Tag: Religion

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Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
Santiago Matamoros, Spain’s St James the Apostle
July 25, 2024

Spain’s Reconquista is one of the most pivotal events in world history and St James, along with King Alfonso, Charlemagne, el Cid and all their followers can be proud of the role they played in it.

O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
July 22, 2024

Ignorar as religiões como se fossem atividades puramente privadas e não tivessem repercussões sérias na esfera pública impede o Estado de se antecipar ao surgimento de seitas perigosas, o que propicia fenômenos como o narcopentecostalismo.

O casamento entre narcotráfico e sionismo evangélico no Brasil
The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
The marriage between drug trafficking and Evangelical Zionism in Brazil
July 21, 2024

Ignoring religions as if they were purely private activities and had no serious repercussions in the public sphere prevents the State from anticipating the emergence of dangerous sects, which facilitates phenomena like narco-pentecostalism.

Archbishop Viganò’s case against the Pope
June 30, 2024

As the elderly Francis is set in his ways, he is unlikely to get his Damascene moment this side of the Pearly Gates or, for that matter, Davy Jones’ locker.

Archbishop Viganò’s case against the Pope
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Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
Inquisition Redux at the Vatican
June 26, 2024

The initiation by the Vatican of canonical proceedings against gadfly Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano marks a significant new development in the deepening crisis within the Roman Catholic church.

With Washington’s tacit approval, Ukraine persecutes its “wrong” Christians
May 30, 2024

God’s chosen nation has its own ideas of higher righteousness. Perhaps Washington seriously believes that the American hand has a firm grip on God.

With Washington’s tacit approval, Ukraine persecutes its “wrong” Christians
O Estado repressor e eugenista do liberal John Stuart Mill
O Estado repressor e eugenista do liberal John Stuart Mill
May 27, 2024

O Estado de Mill deve regular uma coisa tão íntima e essencial quanto a reprodução humana.

Voters’ views of Trump and Biden differ sharply by religion
May 26, 2024

The latest Pew Research Center survey finds that most registered voters who are White Christians would vote for Republican Donald Trump over Democrat Joe Biden if the 2024 presidential election were held today. More than half of White Christians think Trump was a “great” or “good” president and don’t think he broke the law in an effort to change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Voters’ views of Trump and Biden differ sharply by religion
Editor's Сhoice