Declan Hayes
April 21, 2024
© Photo: Social media

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war.

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Vatican News, to whom we shall shortly return, informs us of a major spat between the Russian Orthodox Church and the self-styled World Council of Churches over a decree by the World Russian Peoples Council allegedly claiming that the war in Ukraine is a holy war.

According to Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, the shady South African who currently fronts the World Council of Churches, they cannot agree with Russian Patriarch Kirill, under whose presidency the annual council meetings of the World Russian Peoples Council are held, that ‘the special military operation [in Ukraine] is a Holy War’.

Not only has Patriarch Kirill reiterated that any references he had made to “holy war” in the Ukrainian (and Baltic?) context were related to the metaphysical realm, not to the physical armed conflict in Ukraine but he also agreed with the WCC general secretary that no war of armed violence can be “holy.”

And good on him but not on the self-styled World Council of Churches which, according to Vatican News, “since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, WCC’s highest governing bodies…explicitly denounced the invasion of Ukraine as illegal and unjustifiable.” In addition, the holy hypocrites of the WCC reject “any misuse of religious language and authority to justify armed aggression and hatred.”

Well, bully for their canned sound bites and bully for the Catholic Church, which is not a member of that cabal, for carrying their statement without giving the Russian Orthodox Church the right to an appropriate reply. If the Catholic Church wishes to be press agents and general lickspittles for MI6’s World Council of Churches, so be it.

Neither the Russian Government nor the Russian Armed Forces’ High Command have called for a holy war in Ukraine and nor, of course, have Russia’s sizable contingents of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and atheists. What is of concern to them and what should be of paramount concern to Patriarch Kirill and to all men and women of God is the systematic, blatant and merciless persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church and affiliated churches in Ukraine and the Baltic bastard states.

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war and I have previously written about this under the title Kiev’s Kristallnacht.

But so too have the World Council of Churches in this article and others like it, where they tell us that “At least 494 religious buildings in Ukraine have been destroyed, damaged, or looted as a result of the Russian invasion—and seizure of religious buildings for use as Russian military bases increases the scale of destruction of religious sites in Ukraine” and that churches, mosques, and synagogues “in the occupied Donetsk (at least 120), Luhansk (more than 70) and Kyiv (sic) region (70)” have suffered most. Not only that but “believers and clergy often became targets for Russian occupation authorities because of the Ukrainian language, belonging to a different denomination, or for any other manifestation of Ukrainian identity”.

Forget the fact that all of that contradicts every iota of the available evidence and, with one eye on the Anglicans’ Lambeth Palace spy network, ask yourself why the World Council of Churches source that article from “The Institute for Religious Freedom (IRF Ukraine), a non-governmental human rights organisation founded in 2001 in Kyiv” (sic), most likely by MI6 who specialise in seeding such fifth columnist outlets.

What next from this World Council of Churches, a report on ecumenical church burning in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan, which should affiliate itself with this MI6 front group, whose emphasis on made up prayers and controlled bible study fits in squarely with the best traditions of the Klan but which is at odds with the much greater and far holier Catholic and Orthodox traditions they subvert.

But, as their affiliated churches include very many of the persecuted Churches of the Middle East, they subvert much more than that. One of the major problems for those Churches, which include Palestinian members of the Greek Orthodox Church, is that MI6 and Mossad have ensured their Western brothers and sisters in Christ are, at best, fair weather allies. In the case of the Anglican “Church”, should any of their pastors be as overly critical of Israel as Rev Stephen Sizer was, they will be similarly eviscerated. The Anglican Church, recall, installed Israeli asset Rev Andrew White as the so-called Vicar of Baghdad with the explicit objective of destroying the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Churches which had been in Iraq since the time of the Apostles.

Although Mossad’s NGO Monitor are as critical of the World Council of Churches as they are of all other groups who do not fully toe the Zionist line, don’t let Lambeth Palace’s pious machinations fool you. Irrespective of what Patriarch Kirill may say and irrespective of how Lambeth Palace and their Vatican lickspittles might spin it, there is a holy war in Ukraine, just as there was (and is) a holy war in Belfast and there are far too many dead and imprisoned Russian Orthodox believers in Ukraine to negate that point. Not only that, but those who mourn them must pray for the repose of their souls in secret as their Russian Orthodox religion has been outlawed. And all of that with the connivance of the World Council of Churches who should stick to reading their Bibles and not opining on religion, politics or anything else they are clearly unqualified to comment upon.

Holy war over holy war in Ukraine

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war.

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Vatican News, to whom we shall shortly return, informs us of a major spat between the Russian Orthodox Church and the self-styled World Council of Churches over a decree by the World Russian Peoples Council allegedly claiming that the war in Ukraine is a holy war.

According to Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, the shady South African who currently fronts the World Council of Churches, they cannot agree with Russian Patriarch Kirill, under whose presidency the annual council meetings of the World Russian Peoples Council are held, that ‘the special military operation [in Ukraine] is a Holy War’.

Not only has Patriarch Kirill reiterated that any references he had made to “holy war” in the Ukrainian (and Baltic?) context were related to the metaphysical realm, not to the physical armed conflict in Ukraine but he also agreed with the WCC general secretary that no war of armed violence can be “holy.”

And good on him but not on the self-styled World Council of Churches which, according to Vatican News, “since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, WCC’s highest governing bodies…explicitly denounced the invasion of Ukraine as illegal and unjustifiable.” In addition, the holy hypocrites of the WCC reject “any misuse of religious language and authority to justify armed aggression and hatred.”

Well, bully for their canned sound bites and bully for the Catholic Church, which is not a member of that cabal, for carrying their statement without giving the Russian Orthodox Church the right to an appropriate reply. If the Catholic Church wishes to be press agents and general lickspittles for MI6’s World Council of Churches, so be it.

Neither the Russian Government nor the Russian Armed Forces’ High Command have called for a holy war in Ukraine and nor, of course, have Russia’s sizable contingents of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and atheists. What is of concern to them and what should be of paramount concern to Patriarch Kirill and to all men and women of God is the systematic, blatant and merciless persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church and affiliated churches in Ukraine and the Baltic bastard states.

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war and I have previously written about this under the title Kiev’s Kristallnacht.

But so too have the World Council of Churches in this article and others like it, where they tell us that “At least 494 religious buildings in Ukraine have been destroyed, damaged, or looted as a result of the Russian invasion—and seizure of religious buildings for use as Russian military bases increases the scale of destruction of religious sites in Ukraine” and that churches, mosques, and synagogues “in the occupied Donetsk (at least 120), Luhansk (more than 70) and Kyiv (sic) region (70)” have suffered most. Not only that but “believers and clergy often became targets for Russian occupation authorities because of the Ukrainian language, belonging to a different denomination, or for any other manifestation of Ukrainian identity”.

Forget the fact that all of that contradicts every iota of the available evidence and, with one eye on the Anglicans’ Lambeth Palace spy network, ask yourself why the World Council of Churches source that article from “The Institute for Religious Freedom (IRF Ukraine), a non-governmental human rights organisation founded in 2001 in Kyiv” (sic), most likely by MI6 who specialise in seeding such fifth columnist outlets.

What next from this World Council of Churches, a report on ecumenical church burning in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan, which should affiliate itself with this MI6 front group, whose emphasis on made up prayers and controlled bible study fits in squarely with the best traditions of the Klan but which is at odds with the much greater and far holier Catholic and Orthodox traditions they subvert.

But, as their affiliated churches include very many of the persecuted Churches of the Middle East, they subvert much more than that. One of the major problems for those Churches, which include Palestinian members of the Greek Orthodox Church, is that MI6 and Mossad have ensured their Western brothers and sisters in Christ are, at best, fair weather allies. In the case of the Anglican “Church”, should any of their pastors be as overly critical of Israel as Rev Stephen Sizer was, they will be similarly eviscerated. The Anglican Church, recall, installed Israeli asset Rev Andrew White as the so-called Vicar of Baghdad with the explicit objective of destroying the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Churches which had been in Iraq since the time of the Apostles.

Although Mossad’s NGO Monitor are as critical of the World Council of Churches as they are of all other groups who do not fully toe the Zionist line, don’t let Lambeth Palace’s pious machinations fool you. Irrespective of what Patriarch Kirill may say and irrespective of how Lambeth Palace and their Vatican lickspittles might spin it, there is a holy war in Ukraine, just as there was (and is) a holy war in Belfast and there are far too many dead and imprisoned Russian Orthodox believers in Ukraine to negate that point. Not only that, but those who mourn them must pray for the repose of their souls in secret as their Russian Orthodox religion has been outlawed. And all of that with the connivance of the World Council of Churches who should stick to reading their Bibles and not opining on religion, politics or anything else they are clearly unqualified to comment upon.

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war.

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Vatican News, to whom we shall shortly return, informs us of a major spat between the Russian Orthodox Church and the self-styled World Council of Churches over a decree by the World Russian Peoples Council allegedly claiming that the war in Ukraine is a holy war.

According to Rev. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, the shady South African who currently fronts the World Council of Churches, they cannot agree with Russian Patriarch Kirill, under whose presidency the annual council meetings of the World Russian Peoples Council are held, that ‘the special military operation [in Ukraine] is a Holy War’.

Not only has Patriarch Kirill reiterated that any references he had made to “holy war” in the Ukrainian (and Baltic?) context were related to the metaphysical realm, not to the physical armed conflict in Ukraine but he also agreed with the WCC general secretary that no war of armed violence can be “holy.”

And good on him but not on the self-styled World Council of Churches which, according to Vatican News, “since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, WCC’s highest governing bodies…explicitly denounced the invasion of Ukraine as illegal and unjustifiable.” In addition, the holy hypocrites of the WCC reject “any misuse of religious language and authority to justify armed aggression and hatred.”

Well, bully for their canned sound bites and bully for the Catholic Church, which is not a member of that cabal, for carrying their statement without giving the Russian Orthodox Church the right to an appropriate reply. If the Catholic Church wishes to be press agents and general lickspittles for MI6’s World Council of Churches, so be it.

Neither the Russian Government nor the Russian Armed Forces’ High Command have called for a holy war in Ukraine and nor, of course, have Russia’s sizable contingents of Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and atheists. What is of concern to them and what should be of paramount concern to Patriarch Kirill and to all men and women of God is the systematic, blatant and merciless persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church and affiliated churches in Ukraine and the Baltic bastard states.

To those who are killing Russian Orthodox Christians, beating up their priests and ransacking their churches, this is very much a holy war or, to be more precise, a very unholy war and I have previously written about this under the title Kiev’s Kristallnacht.

But so too have the World Council of Churches in this article and others like it, where they tell us that “At least 494 religious buildings in Ukraine have been destroyed, damaged, or looted as a result of the Russian invasion—and seizure of religious buildings for use as Russian military bases increases the scale of destruction of religious sites in Ukraine” and that churches, mosques, and synagogues “in the occupied Donetsk (at least 120), Luhansk (more than 70) and Kyiv (sic) region (70)” have suffered most. Not only that but “believers and clergy often became targets for Russian occupation authorities because of the Ukrainian language, belonging to a different denomination, or for any other manifestation of Ukrainian identity”.

Forget the fact that all of that contradicts every iota of the available evidence and, with one eye on the Anglicans’ Lambeth Palace spy network, ask yourself why the World Council of Churches source that article from “The Institute for Religious Freedom (IRF Ukraine), a non-governmental human rights organisation founded in 2001 in Kyiv” (sic), most likely by MI6 who specialise in seeding such fifth columnist outlets.

What next from this World Council of Churches, a report on ecumenical church burning in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan, which should affiliate itself with this MI6 front group, whose emphasis on made up prayers and controlled bible study fits in squarely with the best traditions of the Klan but which is at odds with the much greater and far holier Catholic and Orthodox traditions they subvert.

But, as their affiliated churches include very many of the persecuted Churches of the Middle East, they subvert much more than that. One of the major problems for those Churches, which include Palestinian members of the Greek Orthodox Church, is that MI6 and Mossad have ensured their Western brothers and sisters in Christ are, at best, fair weather allies. In the case of the Anglican “Church”, should any of their pastors be as overly critical of Israel as Rev Stephen Sizer was, they will be similarly eviscerated. The Anglican Church, recall, installed Israeli asset Rev Andrew White as the so-called Vicar of Baghdad with the explicit objective of destroying the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian Churches which had been in Iraq since the time of the Apostles.

Although Mossad’s NGO Monitor are as critical of the World Council of Churches as they are of all other groups who do not fully toe the Zionist line, don’t let Lambeth Palace’s pious machinations fool you. Irrespective of what Patriarch Kirill may say and irrespective of how Lambeth Palace and their Vatican lickspittles might spin it, there is a holy war in Ukraine, just as there was (and is) a holy war in Belfast and there are far too many dead and imprisoned Russian Orthodox believers in Ukraine to negate that point. Not only that, but those who mourn them must pray for the repose of their souls in secret as their Russian Orthodox religion has been outlawed. And all of that with the connivance of the World Council of Churches who should stick to reading their Bibles and not opining on religion, politics or anything else they are clearly unqualified to comment upon.

The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

See also

March 4, 2025
January 29, 2025

See also

March 4, 2025
January 29, 2025
The views of individual contributors do not necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation.