Tag: Russian Orthodox Church

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Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
Rome, the Eternal City and the Eternal Truths
June 2, 2024

The process of working towards Eternal Truths cannot begin until the Pope cleans the Eternal City of NATO’s dross and barnacles.

Moscow as the Third Europe, and a Fourth there will never be…
May 23, 2024

It is important to preserve the values of Western Christian civilization, European civilization, Russian Defence Minister says.

Moscow as the Third Europe, and a Fourth there will never be…
The West is enabling the repression of the Russian Orthodox Church and the arrest of priests in Ukraine
The West is enabling the repression of the Russian Orthodox Church and the arrest of priests in Ukraine
May 10, 2024

The restriction of religious freedom and the arrest of Russian clergy is another crime against its own people by the Ukrainian regime.

Holy war over holy war in Ukraine
April 21, 2024

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war.

Holy war over holy war in Ukraine
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In Search of God
In Search of God
January 7, 2023

Wherever Jesus now dwells, His finger is not wrapped around the trigger of a Walther P38 or a M142 HIMARS.

The Last Liturgy…
January 4, 2023

The Kiev Nazi junta is taking decisive steps to eradicate every vestige of Russian Orthodox heritage on the territory it still controls.

The Last Liturgy…
From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium
From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium
January 3, 2023

Theology should be kept as simple as Steinbeck’s East of Eden classic, which gets a bunch of Chinese chaps to reinterpret the Cain and Abel fable.

Banning the Russian Orthodox Church
May 13, 2022

Pope Francis cannot be all things to all men. He can take either Patriarch Kirill’s Road to Damascus, or von de Leyen’s road to NATO serfdom. He cannot take both.

Banning the Russian Orthodox Church