision by the German state, above all, raises questions about the concept of “freedom of expression,” frequently referenced in Western democracies.

Geórgia no caminho certo para a paz no Cáucaso – mas ainda há muito a ser feito
September 19, 2024

Tbilisi está começando a entender que a única forma de manter a paz regional é através de uma política de amizade com a Federação Russa, ignorando os planos de guerra do Ocidente Coletivo.

Geórgia no caminho certo para a paz no Cáucaso – mas ainda há muito a ser feito
Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters
Editor's Сhoice
Starmer’s purges of Labour have mutated into the arrest of Palestine supporters
September 3, 2024

Britain’s authoritarian new prime minister is expanding the scope of already draconian laws to redefine his critics as ‘supporters’ of terrorism

Who will guard the guards?
August 26, 2024

Though NATO would be fools to believe they have the keys to the Kingdom, they sure as hell have the keys to the ways of this world that they and their hired guards still zealously control.

Who will guard the guards?
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The escalation of anarcho-tyranny: Starmer’s Britain
Editor's Сhoice
The escalation of anarcho-tyranny: Starmer’s Britain
August 26, 2024

Under our woke moral order, one can easily predict when agents of the regime will behave like anarchists and when they will behave like tyrants.

What has happened to British justice and will the Catholic Church speak out?
August 23, 2024

My family is peppered with lawyers. Many of us read law, some going on to practice it, others not. Those non-practitioners may have lost touch with the niceties of changing legislation, but an eye for justice – or the lack of it – remains sharply focused.

What has happened to British justice and will the Catholic Church speak out?
Editor's Сhoice
“The British people have had enough of being ignored”: An Interview with Jack Ross
Editor's Сhoice
“The British people have had enough of being ignored”: An Interview with Jack Ross
August 20, 2024

“Our politicians have surrendered Britain to the woke mob only because they haven’t the spine to simply say, ‘No.’”

Na Sérvia, o povo entendeu o que os fazendeiros ucranianos ainda não entenderam
August 15, 2024

Sérvios não querem que seu país se torne uma colônia da Blackrock.

Na Sérvia, o povo entendeu o que os fazendeiros ucranianos ainda não entenderam