Tag: Criminal

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How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
How the U.S. legalizes its criminal global surveillance of communications
July 23, 2024

A few years ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin disclosed that he didn’t use any mobile phone communications. Should anybody be surprised?

O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
July 22, 2024

Ignorar as religiões como se fossem atividades puramente privadas e não tivessem repercussões sérias na esfera pública impede o Estado de se antecipar ao surgimento de seitas perigosas, o que propicia fenômenos como o narcopentecostalismo.

O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

Hunter Biden’s charge of lying under oath
June 20, 2024

The June 5 criminal referrals are indication enough that the Oversight and Judiciary committees are far from done, spent, or at a dead end.

Hunter Biden’s charge of lying under oath
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Israel has lost the battle of global public opinion
Editor's Сhoice
Israel has lost the battle of global public opinion
May 25, 2024

Netanyahu’s war on Gaza has been so brutal, devastating, and objectively inhumane that even the greatest public relations machine in the world could not whitewash the horrors it has manifested.

‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to U.S. citizen’s killing
May 22, 2024

In recordings obtained by The Grayzone, a self-proclaimed soldier from Israel’s infamous Netzah Yehuda battalion detailed his unit’s killing of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American, and flaunted his genocidal views. After announcing plans to sanction the battalion, the Biden administration has inexplicably pulled back.

‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to U.S. citizen’s killing
Editor's Сhoice
In Slovakia, the lone gunman strikes again
In Slovakia, the lone gunman strikes again
May 16, 2024

The attempted murder of Robert Fico sends a message to outstanding non-political public figures of many profiles, Stephen Karganovic writes.

O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas: “A terra dos árabes pertence aos judeus”
May 10, 2024

A situação em Gaza tem sido inspiradora da criatividade criminosa e genocida de figuras gradas do sionismo.

O sionismo explicado pelos sionistas: “A terra dos árabes pertence aos judeus”