Declan Hayes
July 31, 2024
© Photo: Public domain

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city.

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Here is a question to ask the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God next time you see her. What flag does she believe should fly over Odessa? Should it be the Russian flag, the Soviet hammer and sickle, the Nazi swastika, the flag of Zelensky’s rump Reich or one of the other flags that have flown over Odessa down the years?

If you wonder why the Virgin Mary should concern herself with that question, let me enlighten you. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Cardinal Secretary of State, recently visited Ukraine’s Marian Shrine of Berdichev, after which he declared that nothing is impossible for God. As the Virgin Mary always has God’s ear and, as the Berdichev shrine is the most important Latin (or Roman) Catholic shrine in all of Ukraine, it would make good sense for Our Lady of Berdichev to make the call and for Russia and Ukraine to leave things at that.

Not that they could. And not that Parolin, the Vatican’s top diplomat, wants to leave it at that either. Not content with visiting Berdichev and hobnobbing with sundry Nazis in Kiev, Parolin hot footed it to Odessa, where he put his diplomatic feet very undiplomatically into the hot and cold wars raging between Russia and the Zelensky Reich.

Although Parolin had, as the Vatican’s top diplomat, cause enough to go to both Kiev and Berdichev, he should not have traveled the more than 500 km south to Odessa and, under no circumstances, should he have stepped foot inside Odessa’s Orthodox Cathedral of the Transfiguration, which is currently under occupation by Zelensky’s religious imposters.

Although Parolin was well within his rights to visit Odessa’s Latin and Greek Catholics, playing footsie with Zelensky’s brown Orthodox priests is an ecumenical bridge too far, at least, until God kisses and makes up with the devil and Russia’s faithful allow MI6’s Pussy Riot and Femen fifth columnists desecrate every last one of their icons.

Not that such blasphemies would quite equate in depravity to Parolin’s civil and religious outrage. From a civil point of view, Russia has more claim to Odessa than bottom feeding fraudsters like Zelensky. Not only did Catherine the Great found the city (only to have the Nazis recently dismantle and remove her statue) but, their sham plebiscites aside, they have done so despite the wishes of her citizens, many of whose relatives the Nazis incinerated in NATO’s “mostly peaceful” 2014 colour revolution Maidan pogroms.

Although Odessa has always been a multi-cultural city, those different cultures took largely opposite sides during Hitler’s October 1941 Siege of Odessa when the Russians battled it out with the Germans, Italians, Romanians and their Banderite camp followers. And, after the Banderites then occupied Odessa for 907 days, with a loss of 82,000 dead, the city was again subjected to heavy land, sea and air combat when the same belligerents again slugged it out between 26 March-14 April 1944 following which, on 1 May, 1945, Moscow declared Odessa a Hero City.

If we roll the reel further backwards, we come to the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin (seen here), universally acknowledged as one of the most influential ever clips in cinematic history and more than enough to immortalise Odessa in celluloid forever.

Though countless more events like these justify Catherine the Great’s Odessa being made a UNESCO World Heritage site, it is crucial to see that UNESCO only awarded the city that (coveted?) designation in 2023 when NATO’s proxy war against Catherine the Great’s Russia was in full swing. And, to add insult to injury, although UNESCO’s relevant page directs us to a Ukrainian/Russian site, it is important to note that that latter Ukrainian site has not a word of Catherine the Great’s Russian in it.

My conclusion that the Vatican and UNESCO have sided with Ukraine in this war is further strengthened by this Vatican report of Parolin’s idiotic visit to the Orthodox Cathedral which, in the ordinary course of events, would be a great, noble and ecumenical thing to do.

Just so we understand the religious lie of the land here, we are dealing with at least five Christian churches, the Roman (or Latin) Catholic Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which follows Eastern rites but is in communion with Rome; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), which the Banderites are trying to wrest from Moscow; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate), which was formerly declared to be in schism because of Banderite infiltration; and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, which the Banderites forced to merge with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) to form the (Azov controlled) Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Note that the only group missing from that lot is the Russian Orthodox Church, to which most Ukrainian Orthodox Christians adhered to before NATO unleashed their thugs at the time of Maidan. Note, also, I am with the Virgin Mary on all this and, in my opinion at least, we can never have enough shrines to her in Ukraine, Russia or anywhere else. That said, all relevant churches and shrines should be to the Virgin Mary and not to Zelensky or any of his inked up thugs. Not only that, but Parolin and his type should not be abusing the Virgin Mary to play footsie with inked up Nazis unless and until Ukraine’s Orthodox Christians can again practice their faith without the scum of that detestable rump Reich abusing them in the manner we have become accustomed to seeing them being abused as documented, inter alia, here, here, here and, as documented by my good self, here.

Parolin and the entire Vatican are so far up their own backsides they sound like Genocide Joe Biden on an off day. Here, for example, is the Pope, calling for an “Olympic truce for war-torn nations”. But guess what? Russia and even Belarus are ostracised from the Olympics just because they object to Orthodox priests being beaten up, a “sport” Ukraine would be sure to be Olympic champions at, if the International Olympic Committee would only introduce it as a sport.

Less far-fetched than you might think, in this world where UNESCO deems Catherine the Great’s Odessa a cultural heritage highlight, just to give the crass Zelensky some skin in the cultural wars. But it is not just creeps like Zelensky and Parolin. Here, from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College for PDF download is the 2012 master’s thesis of Major Pavlo Savchenko, of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who holds a B.S. from their Odessa Army Academy. His thesis, written years before the 2014 Odessa Maidan massacre, concerns itself with how to apply the lessons of the earlier 1940s Banderite OUN insurgents to today’s problems of how to deploy useful idiots like Parolin to extirpate all things Russian from Odessa.

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city. But, just as Valletta would never deny its formative Arab, Roman, Norman and French influences or, indeed, that Britain’s King George awarded Malta his George’s Cross Award for its people’s heroism during Hitler’s Siege of Malta, so also must Odessa never be allowed divorce itself from Catherine the Great and the overwhelming Russian and Greek influences that have made it the jewel of not only the Black Sea but of all of South Western Russia as well.

The Odessa File: Who does Catherine the Great’s city belong to?

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city.

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Here is a question to ask the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God next time you see her. What flag does she believe should fly over Odessa? Should it be the Russian flag, the Soviet hammer and sickle, the Nazi swastika, the flag of Zelensky’s rump Reich or one of the other flags that have flown over Odessa down the years?

If you wonder why the Virgin Mary should concern herself with that question, let me enlighten you. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Cardinal Secretary of State, recently visited Ukraine’s Marian Shrine of Berdichev, after which he declared that nothing is impossible for God. As the Virgin Mary always has God’s ear and, as the Berdichev shrine is the most important Latin (or Roman) Catholic shrine in all of Ukraine, it would make good sense for Our Lady of Berdichev to make the call and for Russia and Ukraine to leave things at that.

Not that they could. And not that Parolin, the Vatican’s top diplomat, wants to leave it at that either. Not content with visiting Berdichev and hobnobbing with sundry Nazis in Kiev, Parolin hot footed it to Odessa, where he put his diplomatic feet very undiplomatically into the hot and cold wars raging between Russia and the Zelensky Reich.

Although Parolin had, as the Vatican’s top diplomat, cause enough to go to both Kiev and Berdichev, he should not have traveled the more than 500 km south to Odessa and, under no circumstances, should he have stepped foot inside Odessa’s Orthodox Cathedral of the Transfiguration, which is currently under occupation by Zelensky’s religious imposters.

Although Parolin was well within his rights to visit Odessa’s Latin and Greek Catholics, playing footsie with Zelensky’s brown Orthodox priests is an ecumenical bridge too far, at least, until God kisses and makes up with the devil and Russia’s faithful allow MI6’s Pussy Riot and Femen fifth columnists desecrate every last one of their icons.

Not that such blasphemies would quite equate in depravity to Parolin’s civil and religious outrage. From a civil point of view, Russia has more claim to Odessa than bottom feeding fraudsters like Zelensky. Not only did Catherine the Great found the city (only to have the Nazis recently dismantle and remove her statue) but, their sham plebiscites aside, they have done so despite the wishes of her citizens, many of whose relatives the Nazis incinerated in NATO’s “mostly peaceful” 2014 colour revolution Maidan pogroms.

Although Odessa has always been a multi-cultural city, those different cultures took largely opposite sides during Hitler’s October 1941 Siege of Odessa when the Russians battled it out with the Germans, Italians, Romanians and their Banderite camp followers. And, after the Banderites then occupied Odessa for 907 days, with a loss of 82,000 dead, the city was again subjected to heavy land, sea and air combat when the same belligerents again slugged it out between 26 March-14 April 1944 following which, on 1 May, 1945, Moscow declared Odessa a Hero City.

If we roll the reel further backwards, we come to the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin (seen here), universally acknowledged as one of the most influential ever clips in cinematic history and more than enough to immortalise Odessa in celluloid forever.

Though countless more events like these justify Catherine the Great’s Odessa being made a UNESCO World Heritage site, it is crucial to see that UNESCO only awarded the city that (coveted?) designation in 2023 when NATO’s proxy war against Catherine the Great’s Russia was in full swing. And, to add insult to injury, although UNESCO’s relevant page directs us to a Ukrainian/Russian site, it is important to note that that latter Ukrainian site has not a word of Catherine the Great’s Russian in it.

My conclusion that the Vatican and UNESCO have sided with Ukraine in this war is further strengthened by this Vatican report of Parolin’s idiotic visit to the Orthodox Cathedral which, in the ordinary course of events, would be a great, noble and ecumenical thing to do.

Just so we understand the religious lie of the land here, we are dealing with at least five Christian churches, the Roman (or Latin) Catholic Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which follows Eastern rites but is in communion with Rome; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), which the Banderites are trying to wrest from Moscow; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate), which was formerly declared to be in schism because of Banderite infiltration; and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, which the Banderites forced to merge with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) to form the (Azov controlled) Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Note that the only group missing from that lot is the Russian Orthodox Church, to which most Ukrainian Orthodox Christians adhered to before NATO unleashed their thugs at the time of Maidan. Note, also, I am with the Virgin Mary on all this and, in my opinion at least, we can never have enough shrines to her in Ukraine, Russia or anywhere else. That said, all relevant churches and shrines should be to the Virgin Mary and not to Zelensky or any of his inked up thugs. Not only that, but Parolin and his type should not be abusing the Virgin Mary to play footsie with inked up Nazis unless and until Ukraine’s Orthodox Christians can again practice their faith without the scum of that detestable rump Reich abusing them in the manner we have become accustomed to seeing them being abused as documented, inter alia, here, here, here and, as documented by my good self, here.

Parolin and the entire Vatican are so far up their own backsides they sound like Genocide Joe Biden on an off day. Here, for example, is the Pope, calling for an “Olympic truce for war-torn nations”. But guess what? Russia and even Belarus are ostracised from the Olympics just because they object to Orthodox priests being beaten up, a “sport” Ukraine would be sure to be Olympic champions at, if the International Olympic Committee would only introduce it as a sport.

Less far-fetched than you might think, in this world where UNESCO deems Catherine the Great’s Odessa a cultural heritage highlight, just to give the crass Zelensky some skin in the cultural wars. But it is not just creeps like Zelensky and Parolin. Here, from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College for PDF download is the 2012 master’s thesis of Major Pavlo Savchenko, of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who holds a B.S. from their Odessa Army Academy. His thesis, written years before the 2014 Odessa Maidan massacre, concerns itself with how to apply the lessons of the earlier 1940s Banderite OUN insurgents to today’s problems of how to deploy useful idiots like Parolin to extirpate all things Russian from Odessa.

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city. But, just as Valletta would never deny its formative Arab, Roman, Norman and French influences or, indeed, that Britain’s King George awarded Malta his George’s Cross Award for its people’s heroism during Hitler’s Siege of Malta, so also must Odessa never be allowed divorce itself from Catherine the Great and the overwhelming Russian and Greek influences that have made it the jewel of not only the Black Sea but of all of South Western Russia as well.

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city.

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Here is a question to ask the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God next time you see her. What flag does she believe should fly over Odessa? Should it be the Russian flag, the Soviet hammer and sickle, the Nazi swastika, the flag of Zelensky’s rump Reich or one of the other flags that have flown over Odessa down the years?

If you wonder why the Virgin Mary should concern herself with that question, let me enlighten you. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Cardinal Secretary of State, recently visited Ukraine’s Marian Shrine of Berdichev, after which he declared that nothing is impossible for God. As the Virgin Mary always has God’s ear and, as the Berdichev shrine is the most important Latin (or Roman) Catholic shrine in all of Ukraine, it would make good sense for Our Lady of Berdichev to make the call and for Russia and Ukraine to leave things at that.

Not that they could. And not that Parolin, the Vatican’s top diplomat, wants to leave it at that either. Not content with visiting Berdichev and hobnobbing with sundry Nazis in Kiev, Parolin hot footed it to Odessa, where he put his diplomatic feet very undiplomatically into the hot and cold wars raging between Russia and the Zelensky Reich.

Although Parolin had, as the Vatican’s top diplomat, cause enough to go to both Kiev and Berdichev, he should not have traveled the more than 500 km south to Odessa and, under no circumstances, should he have stepped foot inside Odessa’s Orthodox Cathedral of the Transfiguration, which is currently under occupation by Zelensky’s religious imposters.

Although Parolin was well within his rights to visit Odessa’s Latin and Greek Catholics, playing footsie with Zelensky’s brown Orthodox priests is an ecumenical bridge too far, at least, until God kisses and makes up with the devil and Russia’s faithful allow MI6’s Pussy Riot and Femen fifth columnists desecrate every last one of their icons.

Not that such blasphemies would quite equate in depravity to Parolin’s civil and religious outrage. From a civil point of view, Russia has more claim to Odessa than bottom feeding fraudsters like Zelensky. Not only did Catherine the Great found the city (only to have the Nazis recently dismantle and remove her statue) but, their sham plebiscites aside, they have done so despite the wishes of her citizens, many of whose relatives the Nazis incinerated in NATO’s “mostly peaceful” 2014 colour revolution Maidan pogroms.

Although Odessa has always been a multi-cultural city, those different cultures took largely opposite sides during Hitler’s October 1941 Siege of Odessa when the Russians battled it out with the Germans, Italians, Romanians and their Banderite camp followers. And, after the Banderites then occupied Odessa for 907 days, with a loss of 82,000 dead, the city was again subjected to heavy land, sea and air combat when the same belligerents again slugged it out between 26 March-14 April 1944 following which, on 1 May, 1945, Moscow declared Odessa a Hero City.

If we roll the reel further backwards, we come to the Odessa Steps sequence in Battleship Potemkin (seen here), universally acknowledged as one of the most influential ever clips in cinematic history and more than enough to immortalise Odessa in celluloid forever.

Though countless more events like these justify Catherine the Great’s Odessa being made a UNESCO World Heritage site, it is crucial to see that UNESCO only awarded the city that (coveted?) designation in 2023 when NATO’s proxy war against Catherine the Great’s Russia was in full swing. And, to add insult to injury, although UNESCO’s relevant page directs us to a Ukrainian/Russian site, it is important to note that that latter Ukrainian site has not a word of Catherine the Great’s Russian in it.

My conclusion that the Vatican and UNESCO have sided with Ukraine in this war is further strengthened by this Vatican report of Parolin’s idiotic visit to the Orthodox Cathedral which, in the ordinary course of events, would be a great, noble and ecumenical thing to do.

Just so we understand the religious lie of the land here, we are dealing with at least five Christian churches, the Roman (or Latin) Catholic Church, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, which follows Eastern rites but is in communion with Rome; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), which the Banderites are trying to wrest from Moscow; the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate), which was formerly declared to be in schism because of Banderite infiltration; and the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, which the Banderites forced to merge with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv Patriarchate) to form the (Azov controlled) Orthodox Church of Ukraine.

Note that the only group missing from that lot is the Russian Orthodox Church, to which most Ukrainian Orthodox Christians adhered to before NATO unleashed their thugs at the time of Maidan. Note, also, I am with the Virgin Mary on all this and, in my opinion at least, we can never have enough shrines to her in Ukraine, Russia or anywhere else. That said, all relevant churches and shrines should be to the Virgin Mary and not to Zelensky or any of his inked up thugs. Not only that, but Parolin and his type should not be abusing the Virgin Mary to play footsie with inked up Nazis unless and until Ukraine’s Orthodox Christians can again practice their faith without the scum of that detestable rump Reich abusing them in the manner we have become accustomed to seeing them being abused as documented, inter alia, here, here, here and, as documented by my good self, here.

Parolin and the entire Vatican are so far up their own backsides they sound like Genocide Joe Biden on an off day. Here, for example, is the Pope, calling for an “Olympic truce for war-torn nations”. But guess what? Russia and even Belarus are ostracised from the Olympics just because they object to Orthodox priests being beaten up, a “sport” Ukraine would be sure to be Olympic champions at, if the International Olympic Committee would only introduce it as a sport.

Less far-fetched than you might think, in this world where UNESCO deems Catherine the Great’s Odessa a cultural heritage highlight, just to give the crass Zelensky some skin in the cultural wars. But it is not just creeps like Zelensky and Parolin. Here, from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College for PDF download is the 2012 master’s thesis of Major Pavlo Savchenko, of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who holds a B.S. from their Odessa Army Academy. His thesis, written years before the 2014 Odessa Maidan massacre, concerns itself with how to apply the lessons of the earlier 1940s Banderite OUN insurgents to today’s problems of how to deploy useful idiots like Parolin to extirpate all things Russian from Odessa.

Bluntly put, Odessa is a Russian city, just as Valletta, the jewel of the Mediterranean, is a beautiful Maltese city. But, just as Valletta would never deny its formative Arab, Roman, Norman and French influences or, indeed, that Britain’s King George awarded Malta his George’s Cross Award for its people’s heroism during Hitler’s Siege of Malta, so also must Odessa never be allowed divorce itself from Catherine the Great and the overwhelming Russian and Greek influences that have made it the jewel of not only the Black Sea but of all of South Western Russia as well.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 17, 2025

See also

January 29, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 17, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.